Letter to the Editor
President Bush's choice of Alberto Gonzales for Attorney General is a really bad decision. Alberto Gonzales was the one who wrote Bush's pro torture memo that led to American sponsored torture and murder at Abu Ghraib prison.
If America is going to portray itself as a civilized nation it has to send the world a message that behaving like Nazi's is something that we don't condone. Alberto Gonzales who would be our chief law enforcement officer is someone who should be tried as a war criminal. He brings America down to the same level as the Muslim terrorists that we are at war with.
Torture is just plain wrong - period. You don't torture people. Alberto Gonzales doesn't seem to understand this. What kind of a country do we live in where people who believe in torture run the country? Alberto Gonzales makes us a nation of barbarians. Are enemies have won when we become like them.
Letter to the Editir
Mr. Bush talks about an end to tyranny, but if he really wanted to end tyranny - he would resign. That way senior citizens wouldn't have to eat dog food so that the rich can get tax breaks. He uses words like "expansion of freedom" to mean that that we are going to start more wars. The darkest places in that world may be right here at home.
Letter to the Editor
I am not optimistic about the future of America. I wonder if we will still be a nation four years from now. When I look at how far America has fallen in the last four years I can't help but to wonder if we are at the beginning of the second dark ages. We are a nation who values war over peace and debt over fiscal responsibility. And now old people will have to eat dog food and go without medicine as we gut social security so that the rich can get tax cuts. Our children fight and die for oil company's profits. And I am ashamed to live in a country that no longer has any real moral values.
Trying to get back into blogging. Still working on Church of Reality web pages and deploying a network of spam filtering computers. I registered a new domain:
I have what is probably the best spam filter on the planet. And I'm hosting over 100 domains as well as being a front end filter for many others. But it's interesting trying to get people to use it because giving up a small amount of control of your email to someone else is difficult to do. I've had many people have a hard time crossing that barrier. But once they do - they are hooked and surprized that it was easy and just works.
Lately I've been testing a number of new features of Exim that is going to allow me to make yet another increase in accuracy. It fixes a problem where I couldn't receive email from some severely misconfigured email servers.
I also have this idea of providing free spam and virus filtering for nonprofit organizations. I've been gearing up the servers to be massivle parallel so that I can deploy any number of these servers in a variety of geographic locations and take on an unlimited amount of load levels by adding more computers to the network. And - I think it's going to be fairly inexpensive to do especially as I find people willing to donate servers in datacenters for the job.
All these computers will be running the same software and running off the same routing lists. If any server goes down the remaining server will transparently reroute the email traffic with no interruption in the service. These front end servers will also be able to buffer and store email in case the nonprofit's email server goes down and then transfer all pending messages when it comes back up.
Most nonprofit orgs do good work and are wasting a lot of time and money dealing with spam and viruses. I think I can provide this service at no cost to them and very little cost to me and recover that timeand money so they can be doing other things besides hitting the delete key all day.
Letter to the Editor
It may be 4 years after when it should have been done but finally - a Democrat who has the courage to stand up and speak the truth. Barbara Boxer - thank you, thank you, thank you! Finally someone is talking about election fraud! Finally someone is bringing up the reality that America is a fictional democracy where the results of an election are based on who is counting the votes and who is most skilled at cheating the system. It takes courage to stand up and speak the truth to a people who would rather live in the lie. America is asleep and finally someone is yelling to wake up. Maybe there is a ray of hope for the Democratic Party - and her name is Barbara Boxer!
I've done two interviews lately about my Church of Reality. On December 27th I was on Air America Radio being interviewed by Mike Malloy. It was a good interview and you can listen to it Here.
Then - later that week I talked to Joe Vecchio on the Cup of Joe blog. That interview was also very good.
I'm looking for other interview opportunites to talk about my new emerging religion, the Church of Reality. The Church of Reality is openly challenging the claim of some right wing Christian groups that they have taken control of America and that they own the moral high ground. We assert that we Realists own the moral high ground and our Sacred Principles are superior to the Ten Commandments.
So - I am looking for opportunities to debate religion - especially on the basis of what is real. America has turned it's back on reality and it will be punished for doing so. I give a good interview and I am a sharp debater and I'm someone who is interesting enough to attract an audience - especially during ratings periods. Listen to the interview and if you like what you hear - there's more where that came from.
Letter to the Editor
Four years ago when Bush stole the election the Democrats stood silent and allowed it to happen and suppressed the voices withing their own party who wanted to speak out about election fraud. We now have another election that although wasn't as close as last time - was still riddled with fraud. We now live in a country when the outcome of an election is dependent on who is counting the votes, and this is an issue that needs to be talked about. It would be a very big mistake for Democrats to again block this debate like they did last time.
There are three reasons Democrats have been losing elections. The first is that Republicans are stealing elections. The second and more important is that Democrats have stood silent and allowed it to happen. The last reason is that the Democrats keep voting with Republicans on unprovoked wars and cutting taxes for the rich. No one wants to vote for cowards and if the Democrats are going to roll over and take it again and again when they know better - then why bother to support them? If they aren't going to dig in and fight for issues like stopping the Republicans for privatizing Social Security, protecting reproductive choice, and blocking extreme judges - then what is the point in them being there in the first place? Democrats never win when they try to be like Republicans.