September 27, 2006

What does the National Intelligence Report Mean

Letter to the Editor

Republicans and Democrats are fighting over the meaning of the National Intelligence report. Democrats point out that it concludes that the war in Iraq has inflamed our enemies hatred and that terrorism has increased. Republicans however point out that pulling out of Iraq would show American weakness and embolden the terrorists.

So we are dammed if we do and dammed if we don't. Bush has lied America into a war that we are going to lose no matter what we do and he proposes that we not only stay the course, but we further inflame the world but legalizing torture. We are not only hated by our enemies, we are hated by our allies. Our friends hate us. We even hate ourselves. Bush is hated more around the world than any other person on the planet. Bush is America's worst president ever.

So I say no. Let us not stay the course. Let us turn away from failure. We were wrong to go to Iraq in the first place. Maybe America should try to embrace truth and honesty for a change. Maybe we should embrace reality and figure out a new solution that makes sense. The first step in that process it to get rid of the Republican majority.

Keith Olbermann Gets it right in this video.

Posted by marc at 07:48 AM | Comments (2)