November 11, 2004

Who is Smarter? People in Red or Blue States?

What is the relationship between IQ and voting? Well - This Site answers the question. And it explains why Republicans want to gut Head Start and education.

Posted by marc at November 11, 2004 06:22 PM | TrackBack

It also explains why states like Texas, Missippi, Alabama, Gerogia and Florida usually rank in the 40's and 50 in education while states like "Tax"-achusetts and New York usually rank high in education.

Posted by: Chris at November 12, 2004 06:08 PM

I really think that it's time for a change. A simple change really.

Instead of the conservatives being the red and the dems blue, wouldn't it make more sense to switch them? Point being, when I think of red I think comm .unism and soc.ialism. Hopefully next election we can have it straightened out.

Posted by: Cirrus at November 19, 2004 12:15 PM
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