December 09, 2003

George W. Bush = Miserable Failure says Google

If you go to Google and type in "misreable failure" it lists Bush's Biography as the first hit. And it's not something Google indented to do deliberately.

Bush actually is a miserable failure. And that's being generous. I would compare him more to the man his grandfather financed to lead Germany in the 1930s.

Posted by marc at December 9, 2003 06:59 AM | TrackBack

Spot on.

Posted by: Matthew Jones at December 11, 2003 06:49 PM

Seems to me your bias fails to look at the issue. Have you actually taken an objective look at this issue?

Posted by: Dimitry M. at February 4, 2004 12:59 AM

You're all retards mwahhahahahahaha just like bushy boy!!

Posted by: Angela at February 9, 2004 08:15 AM

Its more than Bush. The Things going wrong go much deeper. You really want to scare yourself, take a good deep look and truly understand what happened here

Posted by: Webmaster at March 23, 2004 04:16 PM

ummm if any of u have time to make this stupid web site then maybe you guys are dumber then u presume to be already. i bet u guys are consided. get a job and if u have one do it! and this message was not fortuitous or mad by accident!

Posted by: Austin at April 14, 2004 07:27 PM

oh i cant wait to hear what you ass holes come up with after bush "steals" the 04 election this time. get ready you phony americans, r liberals as you like to call yourself. 4 more years!

Posted by: ditto head at August 5, 2004 01:18 PM

Although Bush has a rather shooty foriegn policy if you will look at where the domestic market economy and, the general "state of the union" you will notice he has done quite well. Esp. in comparison to some other presidents. Most noteably Carter. In conclusion I find your point of view closed minded and irrational. And, I hope your ready for another 4 more years.

Posted by: Matt at September 13, 2004 08:27 AM

Bush sux, worst president ever. dumb as a box of rocks. can't talk either.

Posted by: Johnny at September 29, 2004 07:06 PM

"Has done quite well."

Who are you kidding? Have you forgotten the huge budget surplus turned to huge budget deficit, and his atrocious record on the environment, his multi billion dollar welfare handout to his top cronies/lobbyists, and tax cuts favoring the rich.

Bush is a corporation disguised as a human being.

Posted by: Chuck at January 17, 2005 02:16 PM

I think the poor asshole needs another 5 week vacation. I mean really. It takes a lot of effort to F___k up a country as much as he has. And we wouldn't want to ruin his record of being the only president to spend less time in the white house than any other president in American history.
What a FREAKIN JOKE this ass clown is.

Posted by: Greg at September 7, 2005 05:51 PM

This website is now the first result Google returns when one searches for "miserable failure". Personally, I found Bush's biography far more entertaining. Marc, would you consider taking this site down so that Bush's biography can resume being the first result Google returns for "miserable failure"?

Posted by: Benjamin Kay at September 17, 2005 09:46 AM

Just got a mention on "Nobody's Listening" podcast as an example of culture jamming.
Congrats.. hehee

Posted by: Derek at February 8, 2006 05:53 PM

My only question, is where did all the mindless goose steppers come from. They just follow there new man god and claim he is the best,there ever was. I would have never thought Nazi Germany could happen here. But guess what all the cowards, need there security blanket instead of there freedoms! why don't we build prisons for them, then they will finally be safe from the world!

Posted by: Johnny Ringo at February 20, 2006 05:42 AM

Bush has only one sense of feelings for the gay, hatered. and the only feeling i have for him is hatered. but never in my life will i support him. THAT BASTARD!!!!!!

Posted by: River at December 10, 2006 03:45 PM

Take Productions would just pwn George Bush.

Posted by: Jeffrey Maulenbrooks at February 17, 2007 09:45 AM

F__k To fail you must first achieve. Bush was born a failure now thats $MONEY$.

Posted by: bobby at July 25, 2007 07:41 PM
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