February 29, 2004

Thinking Outside the Box on Legal Issues

Nobody thinks like me when it comes to law. I used to practice pro-se gurella law. Take the gay marriage issue - people are wondering how to make the legal issue happen. But I know a way to put it to the test. If the conservatives want to get to the bottom of the issue and force the courts to make a decision - they need a better plan.

Here's what I would do. Have two men get married - wait a few days - then have them file for a divorce. One takes the position that they need to be divorced because they are legally married. The other argues that they aren't really married and the court should find there was no marriage in the first place.

The reason I would like to see this happen is that it would resolve the issue one way or another. If the gays win then the man claiming the marriage is real will get half the property of the other one. After all - if heterosexuals get screwed out of their property - shouldn't it be the same for same sex couples?

So - let's end the illusion and get down to it. I'd like to see if gays want equality with straights when it comes to divorce. My guess is that if same sex couples experienced the other side of marriage they would be about as enthusiastic as gays in the millitary under Bush.

I'm still not for same sex marriage because it ignores a lot of reality. I however only weakly oppose it. After all - it doesn't take long before the logic gets fuzzy on both sides of the argument. Why should non reproducing heterosexuals get married and same sex couples not? On the other hand - why should a man not be allowed to marry his brother - or why limit the marriage to two people?

In contrast I strongly oppose amending the constitution to exclude same sex marriage. What if we develop the technology for same sex reproduction? A gay couple with legal custody of children is in a strong position to justify marriage.

But - we can't just let the decision be made based on political will. We need to be smart and I think this legal trick would force the courts to face the issue. I think its time to look at reality the way it really is and take into account the rights and liberties of everyone involved.

I believe the reality is - the same sex relationships are abnormal. However - its only slightly abnormal. Not as abnormal as someone who is addicted to alcohol or nicotine. But - for me to call same sex marriage a real marriage is basically a lie. It ignores the reality that same sex marriage is fundamentally normal and that same sex marriage is fundamentally abnormal.

To gays, same sex marriage (referring to law - not relationships) is a social ploy to justify to themselves that what they are doing is not abnormal. And I don't think marriage should be redefined merely to help someone justify their lifestyle.

On the other hand - its not sin - its not severely abnormal - and the relationships are real. Which is why I support same sex civil unions. These people have rights and these rights need to be taken seriously and fairly. So - what the right thing to do is a real demema. I don't have the answer.

As a reasonable person I feel caught inbetween two groups of bullies. On one hand - the same sex community is trying to force unreality on the rest of us. On the other hand - the anti-gay religious nuts who have been persecuting these people - are even bigger bullies and are using it as an opportunity to gain political power at the expense of people who have rights. The reality is that religion is a mental defect as well, and a far more serious mental defect than being gay. And I can not support the position of those who would use oppression against gays in an exercise of moral masturbation.

We as a society put up with the illusion of religion. We have an amendment in the constitution that protects religion from government and government from religion - even though the invisible guy in the sky doesn't exist. One could argue - if people of religion get to live a lie then why shouldn't same sex couples get the same opportunity? After all - same sex couples aren't as big of a lie as religion.

In conclusion - I have no conclusion. But I resent being used by both sides in an artificial battle. Marriage is just a word that doesn't add anything to the relationship. Marriage in America just a fraud anyhow. Marriage by definition is a permanent relationship - till death do you part.

With the laws that allow for no fault divorce the definition of marriage is legally nullified. If you're not getting married for life - then your not really getting married anyhow. So everyone is fighting over something that doesn't really exist in the first place. Marriage in the heterosexual world is a temporary civil union with a really bad property agreement where two lawyers get to divide up everything you own if the relationship fails. That isn't marriage - its a fraud.

So I say to the gay community - I agree with Barney Frank - give it up! Settle with civil unions and respect the reality of the situation. Civil unions are actually a better deal than marriage anyhow if you really understand the way the law really works in the real world. I've been married and it sucks and no one in their right mind would wish it on anyone.

And - I say to those who hate gays and are using this to divide the country ion order to distract America from the illegal war and the looting of America that we are not going to allow Christians to destroy this country and we are uniting to take America back for people of all religions and sexual orientation.

Posted by marc at 08:39 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Network Solutions Sucks

You would think that a big company like Network Solutions would have their act together enough to be functional - but they aren't. For those who don't know - Network Solutions is a company where people go to register domain names. Their tech support is so bad and their system is so bad that I actually REQUIRE my customers to move their domain from Network Solutions to ANYONE ELSE before I will host them.

Six months ago I was working for the Electronic Frontier Foundation and used one of their servers for secondary dns. When I left there I changed my secondary to a different computer - yet for some reason they are still returning EFFs IP address for one of my secondary name servers. And - they shouldn't be resolving this from their own database in the first place.

Rather than explain how bad they are - I recorded This Conversation with their tech support staff. There's nothing like hearing it for yourself.

The conversation is slightly edited. I took out personal information about the customer - and - I cut out about 10 minuted of music on hold. So - the pauses there I'm put on hold are actually much longer.

After listening to the conversation - keep this in mind. Network Solutions did not fix the problem. Engineering did not call me back. I got an emial survey that I filled out stating how dissatisfied I was and I put in a link to my blog. So - if any of you out there are thinking of using Network Solutions to register your domain - ask yourself this - do you want to be in the phone having a conversation like this?

I just built my official Network Solutions Sucks site to warn other customers about them. I've noticed that online punishment of evildoers has been very effective and I'll bet that I get their attention with this. But - they have caused me and a lot of other hard and the deserve punishment. And - I'm an asshole - and it allows me to express that in a constructive manner.

Posted by marc at 06:45 AM | Comments (27) | TrackBack

February 28, 2004

What is this Election About?

What is this election about - or more importantly - who is going to decide what this election is about? Well - the answer to the second part of the question is - we are! We have to control the "What is this election about ?" question! Therefore - we need to do two things - define what this election is about - including what this election is not about - and we need to figure out how to make it about what we want to make it about.

Again - answering the second question first - the way we control what this election is about is that we hammer it on our web site - over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again.

Then - we figure out what the election is and is not about.

This Election is NOT about

The election is not about a referendum on gay marriage. If we are talking about gay marriage then we are not talking about what this election is about. Not to say that gay marriage isn't an important issue - but it certainly is not important compared to the economy, the war in iraq, the patriot act, freedom and liberty issues, the raping of America, and the fact that America can't survive another 4 years of Bush.

The election is not about Bush's service - or lack thereof - in the national guard. Yes - he was AWOL - and we all know that. But that debate is a distraction. It distracts from Bush being AWOL as president allowing 9-11 to happen while he was in Texas being beaten up by a pretzel.

And - this election is not about anything the Republicans want to say the election is about. If we are talking about their issues - then we aren't talking about our issues. We need to make sure that when the Republican owned media tries to control the debate and define the election on their terms that we show them down and make sure we are dominate - whatever it takes.

This election is not about Republicans vs. Democrats - not about Liberal vs. Conservatives - not about Christians vs. Heathens - not about the rich vs. the poor - not about workers vs. corporations - not about this group vs. that group. There are a lot of things that everyone has in common that this election is about. So we can't let the Bush administration chop America up into little pieces and try to reassemble the pieces into a shape that appears to make it look like a culture war that Bush is the winner of. We can't be distracted into letting them control what the election is about.

What the Election is About - Its about the Future

So - getting down to - what is this election about - I remember Carville defining the debate. "It's the economy stupid!" - and yes - it still is the economy - and the economy sucks and it is not recovering - it is not strong - we are going further in the hole at a faster rate than ever. We are in a nose dive only 2000 feet from the ground and it may already be to late to pull out of it.

However - "It's the economy stupid!" is now a smaller piece of a bigger picture. The big picture is - this election is about THE FUTURE stupid. This election is about tomorrow. We need to ask the question - "What will America be like if we have 4 more years of Bush?" "What kind of Country are we? "Who are we and what have we become".

We need to keep the focus on the future. In fact - that can be a test to see if we are on the right track. If an issue is presented - is the issue about the future - or is it a distraction? I remember in the last real election where Dole talked about a bridge to the past - and Clinton talked about a bridge to the future. You know who won that debate. In my Church of Reality - looking towards the future is known as the "sacred direction" - we are forward looking - onward and upward. Looking to the future is the winning issue in this debate and it is up to us to keep the focus of this election on the future.

So - what kind of a future do we want America to have? Where are we and what direction are we heading? What will America look like in 2008 if Bush is reselected? We can ask the question - "Are you better off than you were 4 years ago?" - but - a better question would be - "Will you be better off 4 years from now with Bush or Kerry?" Clinton understood these issues. He framed the debate between hope and fear. Bush will be pushing fear - we must push hope. Hope by definition is forward looking - to long for a better tomorrow. That's that this election is about - hope - a longing for a better tomorrow.

Who can disagree with that? I mean - if you ask Republican voters - do you want a better tomorrow - 65% of them would say Yes!

So - what will America be like if Bush is reselected? Will we be a nation at war? Will we have the Draft? Will the government be forcing us to give up our children to die in an undeclared war for no reason at all? Will we have any jobs left? Will Bush continue to cut taxes for the rich. Will Head Start exist in 2008? Will there be an education system left? What state economies will collapse? Will the national economy collapse?

What about freedom and liberty? Will Patriot 2 pass? Will there be government spies everywhere - watching your every move? Will we go to jail for writing messages like this one? Will there be any free speech? Will the government drag us off to jail as an enemy combatant if we speak out? Is this the end of freedom if Bush is reselected?

What about the economy? What will happen by 2008? Will we be so far in the hole that we never get out? At what point does the debt collapse the economy? What happens then? Do we start World War 3 using our nuclear weapons to threaten other countries to steal their resources?

Or - are we talking about RATIONING? Rationing is the future under Bush. Allen Greenspan has already given us a glimpse of America's future under Bush. What he advised is RATIONING SOCIAL SECURITY. There's a term for you - rationing social security. That's what this election is about! If we can get that phrase into the national debate then the debate is on our terms. I would love to see the media arguing whether or not we are rationing social security.

But the rationing doesn't stop there. What about Medicare? We won't be able to afford that either. We are going to have to ration Medicare. We are going to have to ration health care. We are going to have to decide that there just isn't enough money to treat everyone who is sick - so we are going to have to decide as a society who gets treatment and who gets to die on the steps of the hospital.

The - will we have rationed education? Or - will the educational system just collapse? Will we become like a third world country where we have a mostly illiterate population? I think that one of the tings we should be asking in this election - when will America catch up to Cuba when it comes to literacy. Cuba has a better educational system than we do and to we have the will to catch up to our Communist neighbor - or are we going to continue to fall behind Cuba?

What about the future of religion in America? Christian think they are taking over the government but getting vouchers and funning federal money through churches - but in reality the opposite is happening. When churches start receiving tax money - then people who tithe will stop tithing and decided that they are tithing through their taxes. This will cause a fundamental shift in church funding as members break the giving habit. Churches will become dependent on the government for money - and then the government will have control over religion.

If a church is taking government money - for example - and the government says - "We require that you turn over your membership information to the IRS if you want to continue to receive funding. And - you are not allowed to reveal what information you turn over on your members to the membership." - what do you think is going to happen? The churches will have the freedom to give up the money if they choose not to participate - but are they going to be able to pay the bills once they get dependent on those funds? But - you say - "that's not REALLY going to happen - is it?" My response is - "The airline industry is already doing it. (Jet Blue) What makes you think they are going to stop there?" When Uncle Sam writes the checks - Uncle Sam calls the shots. So - the future of freedom of religion is threatened under Bush.

What does the future hold for workers rights? Bush has already eliminated overtime pay in favor of corporate interests. Corporate power over the right of the people is shifting as we go back to owing our souls to the company store. The big guys call the shots and we have to bend over and take it. The government isn't going to stand up for the common man - it is going to control the common man. We will live our lives in fear - just like people did under Hitler and Stalin - and the words "Freedom and Liberty" will become mere marketing slogans to get you to buy Chineese goods at WalMart!

What of freedom of the press when the press is becoming a single Republican controlled entity. The FCC continues to allow mergers giving control of the media to a small group of Republican controlled interests. Thats why America spends more money, time, and attention on Clinton's blow job that on figuring out what happened in 9-11 so that we can prevent it from happening again. Its not that the public's interest controls that - it's that the corps that own the media get bigger tax breaks under Republicans that they do under Democrats.

Even elections are fixed in America. This election will be no exception. Our voting machines are rigged to elect Republicans. We have to get 60% of the real vote to win an election - maybe. Elections are going to go away and we need to stop it. I find it extremely disturbing that we are being cheated and the media isn't talking about it. It just goes to show you how we - on the front lines of the internet - the last place where freedom exists - for now - that we must prevail or we shall forever lose our last chance to do so.

We are at a point where our technology can become the tool to enslave us. There is a technology called RFID - Radio Frequency Identifier Chips - currently the size of a grain of rice and getting smaller. These chip can be implanted in anything - including you - and can be used to track every place you go and everything you do. I'm not trying to sound like some nut case about chips in your brain - but this technology is finding its way into more and more products. People are microchiping their kids so that they can be found if abducted. But that same thing can be required of everyone - and we will see the day soon when that is proposed. It won't be just pets and cattle - it will be everyone.

This technology is not going to go away - so we must look to the future and make decisions about it. The technology exists - or soon will exist - to track everyone in the country and know everywhere you go and everything you do. So what will our future be like. Because we have this technology to track everyone everywhere - do we do that? Or - do we treat it like nuclear weapons - we can blow up the planet - but we choose not to do so.

The Bush administration is developing a system called Total Information Awareness (TIA) to do just that. To track everyone everywhere and everything they do. This election is about the future - so I ask the question - what kind of future do we want? Do we want Total Information Awareness or don't we. Personally - I don't want it. But - this is what this election is about and if we don't talk about it - no one will. But there's no doubt in my mind that this will be our future unless we stop it.

We all have a Common Goal

What this election is about is - what is our future going to be like? We have a common goal even with those we disagree with. There is no person - not one - in America who is better off under Bush. Our common future is at stake in this election. We are a nation in decline and we must reverse course. It may already be too late - but if it isn't too late now - it will certainly be too late in 2008. Things are really bad and they are getting worse. And it's not just getting worse for Liberals, Democrats, Gays, and other so called - scum of the earth. Its getting worse for Heterosexual Christian white God fearing family values Bible thumpers as well. We are all in this together and we all have to figure out what really is going on and what is best for all of us.

So - as I stated up front - and I challenge anyone of any religious or political persuasion to debate me on this - isn't the future the most important issue in the election? Isn't this what is really at stake? So - if we are going to have a political debate - if we are going to have a political dialog - lets make the debate and the dialog what this election is really about - lets talk about what is real - and lets talk about the future.

I therefore declare that the theme for this election is - ITS ABOUT THE FUTURE STUPID!

Posted by marc at 05:30 AM | Comments (1) | TrackBack

February 27, 2004

Congressional Debate for Congress in San Mateo County

I've recorded the congressional primary debates for congress in San Mateo county California. I used my digital voice recorder with a $10 external microphone.

Here are the 3 MP3 files.

Green Party Debate

Republican Party Debate

Democratic Party Debate

Posted by marc at 09:47 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

February 26, 2004

What About Same Sex Divorce?

There is a lot of talk about same sex marriage - but know one is talking about same sex divorce. What's going to happen when these people get tired of being married - then what. Do you just walk away and forget it? No - you're married.

The other side of getting the government to bless your marriage is that you have to go to the government to bless your divorce. And that involves giving everything you own to two crooked lawyers. I'm just waiting to see what happens when a man is ordered to pay allimony to another man who is curruently living with a third man. Welcome to the world of marriage boys!

Be careful what you ask for because you might get it. Out here in the hertero world - we've tried it and it sucks. No one in their right mind would get married if they really understood what they were agreeing to. If you think that the government enhances your relationship then you are full of the illusion - marriage in America and most of the world is a lie. There's no such thing as marriage because the government doesn't enforce the relationship commitment.

It used to be that a person had to have grounds for a divorce or it wasn't granted. The commitment was recognized by the state and it wasn't something you could walk away from when it became inconvienient. But now its just a property agreement - and a really bad one at that. So - once these gay couples are fully and equally married - then they will be able to appreciate the other side of the equasion - to be fully and equally divorced.

How many of these couples will get divorced? Well - among heterosexual marriages - you're looking at 50% to 60% divorce rate. And I'm guessing that the rate will be at least as high or higher for gay couples - taking into account that there are no biological children in the relationship to stay together for.

If it were up to me I would actually restrict marriage further rather than expand it. I would perhaps restrict it to reproducing couples - and - I would require a significant waiting period before a marriage license is granted. And - I would get rid of no fault divorce. Harder to get in - harder to get out. And both parties would have to file asset disclosurs and work out a prenup before they can get that government stamp on thier relationship.

Posted by marc at 11:15 AM | Comments (2) | TrackBack

Republicans Killing Social Security

Letter to the Editor

Allan Greenspan has just confirmed what many people have already known for years - that the Republicans are out to destroy Social Security. We can't touch the big tax breaks for the super rich - says Greenspan. So the next generation of Americans should be preparing to eat dog food when they turn 65. There is no doubt now that 4 more years of Bush and Republicans will end Social Security. America is a nation in decline and denial. It may be already too late to stop the bleeding.

Posted by marc at 10:21 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

February 25, 2004

Don't Cut Social Security - Tax the Rich!

Letter to the Editor

Greenspan says we need to cut Social Security so that rich republicans can keep their tax cuts. I remember 4 years ago when Clinton was president that Social Security was in good shape - we had a surplus - and everyone was making lots of money. I say - getting rid of Bush is the best solution to fixing Social Security. Lets go back to taxing the rich rather than throwing old people out on the street.


Stolen from Craigslist

The Republican Party announced today that it is changing its emblem from an elephant to a condom because it more clearly reflects the party's political stance. A condom stands up to inflation, halts production, destroys the next generation, protects a bunch of pricks, and gives you a sense of security while you're actually being screwed.

Posted by marc at 05:23 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

February 24, 2004

I'm not voting for California's Debt Package

Letter to the Editor

I don't care if Democrats and Republicans have come together - I'm not going to vote to add 15 billion dollars to the California debt. Its just plain wrong to borrow and spend.

California has all the taxes. We have taxes that other states have never heard of. We have highly paid wage earners here and the state takes in an unreal amount of taxes. So - I say - you have enough money - deal with it.

California has a spending problem and we aren't going to solve it by giving them more money to spend. We need to fix the problem and its going to take a crisis to make that happen. And its not going to get done if we put it off with borrowed money. Its time we face fiscal responsibility and cut up the credit card and start fixing the problem.

If Mr. Schwarzenegger wants to advocate something that would actually turn the California economy around - he should advocate that we need a new president. That's a real solution what will actually work. I'm not willing to vote to go into debt for politics.

Posted by marc at 11:12 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

February 23, 2004

Nader going after Bush? Yeah right!

Nader is talking big like his against the corporate takeover of America and that Bush was Supremely Selected - refering to Bush's apointment by the Supreme Court. But - back in 2000 when the supreme selection occurred - did Nader protest then? No - not a word! Nader kept his mouth shut like a good little Republican stooge and just let it happen.

In the last weeks of the 2000 election Nader took a lot of donations from Republican sources and targeted states where the election was close between Gore and Bush. None of these states were states where he was close - but he targeted states in a way to draw away support from Gore so as to allow Bush to win. So Nader deliberately put Bush in power - and not he pretends to complain that about the result.

Ralph - you used to be one of the good guys - but you sold your soul to the devil and you are now the enemy. You running has the opposite effect of what you say your goals are - and you are hoping the public is to stupid to figure it out. You are not against the corporate takeover of America - you are part of the corporate takeover of America. Those corporations who you decry will be out the - gathering signatures - to get you on the ballot in all 50 states.

You had a legacy Ralph - and you destroyed it. You sold out - you are now one of the lying leaches who sucks the blood of society for minor personal gain. I am looking forward to seeing where your funding is coming from and exposing you for the fraud you are.

Posted by marc at 08:10 AM | Comments (2) | TrackBack

February 21, 2004

Nader Running to Elect Bush

Letter to the Editor

Ralph Nader - who managed to split the anti-republican vote and get Bush selected as president is running again for the same reason. Nader gives Republicans a chance to donate twice in this year's election. They can give once to Bush - and once to Nader to draw people away from the Democratic nominee. When Nader posts his contributions I'll bet you'll see that the majority of his big contributors will be the same people who are also big contributors to Bush. Nader knows he can't possibly win. The only thing Nader can accomplish is to make sure Bush wins. Nader is very dishonest.

Posted by marc at 07:32 AM | Comments (4) | TrackBack

Google Adsense = Censorship - Bartcop Declined!

I was trying to help Bartcop make a little extra money on his site with Google AdSense. Google pays sites by the click to advertise their stuff and since Bartcop reaches hundreds of thousands of people - I figured it was a good match. Since Bartcop is technologically challenged - I applied to google for him. This is their response:


From: "Google AdSense"
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I strongly encourage Bartcop readers to email adsense-support@google.com and protest this. Basically - what Google is saying here is that they don't consider the type of people who read Bartcop to be worth reaching for advertizing purposes. That no one they represent has a product that Bartcop readers would be interested in.

They claim this isn't cencorship - but come on! It doesn't take a genius to figure out what's going on here.

Posted by marc at 06:43 AM | Comments (5) | TrackBack

Gay Marriage in San Francisco

As many of you know - I oppose Gay marriage. But I'm not strongly opposd to it. As I have written several times - it just plays with the definition of marriage to much and ignores the fact that humans reproduce heterosexually and that families and children are part of that. Of course - there's a million flaws with that argument because I'm in a non-reproducing heterosexual relationship myself, but not married. And - if it were up to me - I would reduce - not expand - the definition of marriage - making it available to families with children - and a one year waiting period.

Having said that - I have to say that I like the defiance that San Francisco is doing. San Francisco is a gay driven town and in this culture this is important to them. I can't help but to want to cheer them on. So - for those who disagree with me on my position - have fun at the weddings. And I hope you don't end up in same sex divorce. Bet careful what you ask for - you might get it.

Posted by marc at 06:24 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Taxes and Deficits are Same Thing

Letter to the Editor

There really is no difference between deficit spending and tax increases. They are the same thing. A deficit is like a tax charged to your credit card that you have to pay later - with interest. So the idea that we are in some sort of an economic recovery when the deficit is 500 billion a year is nonsense. We are bleeding money and bleeding it really fast. And every year Bush have been president the bleeding gets worse.

We are borrowing money from the future so the rich can get a tax break today. And that is as wrong as you can get. Its time to cut the government's credit card and demand that we make the hard choices now before we get so far in the hole that we never crawl out.

Posted by marc at 06:11 AM | Comments (1) | TrackBack

Gore - Kiss of Death for Dean

Letter to the Editor

Was it a coincidence that Dean's campaign took a turn for the worse after Al Gore endorsed him? Al Gore is not the king maker he thinks he is. Gore isn't really a player in the Democratic party these days. Four years ago Gore failed to become president because he separated himself from Clinton in a way that was extremely offensive to Clinton supporters. Then - after Bush stole the election - Gore was the first one to shout down the critics who objected to the Supreme Court stopping the recount process and appointing Bush president.

Dean tried to run as an outsider - but when he accepted the blessing of Al Gore - who is as much an insider as you can get - it ruined Dean's image. Gore's endorsement might have been the "Kiss of Death" for Dean. Makes me wonder if it would be better if Al Gore were to endorse Bush than another Democratic candidate. And Al - please - skip the Democratic convention!


For what its worth - I had the first Gore for President site on the web. I've got some emails about this letter from Gore supporters pointing out that the news media played up the Dean screech and that's what killed his campaign. But - if you remember - Dean "screeched" after coming in a distant third in Iowa after spending 43 million bucks - so - it wasn't the screech that did that! Clearly Dean had problems before that occurred.

At the time Gore ebdorsed Dean - Dean was #1. Or so it seemed anyhow. Gore came in as "kingmaker" probably to try to take credit for putting Dean over the top. I remember at the time cringing because Dean had a strong campaign and then the day Gore did it I thought - this makes it look like Dean was appointed by insiders - not earned it. Gore turned an outsider campaign into an insider campaign and it fucked it up. And - I was right - Dean dived from that point.

Whatever happened to Dean it happened in a period starting at Gore's endorsement and Dean losing big in Iowa - before he screeched. So - if you disagree with me - you figure it out!

Posted by marc at 06:09 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

February 15, 2004

More Fun with Google

Letter to the Editor

A few months ago there was a story in the news - that if you searched for "miserable failure" on Google, you got Bush's biography. I've been playing with Google to see what other words return what results and its quite a lot of fun. Micheal Moore's site talking about Bush now replaces the first spot for "miserable failure" Bush is now second. Same results if "miserable" and "failure" are used separately. But anti-bust sites take #1 for the words "AWOL", "chimp" and "worst president ever". If you type in "budget surplus" however - you get a story about Clinton.

Posted by marc at 10:29 AM | Comments (1) | TrackBack

February 14, 2004

Web Server for Sale

I just upgraded my web server and selling my old one. This computer was in perfect working order when I took it offline on 02-12-2003. Its 14 months old - homemade by me - and was serving 1.5 million hits a day (Running Linux) when it needed to be upgraded.

Like selling an old friend.

It's a 2U box - Pentuim 4 processor at 2.4ghz. Has one gig of ram. ntel motherboard. Gig Ethernet. and a pair of Western Digital 7200 RPM 8mb buffer drives. CD and Floppy built in.

Its a good strong computer. It was running Radhat Fedora Linux with a custom 2.6.2 kernel. You can install anything you want.

I'm located in San Bruno and can deliver it anywhere in the bay area. If you need to I can - for a fee - set it up for you and install it in a server farm somewhere. This is what I do for a living so a home made server built by me is built right. 30 day warranty.

I'm in the San Francisco area and prefer to sell it locally.

Posted by marc at 12:01 PM | Comments (3) | TrackBack

Spam Free Email Hosting

I'm in the process of developing my Spam Free Email Hosting site. As many of you know - I have a small hosting company called Computer Tyme Hosting. I've developed on of the most advanced spam filters on the planet and I'm ready to start making a few bucks off of it.

Posted by marc at 11:31 AM | Comments (1) | TrackBack

February 13, 2004

My new web server is ONLINE!

My new web server is now online. The old server was just barely keeping up as I am now pulling 2 million hits a day. The new box is kick ass! Its a Dual Xeon system with 4 gigs of ram - and a pair of 250 gig Serial ATA Hard Drives - Western Digital 7200rpm with 8mb buffer. 500 watt power supply is driving this baby! It has 2 ethernet ports. One is a gigabit port. Using a Supermocro motherboard.

I'm running Radhat Linux Fedora on it and a custom built Linux 2.6 Kernel. Large buffers allocated to MySQL and plenty of Apache servers waiting for requests that sometime run 40 per second during the peak times.

This new server is especially designed to GET RID OF BUSH! Its part of my "No Anti-Bush site left behind" policy. If you know of any anti-bush sites that are having trouble paying their hosting costs, send them my way and I'll make sure they stay online. More pics of this server can be found at This Location.

My old server is for sale if anyone wants it. Its in real good shape. Its a 2U box with a 2.4 ghz Pentium 4, 1gb ram, and a pair of Western Digital 160gb drives. Its got plenty of horsepower if you're running under a million hits a day. $1200 takes it. marc@perkel.com

Posted by marc at 12:29 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

February 11, 2004

Serious Microsoft Security Flaw

Virus Warning for Windows Users - Very Serious

Microsoft has yet another very serious security flaw that gives anyone with the right know how total access to your computer. I don't know all the details - but it might be the biggest one yet. If you remember the SoBig and Code Red viruses last fall - this one will similar in that it doesn't require you to get email for you to be attacked or hacked. Your computer can be hacked into and viruses installed without you doing anything to cause it to happen.

I say "will be" because right now there is no virus - yet. But the flaw is there and it will be a matter of days before someone writes a virus to take advantage of the flaw. And - your anti-virus software will have no effect. Microsoft has posted a patch and that is how you protect yourself - download and install that patch.

Here's the link to Microsoft's Windows Update:


You must use Microsort Explorer to install it.

I am also asking that those of you who have blogs and newsletters and high traffic web sites post this warning on your front page and include it in your newsletters. The best defense to this virus is to stop it before it begins. As you all know - this virus will affect non-windows users in that the new viruses turn windows computer into spam robots and we are still getting the bounce messages from the last virus. Let's see if we can stop this before it starts by first - patch your computer now - then - tell everyone to patch theirs. You can cut and paste this warning into your blog or newsletter.

Posted by marc at 07:56 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

February 04, 2004

A Bush Covert Operative Takes Over Al Sharpton's Campaign

Sleeping With the GOP
by Wayne Barrett with special reporting by Adam Hutton and Christine Lagorio
February 5th, 2004 8:20 AM

Roger Stone, the longtime Republican dirty-tricks operative who led the mob that shut down the Miami-Dade County recount and helped make George W. Bush president in 2000, is financing, staffing, and orchestrating the presidential campaign of Reverend Al Sharpton.

Though Stone and Sharpton have tried to reduce their alliance to a curiosity, suggesting that all they do is talk occasionally, a Voice investigation has documented an extraordinary array of connections. Stone played a pivotal role in putting together Sharpton's pending application for federal matching funds, getting dollars in critical states from family members and political allies at odds with everything Sharpton represents. He's also helped stack the campaign with a half-dozen incongruous top aides who've worked for him in prior campaigns. He's even boasted about engineering six-figure loans to Sharpton's National Action Network (NAN) and allowing Sharpton to use his credit card to cover thousands in NAN costs—neither of which he could legally do for the campaign. In a wide-ranging Voice interview Sunday, Stone confirmed his matching-fund and staffing roles, but refused to comment on the NAN subsidies.

Sharpton denounced the Voice's inquiries as "phony liberal paternalism," insisting that he'd "talk to anyone I want" and likening his use of Stone to Bill Clinton's reliance on pollster Dick Morris, saying he was "sick of these racist double standards." He did not dispute that Stone had helped generate matching contributions and staff the campaign. Asked about the Stone loans, he conceded that he "asked him to help NAN," but attributed the financial aid to his and Stone's joint "fight against the Rockefeller drug laws," adding: "If he did let me use his credit card to cover NAN expenses, fine." The finances of NAN and the Sharpton campaign have so merged in recent months that they have shared everything from contractors to consultants to travel expenses, though Sharpton insists that these questionable maneuvers have been done in compliance with Federal Election Commission regulations.

Village Voice Article

Posted by marc at 08:04 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack

February 03, 2004

Bush to try again to overthrow Venezuela

Sources in Washington D.C. have revealed that Bush 2 administration officials are again seeking to "stimulate" a regime change in Venezuela after a USA-backed coup d'etat against democratically-elected President Hugo Chavez Frias failed when US puppet dictator Pedro Carmona Estanga moved to dissolve parliament, the judiciary and the constitution in one fell swoop.

Our sources (which must remain confidential, but have been verified) say that Venezuelan nationals, recruited on the promise of fast-track US citizenship and benefits, have been trained in the arts of USA terror tactics at the US Army School of Americas-SOA (renamed 3 years ago as the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation-WHISC) at Fort Benning (Georgia) were relocated to training camps at Iquitos in the northern jungles of Peru under the direction of US Southern Command (Latin America & Caribbean) regional HQ at Fort Buchanan (San Juan, Puerto Rico).

SOA/WHISC commanders are said to be "smarting" over their failure to impose a US-backed military/civilian dictatorship in Venezuela in April 2002 when democratically-elected President Hugo Chavez Frias was swiftly returned to power after US-puppet dictator Pedro Carmona Estanga dissolved parliament, the judiciary and Venezuela's constitution in one fell swoop. Carmona Estanga was not able to control the massive surge against him as millions of Venezuelans took to the streets repudiating his imposition and demanding the return of reformist Chavez Frias.

Covert US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) operatives are already in place in Venezuela as the SOA/WHISC prepares for what it is calling "a second bite at the cherry." Bush 2 Latin America 'enforcer' Otto Reich has been holding top level meetings with strategists from the Venezuelan political opposition in Washington D.C. who also had meetings there last week with shadowy Venezuelan billionaire Gustavo Cisneros and former US White House insider Henry Kissinger.

Corrupt Venezuelan Confederation of Trade Unions (CTV) president Manuel Cova and Coordinadora Democratica (CD) representative Timoteo Zambrano have met with senior US State Department officials, including Reich, although both are attempting to whitewash their visit to D.C. as simply a round of information meetings they could equally have held with anti-Venezuelan US Ambassador Charles S. Shapiro at the Colinas de Valle Arriba bunker in Caracas. Cova and Zambrano were also meeting with Organization of American States (OAS) Secretary General, former Colombian President Cesar Gaviria and US congressmen, including Massachussetts Democrat Frank Barney, a member of the secretive US Select Committee on Homeland Security, where he serves on the Subcommittee on Infrastructure & Border Security and the Subcommittee on Intelligence & Counterterrorism.

While, on the face of it, US State Department spokespersons are calling on all side in Venezuela's tumultuous electoral process to respect established norms and procedures, radical opposition meetings with USA-OAS Roger Noriega and Senator Charles E. Shannon have led IC operatives in D.C. to dig deeper into Beltway motives while senior diplomat Peter DeShazo (who recently visited Caracas to speak personally with President Chavez Frias) is seen as having a more mediative role in alliance with former US Ambassador and Latin America expert John Maisto.

Meanwhile, SOA/WHISC troops are hunkered down ready to be drafted into Venezuela as soon as opposition-inspired violence breaks out. US Air Force and Navy contingents are being made ready at a Southern Command base on the Caribbean island of Aruba (Dutch Antilles) to provide logistic and material back-up to an invasion force. A US Navy hospital ship is also said to be on standby to sail to a position off the Venezuela's northern coastline at first signal of "the balloon going up."

The remaining question is no longer IF, but WHEN!

From VHedline.com

Posted by marc at 07:24 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

February 01, 2004

One Nation Under God is a Religious Statement

I would like to make the arguments in the upcoming Supreme Court case of Unified School District v. Newdow but realistically I don't have the time and money to afford to file a brief. If I were to file - here's some of the arguments I would make.

The Pledge is a law. It is specified in federal code. It is an act of patriotism. "One Nation Under God" is a religious statement and with that statement there it marries patriotism with religion. It forces non-believers who whish to recite the pledge to make a religious affirmation that they don't believe in. The pledge is a statement of national identity. Its much more than a ceremonial or historic thing. It is more like an oath.

The Pledge is distinguished from other less important acts that include the mention of God. It is not merely ceremonial or historic. It is codified into federal law.

Lets look at mathematical sets. The big set is all people of all religions. This can be divided into to subsets - monotheists who believe in exactly one god - and everyone else who believe in multiple gods or no god. The argument is perhaps that there are so many monotheists that we can agree that this is a monotheistic country.

The flaw is that it excludes a class of people - non-monotheists. If it said "Under Jesus" or "Under Allah" or "Under Zeus" or "Under the Sacred Tree of Knowledge" then it would be more exclusive. They would argue that "Under God" is a sufficiently large subset to be close enough to be compliant. But because it is part of the phrase "One Nation - Under God" it ties our national identity to a religious affirmation.

Basically - to have "One Nation Under God" - in the context of the Pledge - is to have government make a determination that god exists. I would ask the court to be required to rule that god exists in order to include it in the Pledge. If the Pledge said "Under Peter Pan" then that would be right because Peter Pan is a fictional character and it would be wrong for the government to include a fictional character in the pledge laws.

God is a fiction character. He is no more real that Peter Pan. There is no logical difference between God and Peter Pan. Now - the court might not agree with that - but that brings up the real issue.

It is not up to the court or the government to determine if God exists. The first amendment prohibits the government from determining religious questions. Religious questions are for Religions to determine. It is up to Marc Perkel, Ferry Falwell, the Pope, the Dalai Lama, and individual citizens to decide that question. Judges and governments do not determine religious issues. It is not their place to do so. It is up to the people - not the government to decide whether or not to believe in God and that decision must be a separate act from pledging one allegiance to the nation.

The First Amendment of the Constitution "Establishment Clause" prohibits the government from establishing religion. Although the court recognized an exception for acts that have become the "fabric of society" in this case tying the pledge to a religious affirmation is designed to alter the fabric of society for the purpose of including government sponsored religious indoctrination to support infecting the fabric of society with the belief in the fictional character God. Including the phrase "One Nation Under God" establishes a government preference for monotheism over other religions.

Those who support the phrase "Under God" argue that is is a recognition of our national history, that the forefathers believed in God and referenced him in important documents. This is all part of the "fabric of society" argument that becuse we are all infected we should just accept the infection and declare we are a nation of people infected with a false belief and keep the infection in society.

As the founder of the Church of Reality I find this argument particulary offensive because the "fabric of society" argument basically say we are required to live the lie and to perpetuate the lie in the Tree of Knowledge. This precludes our Principle of Positive Evolution and the Principle of Bullshit and the very foundation of our church doctrine. To require our children to recite falsehood in order to make a patriotic statement is oppressive.

Posted by marc at 08:51 AM | Comments (6) | TrackBack