The Diva sent me this:
Regarding William P. Cheshire, Governor Jeb Bush's appointee to review Theresa Schiavo's medical condition:
CNN has failed to mention Cheshire's religious conflict of interest, or to give any information regarding his past activism in the area of medical ethics vs. religious dogma.
Cheshire is a Christian first, a physician second, and stated so explicitly in Volume 17:2 of "Ethics & Medicine":
Excerpted from "Exit Ramp"
"The cross of Christ marks the true vertical, and his outstretched arms the true horizontal. Christ's life, death and resurrection are the guideposts that orient us along the slopes of life as we journey toward eternity."
Disregarding established ethical policies and positions of the AMA and similar groups, deferring instead to scripture and religious tradition, Cheshire's actions and statements in this case must be considered in context, if CNN is to act in a responsible journalistic fashion.