April 04, 2006

Zogby excludes Realists from Survey

Dear Church of Reality Members,

A few months ago I asked you to email Zogby polling to ask them to add Atheist/Realist/Humanist as a chouce of religion in their polls. They did for about two surveys. But I just got the latest survey and the Atheist/Realist/Humanist choice have been removed. So at 77% completed I stopped filling out the survey. The way I see it, if our religion isn't included then I'm not going to participate in their polls. Zogby has moved towards anti-realism in that the only religions the recognize are theists religions.

I am not going to participate in Zogby polls anymore and I'm sending him a copy of this email to let him know that. I don't understand why we are no longer worth counting, but if we aren't worth counting then our opinions aren't worth anything either and I'm not going to help any organization who only counts Theists religions.

I encourage you to write them and tell them how you feel about this.

Marc Perkel
First One
Church of Reality

Posted by marc at April 4, 2006 07:21 PM
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