April 28, 2006

The Decider insists on English

Letter to the Editor

Bush says that the national anthem should be sung in English, not Spanish. What I find amazing is that people want to sing the anthem at all considering the stolen elections, the fake war in Iraq, the domestic spying, the secret CIA torture camps, the corruption, lawlessness, and corporate greed. And in spite of being threatened with deportation and prison these hard working people still want to sing the anthem. I say why not? But Bush says if they are going to live in America they need to learn the language. And Bush gets to say that because he's the "decider".

Posted by marc at April 28, 2006 11:49 PM

And this guy, Bush, is the same one who cannot even pronouce the ENGLISH word "nuclear"!

What an idiot.

Posted by: Bruce at May 20, 2006 10:29 AM
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