November 08, 2005

California Elections Today

I'm voting against the governor.

Yes on 79,80

No on everything else.

Posted by marc at November 8, 2005 09:05 AM

Given your other recomendations, I'd say you've misread Prop 80; it does several REALLY bad things, even as it tries to do some good.

Prop 80:
-- Removes your right to buy electricity from someone other than the local utility. If you want all green power -- or all nuclear for that matter -- you can't get it.

-- The 20% renewable requirement is already the law, it just moves it up from 2017 to 2010. Most utilities were going to do it by 2010 easily anyway. Turns out, in SD for example, renewable is CHEAPER!!

-- Makes it harder for individuals to put solar on their own homes. My house runs between 90-110% off solar. Under Prop. 80 that would not have been easily possible.

Posted by: Roger, Gone Green at November 8, 2005 12:38 PM
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