August 21, 2006

What the 2006 Election is Really About

Letter to the Editor

This election in 2006 is about denial. Are we as a nation going to face the reality that America is heading in the wrong direction or are we going to lie to ourselves for 2 more years and pretend that everything is just fine? If we are going to survive we are going to have to stop the breeding and accept that America needs a new direction. However - I still waiting to for the Democrats to state what they have to offer. I want to hear a message of change. I just can't stand the lying anymore.

We are in really bad shape and we can't pretend that it's all going to just go away. I'm looking for real courage and I'm not seeing it. If America turns it's back on reality then reality might turn it's back on America. And that's a scary thought.

Posted by marc at 08:18 PM | Comments (0)

Stay in Iraq Till the Job is Done?

Letter to the Editor

Bush said that we aren't going to leave Iraq until the "job is done". I suppose we should have got out of Iraq 4 years ago when Bush declared "Mission Accomplished" because we were closer to having the job done then that we are now. Now Iraq is a lost cause, fighting a civil war, and our troops are there to try to hide the civil war till after the elections. We are left with a choice of accepting failure now or waiting till things get worse. I fail to see the logic in staying the wrong course.

Posted by marc at 05:42 PM | Comments (0)