The Democrats are trying to get everyone to vote - especially Democrats. Republicans are working to prevent people from voting - especially Democrats.
Republicans are just trying to stop the 2,000 people who voted electronically before the polls ever opened.
But, I did here that there were a bunch of rich white guys driving around Harlem and Watts in their Mercedes trying to stop African Americans from voting.
Democrats on the other hand are trying to get felons, and dead people to vote.
Posted by: pugmehon at November 2, 2004 11:50 AMMarc, I just wanted to stop in and let you know about the voting irregularity I witnessed at my polling place, which is incidentally a religious right Baptist church. I've posted the story at my site.
Posted by: PTJessup at November 2, 2004 01:46 PMOh hmm, rich white guys in Mercedes cruising through Harlem and Watts. Wow that must be the Bush Drug Cartel.
Posted by: Hope at November 4, 2004 02:07 AM