August 09, 2006

Lieberman Site Still Down

Joe Lieberman's web site that he claimed was hacked by Lamont is still down today. When you go to his web page at it redirects you here:

Notice the URL is called "" which implies that this is not a hacked site, it's a suspended page. That supports the theory that Lieberman got suspended for not paying his bill. So if he called the cops and the FBI in over this he filed a false police report. We need to call the bastard on this lie.

Also - this site is on a shared server with hundreds of other sites. All the other sites are still online. So there's no server damage or denial of service attack. So - think about it - all the other sites are up and Lieberman's site is redirected to a "suspended" page. And - after 40 hours it's still not back up? What does that tell you?

Posted by marc at August 9, 2006 06:30 AM
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