... which is why Bush picked him ..... You won't see this story in the GOP controlled press.
US Congressman Porter Goss, nominated to be the new director of the CIA, may be talking himself out of the job, according to film-maker Michael Moore.
Moore, who directed the film Fahrenheit 9/11, has released an interview with Mr Goss in which he says he lacks the qualifications for the top spy post.
"I couldn't get a job with CIA today. I am not qualified," Mr Goss told Moore's production company in March.
The White House has dismissed the interview as "ridiculous hearsay".
The interview did not make it into the final edit of the film, which criticises President George W Bush's policy on Iraq.
But following Mr Goss's nomination by the president, Moore has released the transcript and video excerpt on his website.
"I don't have the language skills. I, you know, my language skills were romance languages and stuff. We're looking for Arabists today. I don't have the cultural background probably," Mr Goss says on the video.
"And I certainly don't have the technical skills, as my children remind me every day: 'Dad, you got to get better on your computer.'
"So, the things that you need to have, I don't have."
Michael Moore has this Video of Porter Goss admitting he is unqualified - but you won't see this on the GOP owned network news.
Did you ever wonder why you aren't seeing this on the network news? Don't you think it's news when the person who was just appointed to head the CIA has admitted that he isn't even qualified to work for the CIA?
do you really think anyone in the GOP is quilified to be there? That would be like me running for office.
Posted by: Joshua gillogly at August 13, 2004 06:58 AMWell, we all know the GOP often buries itself so deeply within its own self-serving politics that common sense is altogether dismissed. This Goss thing is a perfect example.
It was an attempt to get the Democrats to fight Goss' nomination and therefore assume a position "against" the war on terror. Remember - swing voters (many of whom are dumb) don't need much to tilt one way or the other. All it would take would be a momentary pause in Goss' trajectory by the "obstructionist" Democrats and Bush would have what he needs.
If Democrats fight Goss' nomination in any form other than the symbolic, outside-of-the-Capitol-jabs, it'll become THE major tool in the GOP's "Democrats impede the War on Terror" toolbox.
If the Democrats were smart (they are) and brave (they're not) they'd ignore their constituents who think they should protest Goss' nomination.
Let the BFEE pretend they're doing something about the 9/11 commission's recommendations -- while not really doing anything at all. Let Goss slide by, virtually untouched. There is a way to resist fighting Goss' nomination outside of congress while keeping the issue on American's minds:
Kerry and Edwards could periodically use it on the campaign trail and in debates.
Sometimes you've got to sacrifice a pawn or a bishop to get to your enemy's king.
Posted by: Phil Thompson at August 13, 2004 07:06 AMI read somewhere, can't remember where, in case some freeper decides to deride me for not posting a link, that Michael Moore interviewed Goss, but left it out of his movie. The transcipt and that bit has been released and can be viewed on his (MM) site. Goss says he's NOT qualified for the job. If anyone here who owns a small business, speak up: would you hire someone who is unqualified for the job? would you take that chance to lose money? customers? etc? ah, here's the link: http://www.nydailynews.com/front/story/221336p-190150c.html
he said it himself! why would someone hire him for a job he does not qualify for? because that someone also doesn't qualify for his current job? would someone explain to me that bonehead decision? bring it on...
Posted by: charlie chingas at August 13, 2004 11:14 AMHA! I crack myself up! I failed to see that perkel already put that info up. man, do i have a lot on my mind today! i needs a break...
Posted by: charlie chingas at August 13, 2004 12:36 PMIt's probably a case of who he knew that got him nominated, as well as his being a "representative" of Florida.
Posted by: Shadow Hawk at August 13, 2004 06:37 PMGranted, we're getting a sound bite here. I'm curious about the context of the interview, the question Moore asked to prompt Goss' response, and the other things they talked about.
It sounds like Goss is saying that he doesn't have what they're looking for in new operatives today - because the CIA is looking for people with extensive Arabic language and cultural experience - not that he's not qualified for being director.
Ops and Admin require different sets of skills. Goss might not have been in Ops for years. If you're a good director, you consult with your people who have knowledge pertinent to the current situation. That's the way these things work.
Posted by: MadBlue at August 13, 2004 08:20 PMYour right, I had forgotten how some of Michael Moore's stuff is spun out of its original context to make a different point. I agree with your point, MadBlue, A bureaucratic position is much different from a field or agent position, just look at the Defense Department and the White House in comparison to the combat forces they recruit and direct.
Posted by: Shadow Hawk at August 13, 2004 09:32 PMOkay, this is so stupid! If you people believe this propaganda you are complete morons.
First off, Michael Moore is an artist. This film was for entertainment purposes only and had no historical or factual information about them.
Secondly, is Mr. Moore someone you are really going to trust to give you accurate information when he has not a real college degree?
Please tell me that you people are not going to sit back and believe all the things that you see in movies... if I did that I would think that it is possible for things that happened in Alien 3, Armageddon and all the other fictional movies could actually and have actually happened.
Not to mention the film came out before Mr. Goss was nominated by the President…
mad, shadow, you're both right. but look at it this way, knowing what the position calls for and the experience that goss has, should he feel comfortable about taking the position, knowing that he is surround by experienced people? does he feel he has nothing to contribute to that job because of lack of skills? i think these are valid questions. than again, i really don't have an understanding on how that part of the governemt works. and its SOOOOOOOOO (used my shift key) how jes keeps coming back, getting her panties all bunched up, will probably take it out on her family...
Posted by: charlie chingas at August 14, 2004 09:43 AMjes, calm down, I would trust micheal moore before I would trust you. All sides of politics use's propoganda. I really don't know were your going when you say he is using propoganda, because everyone knows thats, its just that micheal moore can prove his shit, try getting rush limbough to prove any of his shit.
"This film was for entertainment purposes only and had no historical or factual information about them."
I wish that were true, but im afraid bush did get elected, bush sent us to war, and 9/11 happened.
Alien 3 and armageddon did happen, what are you talking about? lol
Posted by: Joshua Gillogly at August 14, 2004 11:40 AMMarc,have you seen the latest media spin? Seems Mr. Goss was speaking about not being qualified to be a CIA "FIELD AGENT" not the agency's director. LOL!
Posted by: Mr. Spock at August 14, 2004 11:46 AMcharlie, that's why I'm curious about the rest of the interview. I don't think it was a case of Goss "not knowing who he was talking to" when he gave the interview. I think he was talking about what the CIA is looking for vis a vis operatives today. Goss may very well have the administrative, organizational and leadership skills and experience that the CIA needs in a director. Being surrounded by people who know more about a particular situation is part of the job. Think of it as the "king's advisor", except the advisor changes, depending on the particular situation. Even the top of the CIA has to delegate. He can't know everything about everything, but he has to have the management skills to know what to do with people, resources and information. If, 5 years from now, the Middle East isn't a hot issue and Asia is, the CIA would still be looking for someone with administrative and leadership skills to fulfill the role of director, regardless of their cultural, language and technical background.
Then again, I don't know Goss' qualifications or anything, either. I'm just trying to parse through what we're hearing - whether through the conservative or liberal media - to figure out what the real story is. :)
Posted by: MadBlue at August 14, 2004 11:58 AMJoshua,
Get a job and pay some taxes you child. Your only 16 what do you know about politics and the world... NOTHING! Grow up.
Write a letter to Mr. Moore and ask him if the movie was a documentary or if it was for entertainment... he will tell you it was for entertainment you moron.
Now Charlie, I am not a parent. I live with my husband and our two dogs, cat and fish. We recently bought our first house. I did not get my panties in a wad, I simply think you guys are all complete morons. Can someone not state something with out people assuming things? Btw, when you assume, you make an ass out of yourself...
-Jes, someone better educated and happier with life.
Posted by: Jes at August 14, 2004 01:35 PM
"someone better educated and happier with life."
Also bloating makes you look like an ass too just for future talking points.
I'm more into politics than you ever could be, I have tons of banners and pins supporting Kerry, and just recently I seen him in his tour he has right now. Today I entered up for vulenteering with my community to help support kerry by appealing him at the school I go to. I debate with anyone that wants to and I take up all sorts of media.
Why grow up? don't you wish you were younger? Oh' and the thing about no knowing whats going on in the world, here I can run it down for you
Olympics in greece
Bullshit in Iraq
Terrorist arrests in northern Europe
charley the hurrican just died
yeah thats just the past hour.
Posted by: Joshua Gillogly at August 14, 2004 03:13 PMjes, the more i read your posts, the more i am convinced you're not a parent. with so many animals, you're probably think they're like children. and until you spit one out yourself, or raise on, or two, you'll never know... and lay of josh. we need more people like him. remember, our kids are our greatest resource. it's good to see joshua getting involved at his age, REGARDLESS of which side he is on. it make for a better minde when he gets older. and if you think we're such morons, why continue coming here? you just make yourself look like a bloated ass (time of the month?). if you have noticed, or not, there are many different points of view here, some to the left, others to the right. but name calling and crap like that don't fly. if you do not have anything to add to the board, leave. and mentioning someone's spelling or lack of UsInG tHe ShIfT kEy is not positive contribution.
Posted by: charlie chingas at August 14, 2004 05:21 PMCharlie, who did I call names? I also did not point out your lack of spelling skills, just the shifting problem. You pointed out your spelling issues... I keep coming here because I think the lies that is being sold off here as truth should be fought against.
Joshua, I have been involved in politics for years now and I find that just because you are involved does not mean you know all the facts. I think it is great that you are trying to get involved on a local (grassroots) level. I beg you to learn more about the people you are supporting. Get your information from places other than the internet and websites like this. The person who posts these "stories" is not telling the truths about things. Educate yourself in a lage varity of places, please!
When I get an e-mail that tells me about something I have no clue about, I research it. Over half the time I find out that it is not true and I send it back to those who sent it to me so that they can learn about the lies.
Want to learn more about how Mr. Moore makes the democrates hate him??? Check out a few of these websites. You guys might learn something about what a dishonest person Michael Moore, John Kerry and other people are.
These websites are not Pro-Bush or Right Wing. They talk about some of the bad things that have happened under the Bush administration as well. They do make it VERY clear that Moore is just an artist, not a historian.
Have a great day!!!
P.S. - Should I think that the Blair Witch Trial was real!?!?! It was a "documentary"...
Posted by: Jes at August 14, 2004 08:55 PMHere have a look at this too. This is right from the white house... directly from the mouths of President Bush and Mr. Goss.
Posted by: Jes at August 14, 2004 09:05 PMjes, jes, jes, i was not referring to you about the spelling. feeling guilty? also, before you start telling anyone to educate yourself, why dont YOU educate yourself about your so-called hispanic friends. why don't you repond to my post (Now Keyes is the Carpetbagger)? hmm??? that's what i thought. i bet you feel really empowered when u cum here. i know i do...
Posted by: charlie chingas at August 14, 2004 09:15 PMIm not really going to read those, i know the bad things about mr. kerry and I really don't care about micheal moore, I don't understand why you obsess with him so much, I don't. No matter how much crap I hear about kerry I hear 10X more crap about bush.
Plus im for kerry because I believe in stem-cell-research, education, Medicare, like you said earlier to get a job? how am i sopossed to when this president sends them over seas.
Im also for higher tax's, when did it come to the point were america's are afraid of decent taxs? Raising tax's and haveing better medicare, education, law enforcment, firemen, and so on and so fourth is better then have a huge deficit and none of the above. I know that some people wont be able to pay tax's, but after time with better education and benifits they will be, its time for america to start thinking about the future.
Before you try to call all these issues lies by kerry, Ive been reading his plan for america, a over 250 page booklet. Somthing bush doesnt have, and yes Ive been to georgewbush.com and there is absolutly nothing there besides name-calling and hate. Yes name calling and hate here to, but this isnt kerry's website.
Posted by: Joshua Gillogly at August 15, 2004 05:34 AMJoshua,
I have to correct you on one major issue. President Bush is FOR stem-cell research. He just does not think it should be government funded. If stem-cell research was government funded people would be murdering infants left and right and the government would be paying for it! I personally love stem-cell research. Dude, I should send you an article about stem-cell research that my husband wrote for a newsletter that comes from the civic organization we belong to... Here let me attach is below.
“History is littered with misguided attempts to relieve suffering by cutting ethical corners.” John Kilner, Ph.D., President of The Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity.
The federal government will spend about $28 million on embryonic stem cell research this year. Proponents of this research, mostly politicians, don’t mind subsidizing the calculated destruction of the youngest and most vulnerable members of the human family. Do you feel strongly about this issue? Are you aware of the alternative?
Adult stem cell research, something that you won’t hear Ron Reagan Jr. and the rest of the Democratic Party talking about, currently accounts for the treatment of 45 diseases.
“The claim that embryonic stem cells are the long-sought cure to illnesses such as cancer, Parkinson’s and diabetes is misleading at best and unethical at worst,” said Carrie Gordon Earll, Senior Bioethics Analyst for the Colorado Springs based Focus on the Family group. “While adult stem cells are showing great promise in being used to develop therapies, embryonic stem cells have shown just the opposite: tests have produced tumors in lab animals and there’s no reason to think that would not be repeated in human trials.”
Democrats want us to think that if you oppose embryonic stem cell research, you are a right-wing whacko with “an axe to grind,” yet our concerns are legitimate and the alternatives are sound. The abortion-rights movement (formerly, pro-choice movement) is responsible for over one million abortions in America each year. The majority of these people support the party which ignores scientific programs (adult stem cell research) that are already proving successful.
Will history show our tax dollar sponsoring the killing of a human fetus justified by a politicized misrepresentation of the facts surrounding theoretical research? Embryonic stem cell research has yet to be used as a treatment in even one disease.
For more information about this topic: http://www.falwell.com/?a=p&content=1077559813
Oh and the reason I am so on the topic of Mr. Moore is because that is what this discussion started about...
Posted by: Jes at August 15, 2004 07:30 AMJoshua,
Here are the other points you covered allow me to retort.
Education: Sure the No Child Left Behind act needs to be reformed but until President Bush was in office was the education better? No! With reforms to this act, we can see more improvments in the education of our young. President Bush does not disagree that these reforms need to happen. What has Mr. Kerry done? Read more about it... http://www.ed.gov/nclb/landing.jhtml?src=pb
Outsourcing or Sending jobs over seas: Outsourcing is positive to our economy. Ask Teresa Heinz-Kerry about it... she outsources massive jobs each year. I am not even going to waste my time trying to change your mind on this... outsourcing is a good thing.
Medicare: During President Bush's admistration, he has increased benifits to Medicare and medication through that program. If you want to read more about it please do. Just go to google use the news area and type in Medicare, you will get tons of information about it.
Posted by: Jes at August 15, 2004 07:49 AMOUTSOURCING GOOD LMAO, nice one, the reason jobs are outsourcing is because they can't pay there employees medicare, so that cross's out both of those issues. If outsoucing was good for america we would have a great econemy, and a surplus, not a 7 trillion dollar deficit and 5.6% unemployment rate.
How would you know about education? does your pets go to school? my school recently had to destory three of its other school building (elementry, Jr. High, middleschool) and move everyone into one giant building which isnt good. got stressed out classrooms? also its rated the best school in the district, when its self can't afford anything, we have the worst computers, our books are from the 70's and the desk's look like a new york ally with all the drawlings on them. also I can't have a year of social studies this year because our school can't fund a good teacher for its self.
Posted by: Joshua Gillogly at August 15, 2004 08:33 AM"the reason jobs are outsourcing is because they can't pay there employees medicare"
What the hell are you talking about??? Employees are not paid in medicare.
I know about school because I am a student and I work with other students in the lower levels of schooling. I am working on my BA right now. You can blame the President for the school issues in your district all day, but you might consider looking at your local government instead. They are the ones who are responsible for the budget in your district.
Posted by: Jes at August 15, 2004 12:23 PMbut with their funding being cut every year, how can local school districts decide which programs to keep, which to scrap. which schools get the better supplies... we're talking public education, not i'm paying my way throught college. i've never paid much attention to education funding until our son started school. we have been involved with the pta and other organizations and it seems the lack of funding every year puts a tighter hold on public schools. you say you work lower levels of schooling? what the hell does THAT suppose to mean?
Posted by: charlie chingas at August 15, 2004 04:41 PMYou mean your career doesn't pay for any sort of insurence? any sort of health care? any sort of benifits?
I have two boys going into 4th and 5th grade. Public schools. The whole funding thing is crap. The schools are plenty well funded, it is what they do with the money that should piss you off. VERY VERY seldom is there a cut in spending. When the Republicans are blamed for cutting, they most often are cutting the INCREASE that is coming. Cutting is very seldom cutting. I have a little different bitch. I consider the tax dollars spent on education a purchase of service. I never complain that I am not charged enough for a service, I mostly complain when I am not satisfied with the service. Rather than bitch about the lack of money, start demanding better service for the money you do spend. Let's quit falling for the crap that the NEA spews out. Education is a social service, and no one can point out a social service that has gotten better by throwing more money at what nothing other than a decay in the service.
Posted by: THE TRUTH at August 19, 2004 10:21 AMyou have a poin there, truth. i re-call a story when i lived in cali about some district in SF that hired a new superintedend for an exorbitant amount of money. i remember that angered me when the same district was cutting some programs. i guess a pay raise for the higher eschlons are better than paying teachers or buying school supplies or keeping up the school grounds...
Posted by: charlie chingas at August 19, 2004 10:28 AMJosh, it is time for you to start paying attention in school. Hell, you are attending you might as well pay attention.
-Jobs have been going overseas since 1962. (Bush's fault?)
-As (Jes) has pointed out JFKerry (Heinz) has sent more jobs overseas than Bush could. That is because BIG BUSINESS controls jobs, not Presidents. The reason that big business moves jobs overseas is because American kids who spent their schools year drawing on desk (your words) can't do shit as employees and only the force of union concessions do they have jobs to begin with. Those union concessions drive jobs overseas.
-You are for higher taxes because you do not pay any. I am for a cigarette tax in the area of $10.00 per pack. Not because I think it is right. Simply, because I do not smoke. Are you for students having to do 30 hours a week in community service to help fund their own education?
-I thought that Bush was in support of stem cell research if we used the current stem cells that are available. He is against the government funding the creation of more stem cells. I support stem cell research (Don't tell the Republicans that I said that). But, I do not pick a President on this issue alone. It is not even one of the top five issues.
-Jes, we should not fight stem cell research.
-Jes, with over one million abortions per year over the last 30 years they have wiped out 30 million Democrats. That is not a bad thing. Democrats by nature should be against abortions, but they are too stupid to figure it out. What would the outcome of the last election been if Gore 30 million more votes?
-Josh, your desks at school look like a New York alley with all of the drawings on them ... what the FUCK are you guys doing in school. Learning to destroy shit. Are your UNDERFUNDED teachers incapable of watching over destructive little fucks. You would think that with all of the Ritalin your generations takes that the kids would be more mundane. Quit drawing on the desks, and next year instead of buying a new desk we can funnel that money over to buy a new computer for school.
-Jes, quit with the spelling stuff. At $7,368 per student it is hard to teach them everything. You really need to see some of the drawings on the desk.
Posted by: THE TRUTH at August 19, 2004 11:11 AMChimmi, I moved into a rural township outside Chicago. Heavily Republican. First election I decided that I could give the township more than the current government did. On February 15th, the local Democratic party asked my if I wanted to be slated at the top of their ticket, as nobody petitioned to run. I excepted. I was in bed at the time with a shattered fibula. March 1st I got out of bed and started my campaign. The election was April 1st. I did not know five people in that township. I rang 3,000 doorbells in five weeks and I received 3,300 votes. I lost to a guy who was a teacher in the local high school for 35 years, and an office holder for 15 of those years. He got 6,600. I was the highest Democratic vote getter in the history of the township (since 1836). The next highest Democratic vote getter was just north of 1,000.
What is my point? The local school district wanted to pass a referenda to increase school funding on the next ballot. Who do you think that they turned to? Yes, me. I studied the school problem. Here is what I found out. One school that had K through 6 grades had two principals, and two assistant principals. Each principal had their own assistant. It turns out that they blended two schools together and did not want to dislocate anyone so one was the principal of K-3, and the other the principal of 4-6. At the first public forum I stood up to speak to this large room of residence. I told them that the school funding was needed, but should only be voted for if the school board fixed this insanity, and that every person in the township should call each member of the school board and voice that opinion. I then went and sat in my seat for the rest of the meeting. First thing the next morning the problem was fixed. We then went on to pass the referenda. The third one since 1978, the fourth since 1963. I found plenty of other insane things going on within that system, and I am sure that when you get into the inner-city the system is SO big that the problems multiply.
Posted by: THE TRUTH at August 19, 2004 11:37 AMcomplain about funding? heck, i agreed with you. i was just noting that giving pay raises takes away from speding in other areas that may be better spent. i'm slowly, but surely, learning how the school system is working. little by little i am enlightened. up until our son was born, i could care less of how the school systems worked. now, i try my best to understand and what i can do to fix it...
Posted by: charlie chingas at August 19, 2004 12:06 PMWhat are you talking about??? I have said nothing about spelling...
"-Jes, quit with the spelling stuff. At $7,368 per student it is hard to teach them everything. You really need to see some of the drawings on the desk."
I do not fight stem cell research. I am for stem cell research but not government funded research. I think stem cell research is great! I would love to see things fixed by it. I just am tired of people saying that the only stem cells are the ones that come from people killing their babies... Adults have stem cells too!
"-You are for higher taxes because you do not pay any. I am for a cigarette tax in the area of $10.00 per pack. Not because I think it is right. Simply, because I do not smoke. Are you for students having to do 30 hours a week in community service to help fund their own education?"
"-Jes, with over one million abortions per year over the last 30 years they have wiped out 30 million Democrats. That is not a bad thing. Democrats by nature should be against abortions, but they are too stupid to figure it out. What would the outcome of the last election been if Gore 30 million more votes?"
I agree that they should be against abortions. Expecially since they sit around and say that they are for human rights... a fetus is a human, doesnt it have right?
"-As (Jes) has pointed out JFKerry (Heinz) has sent more jobs overseas than Bush could. That is because BIG BUSINESS controls jobs, not Presidents. The reason that big business moves jobs overseas is because American kids who spent their schools year drawing on desk (your words) can't do shit as employees and only the force of union concessions do they have jobs to begin with. Those union concessions drive jobs overseas."
Look at the big brain on THE TRUTH!!! I wish everyone could understand things like this!
This is what really pisses me off... People now days say things like "I dont want to work at McDonalds" when they are not qualified for anything else because they dropped out of high school and didnt care about their futures but they still expect a better job than McDonalds. I hate that attitude! If you want the jobs to stay in America do not think they are below you, accept the best thing you can get with your qualifications. Most of the jobs that are shipped out of the US are jobs that people in America wouldnt want to do anyway. We get a lower rate of labor over there and bam, our prices on the final product are lower... Get over it, its good for our economy to ship jobs over seas.
Jes, sorry if a pinned blame on you for something you did not do. I actually blasted at these guys for not knowing how to spell, I thought you did too.
Most of the jobs that are shipped over seas are low skill/no skill, low wage/no wage jobs. Sure Americans are pissed, because unions made these low skill/ no skill jobs into high paying jobs. As unions forced the wages higher companies became less profitable. Owning two right now, I do not mind paying employees a good wage, but at the expense of me not making a profit.
The tech shift in employment bothers me, but if a tech in India will do a job for $35,000 that a tech in San Francisco won't do for $100,000 free markets dictate where those jobs will be. Not some guy in the White House.
Josh, how many things around your house were made somewhere else?
Posted by: THE TRUTH at August 19, 2004 04:56 PMyou know, i was affected by the tech industry. after the collapse of silicon valley, i was competing with hundreds of applicants for the few jobs that were available. if a company can save money by off-shoring, then so be it. i think the people that complain about jobs going overseas put their eggs into one basket. in today's world, one needs to be well rounded in the job market. no one is safe from being laid off. so when that happens, the more skilled you are, the better your chances in finding a job. and jes, nice to see you back.
Posted by: charlie chingas at August 19, 2004 07:10 PMCharlie,
I was never really gone. I just stopped posting on the BLOG where you felt it neccessary to call me a 'bitch' and other things.
I was also busy working on something called the Lincoln Day Dinner. Not to mention I just got out on summer break at school, so I had my term papers to turn in. Ahh, the fun of being a student who will not accept anything other than an 'A' average...
The Truth,
Its okay! I understand how one might think I was being mean about spelling. I however suck at spelling so I do not rag on anyone else about it. It would be like the pot calling the kettle black.
I am glad you said what you said in your last post about what kind of jobs they send overseas, I was struggling with a way to state that with out sounding rude or agressive.
I have to add to what you said here though, "Josh, how many things around your house were made somewhere else" or have parts that were made somewhere other than the US?
Posted by: Jes at August 19, 2004 07:59 PMwell, if you weren't so insistive that mexican is a racial slur, i would not have called you a bitch, amongst other things... licoln day dinner. what's that? and i know about not accepting anything average in school. not sounding rude. funny...
Posted by: charlie chingas at August 19, 2004 08:15 PMLincoln Day Dinner is an annual event in the area that I currently am stationed in. Basically, people can buy a general admission ticket for $50 or a private reception ticket for $100 and they get the a very bland and foul meal and they get to listen to someone like the Florida Speaker of the House talk for about 10 minutes. If you pay the $100 then you get a photo with the person who is speaking.
My husband and I get into these thing free because we work on them. Its a good deal. In the last six months I have volunteered over 100 hours... Things like the Lincoln Day Dinner give me hours. One day when I am applying for my Masters program it will reflect very well on me that I have volunteered so much. After all it is very hard to get into the program that I want to be in.
Okay onto the racial slur thing. Now if I called you a 'stupid fucking mexican' that would be a racial slur. In an effort to never be put into a situation where someone my misconstrue what I ment, I will never call someone a 'mexican'. Understand now what I ment?
Posted by: Jes at August 20, 2004 09:21 AMsounds lke a good deal, jes. best of luck to you on your masters. as for the mexican thing, if i did or said something stupid and you called me "stupid fucking mexican", i would perceive that as a racial slur. by calling someone hispanic, that's a racial slur. what if they are from south american? you would call them hispanic? why don't you ask? it's OK to ask. that's why PC is so fucking wrong on so many levels. it keeps people from communicating properly because they are to busy that they might say something that might offend them. i'm not easily offended, unless you call me hispanic. if you'd like, i can send you some info on the history of mexico and the word hispanic and how bundling all spanish speaking people into one group. what do i call people who speak english? should i bundle them into one group? call a stupid fuckin mexican, but don't EVER call me latino or hispanic. i may be first generation american, but my blood is mexika and purepeche (tarascan).
Posted by: charlie chingas at August 20, 2004 09:32 AMp.s. lots of spelling and grammatical errors. my apologies. after reading it, it did not make much sense to me...
Posted by: charlie chingas at August 20, 2004 10:22 AMHow about this, lets talk about the topic these comments are on
"New CIA Chief considers himself unqualified ...
... which is why Bush picked him ..... You won't see this story in the GOP controlled press.
US Congressman Porter Goss, nominated to be the new director of the CIA, may be talking himself out of the job, according to film-maker Michael Moore.
Moore, who directed the film Fahrenheit 9/11, has released an interview with Mr Goss in which he says he lacks the qualifications for the top spy post.
"I couldn't get a job with CIA today. I am not qualified," Mr Goss told Moore's production company in March.
The White House has dismissed the interview as "ridiculous hearsay".
The interview did not make it into the final edit of the film, which criticises President George W Bush's policy on Iraq.
But following Mr Goss's nomination by the president, Moore has released the transcript and video excerpt on his website.
"I don't have the language skills. I, you know, my language skills were romance languages and stuff. We're looking for Arabists today. I don't have the cultural background probably," Mr Goss says on the video.
"And I certainly don't have the technical skills, as my children remind me every day: 'Dad, you got to get better on your computer.'
"So, the things that you need to have, I don't have."
Michael Moore has this Video of Porter Goss admitting he is unqualified - but you won't see this on the GOP owned network news.
Did you ever wonder why you aren't seeing this on the network news? Don't you think it's news when the person who was just appointed to head the CIA has admitted that he isn't even qualified to work for the CIA?"
You guys can go back and forth about w/e all you want but untill you give us some citation its all bs both sides.
Posted by: Joshua gillogly at August 20, 2004 10:47 AMJoshua,
You have nothing to say about the questions directly asked to you? I tried to give you websites where you could learn about what a bunch of lies this all is and you told me you were not going to look at them. "You guys can go back and forth about w/e all you want but untill you give us some citation its all bs both sides." Do you want me to do the work for you? If you really cared about the issues, you would be more than willing to do research about the topic at hand. You obviously are too small minded to get your news from anywhere other than Marc Perkel, who by the way is not a real reporter.
I could not agree more. I hate the whole PC thing. It is such BS. However, I see in the news too often about these people who are being tried for 'hate crimes' because prior to having a confrontation they used a racial slur. Due to these things, I am forced to try and be as PC as I possibly can. I loath it. So we agree. No more calling me names man, that just makes me stop listening or talking. I dont stoop to that level :P
Posted by: Jes at August 20, 2004 08:06 PMjes, no problem here. anyhow, this PC train is out of control. but who's to say what is a racial slur? even though mexican is a race of people, how can that be a racial slur, even if someone used it in a hate crime? so, if someone burned some buildings down and said, let's say, white, or catholic, or jew, are those racial slurs? maybe one day, we as a species, can look beyond our own hatred and fears of others and the unkown and advance as one people. as for joshua, what do you expect from a kid? he's funny at times, but most of the time he's over emotional. i recall being that way at that age. as you mentioned, perkel is not a real reporter. he's just one guy, who posts news bits and gives his opinion on it.
Posted by: charlie chingas at August 20, 2004 10:10 PMjes lemme tell you somthing
marc.perkel.com is a blog
its not a national news media
its not advirtised
its not a news source
its a blog
get over it
if 99.9% of the stuff on this site was false and you could prove every bit of it then I still wouldn't care
why? because this site is funny, and its funny seeing republicans cream there pants over it like you have. Jes I thank you for giving me an ounce of joy.
Posted by: Joshua Gillogly at August 21, 2004 11:49 AMJoshua,
You dont even know what "cream there (it is their not there, there means a location while their means people) pants over it" means. I think what you ment was 'get their panties in a wad' smart guy.
Posted by: Jes at August 21, 2004 04:03 PMumm no, I mean cream lol, getting your pants in a wad is saying you get a wedgie over it. and creaming your pants over somthing means pre-ejaculateing in your pants, and by the way the commet you made really made me think you didn't know what it ment. Jes I also thank you for staying on the comments subject you and the truth tend to vear off the subjects because you two lead us into another subject no one even cares about, like your fish or his 300,000 year job. I thank you for that.
Posted by: Joshua Gillogly at August 21, 2004 05:09 PM