I have registered the domain name unnameddemocrat.com and I'm in the process of building a web site there. It's about 7 weeks before I can register so if I get enough interest in the next 7 weeks I'll change my name legally to Unnamed Democrat and see how I do. The purpose of this web site is to light a fire under the asses of the Democratic Party. If major Democrats aren't denouncing me soon I'm not doing my job.
So - who wants to get in on this with me?
I'll be glad to donate my graphic design abilities!
Posted by: Lisa at January 5, 2006 09:18 AMI just put in a plug for ya, but you might want to fix the typo in the post title (and feel free to wipe this comment so's evidence of past mistakes gets removed!)
Posted by: Michael Miller at January 7, 2006 03:24 PM