October 26, 2003

Bush sucks up to Israel - CNN

CNN gave Bush the Political Play of the Week for sucking up to the Jewish vote. It started when Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad said, "The Europeans killed six million Jews out of twelve million, but today these Jews rule the world by proxy, "Mahathir said. "They get others to fight and die for them."

After 4 days of silence on the subject, according to CNN, Bush met with the prime minister "privately" (if it was private - then why do we all know about it?) denouncing his remarks about Jews "wrong and divisive."

According to CNN, "The White House made sure the president's private comments got plenty of attention."

CNN goes on to award Bush the Political Play of the Week stating:

Republicans see an opening with Jews.

"There is a big bid afoot in the Jewish community to make the case that President Bush is the best president for Israel ever," Kessler said.

The GOP saw a payoff in last year's midterm elections.

Nationwide, Jewish support for Republican House candidates had mostly been in the 30 percent range during the 1980s.

In the 90s, GOP support among Jewish voters fell.

Then suddenly last year, the Jewish Republican vote went back up to 35 percent.

Jews make up only 3 percent of voters nationwide. But, they are a major source of campaign money for Democrats.

Republicans are not as dependent on Jewish contributions. But they may have another motive. "It's about peeling off money that might go to the Democrats," Kessler said.

Especially now that Bush has spoken out against an outrageous, anti-Semitic slur.

"Whether you want to say he did it too late or he did not do it loud enough or whatever, he did it," concluded Kessler.

And it was the political Play of the Week.


So - let me see if I understand this. Muslims accused Jews of ruling the world by proxy, and Bush gets political play of the week by showing Jews that he is willing to act as their proxy by denouncing the very statement that his own actions are proving to be true.

hmmmmmmmmm ......

I sure hope that Jews aren't foolish enough to buy this.

Furthermore - what Israel is doing to the Palistinians is wrong. I've given this a lot of thought and the excuse that "they did it to us first" or "they are more guilty" just doesn't cut it. Here's why:

First - let's assume the above two statement are true - so what? Israel is not just targeting enemy combatants. They are targeting innocent civilians who are just trying to live their lives in peace. They are knowingly killing innocent men, women, and children, bulldosing their homes, bulldozing their medical clinics, bulldosing their crops, all in order to terrorize them. Is there any chance that this behaviour will lead to peace? None! Will it make Israelies safer? Absolutely not! Is there any upside to Israel's behaviour that will help anyone on either side? No!

Therefore what the government of Israel is doing is wrong regardless of any other factors and it is the duty of the good peace loving people of the planet to resist this and say No to the right wing government of Israel. This is wrong and I speak out against it.

War and the slaughtering of innocent people is always a thing to be ashamed of. War is always a result of the failure of peace. And for those who would call my coments anti-semitic - well - I challenge you then to explain how what I say is worse for Jews than the actions of the Israeli government who is playing the Holocaust card as an excuse for murder and doing so in the name of Judiasm.

I ask you this question - are Jews a people of Peace or a people of War? Is it beyond the ability of Jews to live in peace with Palistinians? Or - is driving Pailistinians from their homes and killing innocent people the only solution? And - do you really think that you are the chosen people and that God supports this kind of behaviour? Well - if you do then God is pretty fucked up.

I'm not the one who's anti-semitic here - the right wing Israeli government is. Judiasm is a religion in denial - and it's time to wake up and join the real world!

Posted by marc at October 26, 2003 11:27 PM | TrackBack

Yes, Marc, you are an anti-Semite, and a rather vulgar one at that.

One, Matahir's comments that "Jews rule the world" was classic anti-Semitism, and you not only side with him, you trash those who challenge him on it, saying that (rightly) challenging his bigotry therefore proces that jews do indeed rule the world.

Second, Israel is driven to do these things only as a result of Palestinian terrorism. When Israel acts, however reckless their actions may sometimes turn out to be, they are always going in to target terrorists. When Palestinians act, they do it solely to kill Jews indiscriminately.

Third, your question "are Jews a people of Peace or a people of War?" only goes to show that you engage in the classic act of groupthink--it's not about Israel, or the ruling Likud party, to you it's about Da Joooz.

You sir, are a bigot. And a rather ugly one at that. A shame.

Posted by: Sean at October 27, 2003 02:55 PM

Well Sean,
at one time I would have cringed at being called anti-semitic. Well no longer. Jews in this country support a faschist gov't in Israel.
I am not intimidated by the EMPTY invective.
God has been telling Jews to kill inconvienient populations for so long the history is lost in time and bushes burned and seas parted...great theatre!
As a Buddhist I am amazed with the idea of one god that TELLS followers rather than letting people find the truth from within.
The best essay I have read recently is atNY Review of Books 10/23/03 by Tony Judt.
He equates Zionism with all the 19th century nationalist movements. You might get the big picture Sean.
Thank you.
Gregg Bratt

Posted by: Gregg at October 28, 2003 07:52 AM

Anyone who embraces anti-Semitism, or any other form of bigotry is a rather sick individual. Bravo.

You, like Perkel, engage in hate-filled groupthink. It's all about the Jews (or whatever group you choose to hate). It would be as if one were to hold all Buddhists responsible for the act of any Buddhist. However, since it's Jews, small-minded and loathsome hatemongers like you and Perkel have no problem with such sentiments.

Judt is a Eurotrash lunatic. His description of Israel as a 19th century anachronism and his call for its destruction is typical leftist lunacy. Predictably, he makes no mention of the anachronistic situation that led to the creation of a Jewish state -- that medieval hatred of the Jews remained so prevalent across the world, with no country prepared to take them in after World War Two, that a state of their own was the only way of guaranteeing their safety.

Judt's proposal is a binational state. That was tried when Israel was created in 1948. Their savage neighbors put an end to that notion rather quick by attacking the state on the date of its independence.

You claim that "God has been telling Jews to kill inconvienient populations for so long the history is lost in time and bushes burned and seas parted". Would you kindly list for me these inconevenient populations that the Jews killed off in the name of God? Preferably with a source.

If you manage to do so, you may actually also prove that committing suicide is not in fact the greatest contribution you could make to mankind. But I won't get my hopes up...

Posted by: Sean at October 28, 2003 12:48 PM

You got a little wound up there slick. Although I was in the USMC from 64-68, I don't advocate ANY killing whether on orders from
(your)God or THE STATE.

Now about my sources about JEWISH ETHNIC CLEANSEING: My source: Lets use the same source as Jews. Joshua and Judges proudly claim World Class massacres.

Euro trash....as in THE FRENCH or THE GERMANS or like OLD EUROPE? I think I've heard all this recently.
Groupthink? how about the walls? How ironic if the hate filled Euro-transplants find themselves stareing out (again) behind their selfmade prisons.
Sean you are dreaming about the future of Israel. Try to think about PEACE, you'll still be a man and it's easier on the mind. Now if that doesn't work for you, you can do volunteer work in Israel but it's for some reason I think you're in the USA and it is easier to have the other guys actually in the war zone.
This country is Israels' only significant ally......and when they finally manage to alienate enough of us, they'll be forced continue their karmic wandering.
While you're slinging arrows Sean, I will remind you that God through (his) proxies, directs the JEWS-MUSLIMS-and CHRISTIANS to kill each other....to an outsider that seems to be a deal breaker....too wierd..too inbred.
I don't blame--too western--but I observe phenomonom.
Your thinking is phenomonal.

Posted by: Gregg at October 28, 2003 07:17 PM

So, now you expand your disdain to Christianity and Islam as well, yet use "Joshua and Judges proudly claim World Class massacres" as your "source" for "JEWISH ETHNIC CLEANSEING [sic]".

Your line of thinking isn't phenomenal, it's barely pedestrian.

Posted by: Sean at October 29, 2003 01:47 AM

Check the sources and stay on the topic.
You seem to be getting desparate.This is good for you.....give yourself a chance to really reflect on the reality of the crisis.....not simply being a spell checker.

I do not disdain monotheism however it certainly is convienient for exp;aining 'why' it's ok to kill if it's sanctioned by...a god(sic).
The book(sic) is what it is, a book.
Why does your God allow a holocaust(sic), then instruct to "go forward and practice this on others"?

Posted by: Gregg at October 29, 2003 05:28 AM

If somebody came and fired you from your house, what you will do, ohhh, you will welcome him with flowers. I guess not! You will fight him.

People in Palestine were living there long time ago, UK has given it self the right to accomudate Jewish in Palestine, Jewish came and fired few Millions of Palestinians out of Palestine, hmmm, let me see, Palestinian now are terrorist because they are trying to get their land back ! Is that the justice you are talking about !

Posted by: Hisham at December 25, 2003 12:38 AM

When will the people of The USA get enough of Israel and quit supporting a terrorist state with tax payer dollars? I for one have had enough. The Palestine only want there land back. BB

Posted by: TexasBill at February 7, 2004 03:46 PM

I am a Jewish male and want to speak my personal opinion about Israel. I actually disagree with both of you in a way, and agree with both as well. Grouping anybody is completely wrong...unless it is done within ones own country as a form of nationalism. I am calling American citizens 'Americans'...Canadian citizens 'Canadians'...get what I'm saying? It was wrong of Marc to group the 'Jews' as the wrongdoers. In fact, many Jews (the Orthodox Jews in particular) are opposed to Zionism and what Israel is doing right now. The fact here is that there is no separation of church and state. Israel, a government...a state...is purely political (at least should be). The fact that it is so closely linked with Judaism makes it very hard to speak out against Israel or simply have an opinion about Israel without being labled 'anti-Semitic'. I have realized that it is safe to speak out against the USA and its leader as much as we would like to here in America...our own country! It is even done on national television. Is there something wrong with this? In my opinion, no. Citizens of a country have the right (or should have the right) to speak their mind about their own country or any other country in an educated way. Was Marc's method of speaking educated? No, absolutely not. In the USA it is nearly impossible to say a single word about Israel that is not supportive of its cause without being labled as an anti-Semite. Is this wrong? Yes, I believe it is. I will give my reasons here...I am a good Jew. The Jewish beliefs do not promote Zionism or a government directly related to the religion. Is there anything wrong with the religion? No, I do not believe there is anything wrong with it at all. Christians who speak out against Jews obviously do not know too much. The two religions are strikingly similar in many ways. Now that I have cleared that up and have probably established myself as somebody who is obviously not anti-Semitic, here is what I feel about Israel.

Being an American, I have been faced with the issue of the words "...under God..." in our Pledge of Aliegence. America, being a democracy, promotes equality for all...this is a democracy afterall. The mention of God in the Pledge really does not show a complete separation of church and state. I personally feel that it should be removed because who are we to say that everybody believes in God...or even the same God? At the same time, Israel has the star of David, the symbol of Judaism on their flag and military vehicles. Israel is the 'home of the Jews'. What gets me about that is what seems to be very undemocratic...that does not promote a welcoming home to non-Jews. Every country will have a minority...the Jews are a minority in the United States and are recognized for that. How would the Jews (or any other non-Christian religious group) react if a cross appeared on the flag of the USA? There would be an immense national issue...possibly international as well.

Now onto the Palestinian issue...I feel that the Zionists (who I am personally not supportive of) have bad intentions for the Palestinians. It seems that there is quite a bit of pro-Israel material (I'd hate to call it propaganda) floating around the United States and finding its way into schools. Let me start off by saying that the Holocaust DID happen...and it was a horrible event in history. Hitler was a horrible man...and I'm sure he is hearing this from hell. I just wanted to get that out of the way before I start. There is a massive amount of Holocaust rememberence in our country...which is not wrong. However, it seems like the Zionists (in relation to Israel) are doing this for other reasons besides rememberence. How often do we hear about Stalin? How often do we hear about Hirohito or the Nanjing Massacre? I do not like to make guesses, but I would guess that the vast majority of the United States is familiar with "The Holocaust"...the Jewish Holocaust which it should be called. However, I would think that most do not know about the Chinese Holocaust by the Japanese where in fact it is estimated by some (some say these are biased estimations, but that can be said about the Jewish Holocaust as well) that approximately 35 million Chinese people were killed from 1931 to 1945 by the Japanese. This leads me to my next point...what I would consider the Palistinian Holocaust by Israel. I do not say by 'the Israelis' because I cannot group them all. I say Israel representing the government. This is not a religous issue...purely political. Whether the Israeli officials controlling these affairs are Jewish, Christian, or even athiest, I do not care. It is not a matter of religion. It has become obvious that Israel wants all Palestinians out. A common argument would be that "THEY blow themselves up and kill innocent Israeli's". True, SOME Palestinians choose to take violent measures...which is completely wrong of them to do. Nothing will be solved by the shed of innocent blood. Numbers are often used in this argument. How the Palestinian population in Israel has increased to approximately 2.5 million (I believe) from 1948 to the present day. If we are playing the 'number game', I would like to know how many total Palestinians have lived in Israel from 1948 to the present day. I would then like to know how many have either successfully or unsuccessfully 'blown themselves up' in Israel. I would guess that this is a very small percentage of the millions of Palestinians who have made Israel their home. It is not 'the Palestinians' who do these things...it is 'some Palestinians'. This goes for any subject. Grouping is commonly done and is wrong. Israel DOES kill innocent Palestinians and it DOES bulldoze their villages. It is simply attempting to gradually erase them from history.

Why is Israel getting away with this? Simply because the government is smart. Israel is a small country and still has much growth to do. Israel has been able to do all these bad things behind the public's eye. Much of this, in my opinion, is due to propaganda. Hitler kept his name rather good for a while...he kept Germany's name good...did not make war seem like an imminent threat to anybody. He held the Olympics...many countries participated...a 'good' image of Hitler...until WHAM! Blitzkrieg. Israel (and its Zionist associations in the USA) have been successful in creating a positive image of their own country and a negative image of Palestine. The conflict is made out to be a simple fight over land when in reality it is much more than that. The murder of innocent Palestinians is rarely heard of. However, the suicide attacks are heard of. American news is biased as it is very hard for any anti-Israel statement to publically surface in the USA...because of the commonly used word "anti-Semitic".

I know many would label me anti-Semitic due to this post. I ask you this...How are my views anti-"Jewish" if I am a good religious Jew with different political views. Are those who call me anti-Semitic in fact mixing our religion with Israel? Is it my obligation as a Jew to believe in everything Israel says and does with the threat of being labled an anti-Semite if I do not comply? Am I bound to set political beliefs and unable to form my own?

My final statement...I will repeat myself again...is that JUDAISM is a religion...ISRAEL is a country. These two should not be directly linked like they are. The words anti-Semitic and anti-Israel should not be interchangable. Would it be safe to call an anti-American an anti-Christian simply because Christians hold the majorit population in the USA? No, that would be a bit silly, wouldn't it? I think wording is a little bit sensitive in this issue and one shoudl not be so open with calling another an anti-Semite. I still believe in separation of church and state...and will stick to that opinion.

I rarely look at this forum so I cannot guarantee that I will see your response. Thanks.

Posted by: Abraham L. at March 30, 2004 11:51 PM

I am a Jewish male and want to speak my personal opinion about Israel. I actually disagree with both of you in a way, and agree with both as well. Grouping anybody is completely wrong...unless it is done within ones own country as a form of nationalism. I am calling American citizens 'Americans'...Canadian citizens 'Canadians'...get what I'm saying? It was wrong of Marc to group the 'Jews' as the wrongdoers. In fact, many Jews (the Orthodox Jews in particular) are opposed to Zionism and what Israel is doing right now. The fact here is that there is no separation of church and state. Israel, a government...a state...is purely political (at least should be). The fact that it is so closely linked with Judaism makes it very hard to speak out against Israel or simply have an opinion about Israel without being labled 'anti-Semitic'. I have realized that it is safe to speak out against the USA and its leader as much as we would like to here in America...our own country! It is even done on national television. Is there something wrong with this? In my opinion, no. Citizens of a country have the right (or should have the right) to speak their mind about their own country or any other country in an educated way. Was Marc's method of speaking educated? No, absolutely not. In the USA it is nearly impossible to say a single word about Israel that is not supportive of its cause without being labled as an anti-Semite. Is this wrong? Yes, I believe it is. I will give my reasons here...I am a good Jew. The Jewish beliefs do not promote Zionism or a government directly related to the religion. Is there anything wrong with the religion? No, I do not believe there is anything wrong with it at all. Christians who speak out against Jews obviously do not know too much. The two religions are strikingly similar in many ways. Now that I have cleared that up and have probably established myself as somebody who is obviously not anti-Semitic, here is what I feel about Israel.

Being an American, I have been faced with the issue of the words "...under God..." in our Pledge of Aliegence. America, being a democracy, promotes equality for all...this is a democracy afterall. The mention of God in the Pledge really does not show a complete separation of church and state. I personally feel that it should be removed because who are we to say that everybody believes in God...or even the same God? At the same time, Israel has the star of David, the symbol of Judaism on their flag and military vehicles. Israel is the 'home of the Jews'. What gets me about that is what seems to be very undemocratic...that does not promote a welcoming home to non-Jews. Every country will have a minority...the Jews are a minority in the United States and are recognized for that. How would the Jews (or any other non-Christian religious group) react if a cross appeared on the flag of the USA? There would be an immense national issue...possibly international as well.

Now onto the Palestinian issue...I feel that the Zionists (who I am personally not supportive of) have bad intentions for the Palestinians. It seems that there is quite a bit of pro-Israel material (I'd hate to call it propaganda) floating around the United States and finding its way into schools. Let me start off by saying that the Holocaust DID happen...and it was a horrible event in history. Hitler was a horrible man...and I'm sure he is hearing this from hell. I just wanted to get that out of the way before I start. There is a massive amount of Holocaust rememberence in our country...which is not wrong. However, it seems like the Zionists (in relation to Israel) are doing this for other reasons besides rememberence. How often do we hear about Stalin? How often do we hear about Hirohito or the Nanjing Massacre? I do not like to make guesses, but I would guess that the vast majority of the United States is familiar with "The Holocaust"...the Jewish Holocaust which it should be called. However, I would think that most do not know about the Chinese Holocaust by the Japanese where in fact it is estimated by some (some say these are biased estimations, but that can be said about the Jewish Holocaust as well) that approximately 35 million Chinese people were killed from 1931 to 1945 by the Japanese. This leads me to my next point...what I would consider the Palistinian Holocaust by Israel. I do not say by 'the Israelis' because I cannot group them all. I say Israel representing the government. This is not a religous issue...purely political. Whether the Israeli officials controlling these affairs are Jewish, Christian, or even athiest, I do not care. It is not a matter of religion. It has become obvious that Israel wants all Palestinians out. A common argument would be that "THEY blow themselves up and kill innocent Israeli's". True, SOME Palestinians choose to take violent measures...which is completely wrong of them to do. Nothing will be solved by the shed of innocent blood. Numbers are often used in this argument. How the Palestinian population in Israel has increased to approximately 2.5 million (I believe) from 1948 to the present day. If we are playing the 'number game', I would like to know how many total Palestinians have lived in Israel from 1948 to the present day. I would then like to know how many have either successfully or unsuccessfully 'blown themselves up' in Israel. I would guess that this is a very small percentage of the millions of Palestinians who have made Israel their home. It is not 'the Palestinians' who do these things...it is 'some Palestinians'. This goes for any subject. Grouping is commonly done and is wrong. Israel DOES kill innocent Palestinians and it DOES bulldoze their villages. It is simply attempting to gradually erase them from history.

Why is Israel getting away with this? Simply because the government is smart. Israel is a small country and still has much growth to do. Israel has been able to do all these bad things behind the public's eye. Much of this, in my opinion, is due to propaganda. Hitler kept his name rather good for a while...he kept Germany's name good...did not make war seem like an imminent threat to anybody. He held the Olympics...many countries participated...a 'good' image of Hitler...until WHAM! Blitzkrieg. Israel (and its Zionist associations in the USA) have been successful in creating a positive image of their own country and a negative image of Palestine. The conflict is made out to be a simple fight over land when in reality it is much more than that. The murder of innocent Palestinians is rarely heard of. However, the suicide attacks are heard of. American news is biased as it is very hard for any anti-Israel statement to publically surface in the USA...because of the commonly used word "anti-Semitic".

I know many would label me anti-Semitic due to this post. I ask you this...How are my views anti-"Jewish" if I am a good religious Jew with different political views. Are those who call me anti-Semitic in fact mixing our religion with Israel? Is it my obligation as a Jew to believe in everything Israel says and does with the threat of being labled an anti-Semite if I do not comply? Am I bound to set political beliefs and unable to form my own?

My final statement...I will repeat myself again...is that JUDAISM is a religion...ISRAEL is a country. These two should not be directly linked like they are. The words anti-Semitic and anti-Israel should not be interchangable. Would it be safe to call an anti-American an anti-Christian simply because Christians hold the majorit population in the USA? No, that would be a bit silly, wouldn't it? I think wording is a little bit sensitive in this issue and one shoudl not be so open with calling another an anti-Semite. I still believe in separation of church and state...and will stick to that opinion.

I rarely look at this forum so I cannot guarantee that I will see your response. Thanks.

Posted by: Abraham L. at March 30, 2004 11:51 PM

A few more issues. Israel is illegally occupying several areas currently and has been since 1967.

What bothers me the most is the lack of American nationalism in many American-Jews. The USS Liberty is the perfect example of this. We know the facts, but it is the reasoning which is controversial. Each person's decision really shows who they choose to believe...American soldiers or Israeli officials (some of whom admitted to the incident as being 'no accident'). Many American-Jews feel a sense of nationalism to Israel (not even their country) to the point where they believe the Israeli officials over the soldiers of their own country. Should Hebrew schools hand out the flags of Israel or America? I personally think the American flag (if any) should be handed out...not the flag of Israel. This is the 'Jews' groupings themselves in this situation. To 'their' homeland. This is some Jews stating that because 'they' have their own 'homeland', 'they' are different from others. This is a perfect example of minorities grouping themselves. I guess it's a personal issue. I am very opposed to how the Palestinians are being treated, and don't like to know that my tax money is going to this, but it does not personally affect me in any other way. But then again...well, I'm sure this poem will do the work for me:

First they came for the Jews and I did not speak out-
because I am not a Jew.
Then they came for the Communists and I did not speak out-
because I am not a Communist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionist and I did not speak out-
because I am not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for me-
and there was no one left to speak out for me.

-Pastor Niemoeller (Nazi victim)

Posted by: Abraham L. at March 31, 2004 12:01 AM

Yeah he totally sucks and so do Cheney and Rumsfeld. Lets not reelect them.

Posted by: online bingo mom at April 30, 2004 02:39 PM

Ha!, HA! you 3%er jews had better tell your top 1% to lay low! Exposure is not Kosher! signed;

Bigot, Hater, Prejudice ...whatever.

Posted by: kevin at September 17, 2004 11:36 PM

Israel is an illegal occupation that subjugates, kills, and humiliates innocent palestinian civilians on a daily basis. Israel has had 70 UN resolutions against it, yet the media portrays Israel as innocent and that it can do no wrong. Furthermore, Israel is an apartheid state. It has recently built a berlinesk wall over hundreds of acres of palestinian farmland. Israel continually destroys semitic homes (arabs are the reall semites) and will kill anyone who stands in their way. Anyone who supports Israel is an anti-semite, they dehumanize the real semites, the arab people.

Posted by: Mark at October 22, 2004 03:02 PM

The Palestinians are not against the Israelis but are against the Israeli government. The Israeli government has no right to kill innocent civilians just to get to somebody they want.

Posted by: Chris at May 14, 2005 12:44 PM

Please, an "anti-semite" is someone jews hate and wish to shut up. Anyone who disagrees with Israel, not matter how wrong Israel is , is branded an "anti-semite" by jews wishing to shut that person up.

Posted by: S.Walker at July 14, 2005 09:47 PM

I have the solution to the problems for BOTH sides! I guaranatee it will work and bring total, lasting peace to the entire area occupided by both Israelis and Palestinians! It's true... do the following, and all the problems will be solved... but you must also first send all Jewish and Palestinian people BACk to those two places.

Then... and here's the solution:


Good, now the ones who want NO PEACE and only death and destruction of each other, will be DEAD... and the ones who figure they can live together in peace, will have all that land for themselves to SHARE.

Just like God intended it in the first place.

Posted by: NEUTRAL at July 16, 2006 04:37 AM

After 4 days of silence on the subject, according to CNN, Bush met with the prime minister "privately" (if it was private - then why do we all know about it?) denouncing his remarks about Jews "wrong and divisive."

Actually, you started your aticle with an out and out lie and tried to make it look as if you got this information from CNN. Bush immediately rebuked him.

If you have to start out telling lies for a premise for your logic then your opinion really does not matter.

Posted by: chris at July 18, 2006 10:21 PM

Marc Perkel is an anti-semite? Isn't he a JEW???!!! Give me a Fucking Break. I find it real Fuct Up that Zionists think they can label Jews as anti-semites! Althogh the Ultra Orthodox Jews against Zionism also belive the Zionists had a hand in the Holocaust. Another thing I find Ironic is that Michael Savage can pretend to be the most bigoted white male in the USA but since he's Jewish and Pro-Israel, he's not a bad guy... Hum... Mossad? Trying to harness the power of the angry white male into a Pro-Israel movement? I don't know. All I do know was that Israel borrowed a bunch of ideas from South African Aparteid Government in the design of their settlements in Palestinian Land. When you point your finger at someone, you have 3 pointing back at you, and in Israel's case, Everyone against them is racist? Look around, see all the facts, and decided for yourself!

Posted by: Frank at March 29, 2007 07:06 PM

im fascinated at how israel (israeli government) always manages a way to justify its actions..

Looking back at the war in lebanon, i still dont understand that all of the destruction they inflicted was carried out in the name of tresspassing, and kidnapping of 2 soldiers. how can/could the whole world suck up to that is beyond my comprehension.

the damages that lebanon has to suffer are far from over, it will probably be another 5 to 10 years before it restores whatever state it was before the war...... all for the price of 2 soldiers..

haha .. im glad im no lebanese or palestinian.

Posted by: Rami at April 19, 2007 11:53 AM
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