March 28, 2007

Mexicans are America's new Niggers

Before black people gained the same legal status as whites they were treated as second class scum. They lived among us and although they weren't officially slaves they did all the dirty work of society and were taken advantage of because of their unequal social status that was related to the color of their skin.

But now we have a new class of nigger, illegal aliens. This time it's not about the color of their skin but the geographical location where they were born. If you were born on one side of a line on a map you have different rights that if you were born on the other side. So we use them as slaves just like we used to use black people. But I don't think there any difference between color based slavery and geography based slavery. It's the same thing.

So it pisses me off when fuckers like Lou Dobbs of CNN is on the air for an hour every single fucking day spreading CNN's message that we need to hate these evil people just because of the location where they were born. It is the same as if CNN had existed in the 1950s and were ranting about the niggers wanting the same rights as white people.

So I ask, what did Lou Dobbs do to earn hist citizenship in America? Did he take a test? Did he go through some sort of long and expensive process that let him EARN his citizenship? No! He didn't do one fucking thing!

So - let's be fair about this. Let's make being a citizen the same for everyone. Let's have everyone take the same test. So if you can't find Washington DC on a map then you get deported regardless of where you were born.

Treating people like slaves just because of the location where they were born is as wrong as treating people like slaves because of the color of their skin. It was wrong to do it to blacks and it is wrong to do it to Mexicans.

Posted by marc at March 28, 2007 03:48 PM

Big difference... black Americans' ancestors were dragged here in chains to work. Illegal aliens (of any color) are here in violation of law. Citizenship should be something of value and every third world person who can make his way here should not be my responsibility as a taxpayer. I've never seen Dobbs advocate violence against illegals and he observes accurately that our country is Broken, obviously, from top to bottom. Before taking on the exploding populations of stricken countries, we need to get our own house in order.

Posted by: TylerDurden at March 30, 2007 08:25 AM

So, should people born in Asia be given U.S. citizenship and rights, too? After all, why should they be penalized for "the geographical location where they were born."

You rarely make sense, but this is just plain absurd. I think you meant to say that our society takes advantage of illegal immigrants, and since we do so, we ought to grant them U.S. rights and privileges.

But the "geographical location where [people] were born" has deep and fundamental meaning to international law. It's been the cornerstone of citizenship since man first formed nations. To suggest that citizens non-U.S. nations are "penalized" and should be given U.S. rights as an accomodation is quite absurd.

Think it through.

Posted by: Joe Fritz at March 30, 2007 01:54 PM

I think that anyone who is willing to come to America to work and contribute to the economy should not have to go through the hassel of waiting sometimes years to get a citizenship. Of course some illegal mexicans come here and join gangs, but most are extremly hard working and on average break the law less than US citizens.

Posted by: travis at April 10, 2007 10:23 AM

"I don't think there any difference between color based slavery and geography based slavery. It's the same thing."

I believe that's where you started to go wrong. They are not the same, but maybe similar in the kind of way that a lime is to a seedless grapefruit.

I think it's an overall valid idea that illegal US immigrants fill some of the lower class void left when blacks (mostly) gained equal status of whites. They are also likely to be exploited for labor in some of the same ways that blacks were after the slave era but before civil rights. For example, they are typically not paid as much as legal citizens.

But, they have not been forced to come here. This is very important. They came on their own, against our rules, and they refuse to leave. Their ancestors weren't brought here and there is no psychological residue from a slave era that keeps them stuck in their place.

Posted by: Hector Garcia at April 11, 2007 10:40 AM

I think that no matter what, mexicans should be given or have the right to become an american citizen when they enter this country. The living conditions are very poor in mexico and the government is too poor to change that situation. Dont hate these people because they were born in mexico, America is a place where everybody has come for a beter life, now think to yourself....did some of your ancestors come to this country in search of a better life? if they didnt, you would not be here to bash mexicans because thay want a better life. I think that giving citizinship to mexicans will solve all problems because id they are now american citizins, they will have all that responcibility that comes with it, like paying taxes and all the other things. So dont be so quick to judge these people that want a better life. I mean, if you were in their posotion, would you want better your life or stay in a struggle to survive?

Posted by: Paul at April 26, 2007 07:20 AM

What is also important to note is that most people's ancestors did not all come here legally, so I think were hypocrites when we use that argument "well my ancestors came here legally" because its a cop out. Everyone pictures Ellis Island in their heads when they think about early immigration, but most of their ancestors did not come here legally, most of them did what the Mexicans, Haitians, Cubans and all others that come over now do: they find someone with connections or they sneak in and hope for the best.

Posted by: Chris at May 13, 2007 10:27 PM

Um, chris. Who's white european ancestors came here illegally? Not mine pal. There was no law,
no government, no structure when the settlers arrived. Our country is over 200 years old by those standards, and you can bet it won't last that long once this immigration nightmare gets out of hand. I'll bet your either a freeloading
new immigrant yourself, or a coddled liberal who
comes from a long line of dodgers, duckers, and lazy hippies. You'll be the first white boy enslaved by the new brown power when it comes to that if your part of the latter. Me, mine have always been in charge and will stay in charge.

Posted by: smitty at June 15, 2007 05:38 PM

Um, Smitty. There might have not been laws when your ancestors arrived, but there were the original american citizens called the Native Americans, which your ancestors slaughtered. As for the mexicans, just remember that Texas was Mexico, the border was moved back 100's of miles south when the U.S. purchased it from Mexico.

Posted by: Din at June 18, 2007 07:44 PM

I'm not typing this statement as a latino inmigrant but as a citizen of the Earth. we all mankind still being too young for the meaning of life. the only thing I know is that GOD made Earth for everyone of living creatures. what we do is wrong and that's why thinks like global warming appears, not just because the immigrant problems but this is just one of them. God lets us do what we want and that's how we are going to destroy ourselves.

Posted by: juan hernandez at June 25, 2007 01:12 PM

Most people who are against immigrants just dont know that immigration is lower now than it was in 1900s. The only difference is that there are much less Europeans and more brown people. We all know how immigrants take advantage of opportunities.(unlike people who are born in America and take things for granted) This year they might be cleaning your hotel, next year they will own it.The year after that you will be working for them. White people, Puerto Ricans, Black Americans just sit back and enjoy your welfare because educated people know that immigrants DONT qualify for that shit. Immigrants work harder and pay more taxes.(32 billion in taxes) People who are fighting against immigrants are fighting to cut off their right arms.

Posted by: K POW at July 4, 2007 08:40 PM

I, personally am very tired of paying Uncle Sam to support illegal immigrants. For some of you to understand this perspective I must first tell my story and reveal the information that I have researched.
I am a married white woman and I work for a living. I pay Uncle Sam $531 per month out of my pay checks and I support my family of 4(myself, 2 children and my disabled husband). Now for those of you that can do the math, that translates to a VERY low income for a family of 4. The company that I work for pays my insurance but it does not pay for or contribute to the insurance of my children or my husband (they are not insured). I attempted to enroll my children and husband into the medicade system but they were refused. Meanwhile, the woman sitting next to me in the Medicade office, an attractive Mexican woman with a small child was accepted. I observed the entire process. I watched her hand the woman behind the table an obviously fake SS card and tell her income (or supposed lack there of). She wore more jewelry and gold than I could ever afford even if I didn't have children. Long story short: American citizens are suffering so that the illegal immigrants may have the health care and benefits that our government hands out so precariously.
My husband is dying. Soon I will be a widow and all that is needed is health benefits to save his life. His medications alone are over $600 per month and he goes without them most of the time because after keeping a roof over our heads, the money is just not there to buy the meds.
All that the government looks at in this situation is bottom line and minority benefits. I am sure that I could get him the insurance that he needs if I used the social security numbers of others or made up fake ones but I am sure that it would be red flagged as I do not fit the proper "profile" to do such a thing. (btw: health department workers in NC are not allowed to report illegal immigrants or report fake SS numbers to immigration).
Basically, if you think that our nation is not suffering for the illegal immigration factors, take a look around you and wake up. Have you ever visited your local health department? Have you ever been in true need and been rejected so that those with no rights have more rights than you? Doesn’t this make AMERICANS (black, white, purple, green - who cares) the slaves to another nation? I know this may all sound very harsh. But tell me, how would you feel? What should I tell my children when they ask me why daddy is so sick? We can't afford the insurance for him and the one place that is out there to help, won't. All because the ones allowing it are ones that will never hold this type of hardship and lack the ability to understand it.

Oh, and by the way, most of my family was immigrants (during WW1) to this country, all of which became LEGAL citizens. The rest were American Indians. I have no pity for those who are too stupid or lazy to do things the right way.

Posted by: Jamie at July 11, 2007 12:38 PM
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