April 25, 2006

Concerns about Clam Antivirus droping the ball

I've been a big fan of Clamav as an anti-virus solution for server side spam filtering under Linux. But I'm running a 64 bit server and the server daemon hasbeen dying with segment faults a few times an hour. I set up a process to check and restart it every 5 minutes and with 3 servers I'm never down at the same time, but it was a real annoyance.

I finally found a solution that was a one like patch that fixed the problem. I am however concerned that the folks at Clam AV are not taking it seriously and have yet to offer an official fix. I don't think they get it that reliability is important.

To fic the problem go to the file:


After the lines:

#include sys/stat.h
#include unistd.h

Add this line and recompile.

#include "others.h"


Posted by marc at April 25, 2006 07:15 AM
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