April 05, 2005

Bush says: Social Security Trust Fund is Fiction

Letter to the Editor

Bush atated today that the Social Security Trust Fund was a fiction, saying that it's just an IOU. That's because he took all the money and gave it away to his billionaire friends in the form of tax cuts for the rich. Under Clinton we had a surplus and we were paying off the borrowing left by the previous Bush and Reagan administrations. What is Bush's solution - more borrowing. This time he wants to borrow money and gamble it in the stock market.

I remember the good old days when Republicans wanted a balanced budget amendment and at least gave lip service to fiscal responsibility. Bush's statement that the Trust Fund is fiction means that he borrowed the money and he's not paying it back. Bush claims that the Democrats don't have any ideas on how to fix Social Security - but that's not true. The Democrat's plan was fiscal responsibility, pay back the trust fund, and run surpluses. And I think it's a better plan that borrow and spend and gamble in the stock market.

Posted by marc at 03:04 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Bankruptcy Bill is Morally Bankrupt

Letter to the Editor

I find it amazing that Congress wants to write a bankruptcy bill that penalizes consumers to the benefit of credit card companies. It is so much in favor of corporations that credit card companies can take away your child support payments! They should change the Declaration of Independence from :"We the People" to "We the Corporations". And they are doing this at a time when the national debt is bringing the entire nation into bankruptcy. If I were rewriting the bankruptcy laws I would make members of Congress personally responsible for paying the national debt and take everything they own if they can't pay. Instead we are becoming slaves to the fascist state!

Posted by marc at 06:49 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack