March 09, 2005

Who is a real journalist?

This is a real reporter - a Republican gay make hooker- who was part of the official white house press corps.
CNN was running a story today about bloggers like myself should be regulated. That if I link to a politicians web site that it would be a political contribution. Of course - "real journalists" would not be subject to the same rules because real journalists have freedom of the press.

So - what makes someone a real journalist? Is the guy in this picture a real journalist? He sure is. He's part of the washington press corps and he's president Bush's favorite guy to call on for the "really tough" questions.

You see - blogglers are not only journalists - but they are the only journalists. We still have our freedom as opposed to the networks who are just whitehouse puppets.

For example - today Dan Rather leaves CBS after getting fired by the Bush administration. Presidents get to fire reporters these days. Back in the 1970s Dan Rather was one of the key reporters that led to President Nixon getting fired. Back when the press was free they asserted the freedom of the people to bring down the corrupt government. Now the corrupt government brings dow the media.

To me a real journalist is someone who brings you the real news. When the so called real journalists are really Republican gay male hookers who are hired to parrot the whitehouse line - that's not real journalism. And all the other real journalists know about this and knew about it for the last two years and continue to cover it up.

I find it ammusing that after the CNN report they had a segment reporting on what the bloggers are saying. While the report appears to be about bloggers - it's clear that the mainstream press is now looking at bloggers as a source of news.

Posted by marc at 01:37 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack

Mama Leslie's Cereal Jar

Many of you have been wondering, "Perkel - what makes you so damn smart?" Well - I start the day off with a bowl of cereal from mama Leslie's cereal jar.

This is a trick I picked up from a sturdy wench friend of mine. It's more than just a big glass jar of cereal. It's a way to make cereal any way you want. So many brands of cereal out there and which one to eat? Do I want wheat, or corn, or oats, or rice, or flax seed? Is it too sweet - or not sweet enough? Does it have fiber? And they never put enough fruit or nuts in. So - what do you do?

You buy them all - and combine them any way you want. And that's exactly what I do.

I have about 10 different kinds of cereal and I mix them all together in a big glass jar. I then add lots of raisins - often several kinds of raisins. And the nuts. I have a separate container where I mix the nuts and then add handfulls to the cereal jar. In the container on the side I mix sunflower seeds, walnuts, pecans, almonds, and any other kinds of unsalted ground nuts I can come up with. This makes it easy to add everything at once without having to get out a bunch of little bags of everything.

So - you throw it all together and you mix it all up turning the jar upside down and side to side and it's ready to eat. Never fill the jar more that 80% because it needs room to mix. When the jar gets down to 30% full - you throw in some more cereal and fill it up.

Then when you get up in the morning you just grab a bowl - fill it up - and gobble down the most important meal of the day. It's quick - simple - and probably good for you. So - if you all go out and get you a mama Leslie's cereal jar - maybe someday you can be a dangerous mind like me.

Posted by marc at 07:53 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack