January 08, 2004

The War is a Lie - Audio Rant

Here's my latest audio rant called The War is a Lie where I tell it like it is about the war in Iraq. It's time to talk about Bush and Treason. It's time to take the country back. It's time to stop living the lie.

Posted by marc at 10:26 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

No Weapons - No Bin Laden Ties

Letter to the Editor

Secretary of State Colin Powell finally admitted that there's no link between Saddam Husein and al-Qaida. And Bush has quietly withdrawn a 400-member military team it sent to Baghdad to scour Iraq for evidence of weapons of mass destruction. It was all a lie. We went to war and sent our troops to die for nothing. Their lives continue to be wasted for absolutely no reason at all. Republicans complain about Democrats trying to compare Bush to Hitler. Well - the comparison is not entirely unfounded. This war is a fraud!

America is living a lie. The question that we really have to face is - is the American public really that blind. Are we really that clueless that we actually believe everything Bush says? Well - if you're fool enough to believe we have a reason to be in Iraq then you'll probably believe Bush's next story that we're sending a man to Mars!

Listen to this Audio Clip I made about how sorry the American Press is.
And Another One comparing Mars to Iraq.

Posted by marc at 09:14 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

December 30, 2003

My First Audio Blog

I'm trying something new. An audio blog. I don't know how many people are doing this - or - if they are doing it the way I'm doing it. But I can speak a lot faster than I can type - and - it only used a little over 1/2 meg for 4 1/2 minutes worth of rant.

It explains itself. All you have to do is Click Here and listen to what I have to say. The voice speaks for itself.

So - that having gone well I made a second recording where I describe the Digital Voice Recorder in more detail.

Although you not have to have it, I found some audio software called Goldwave. Here's another mp3 audio file where I Tell you About It. the Glodwave software can be found at goldwave.com.

Just as an experiment here's a little audio Using the Internal Microphone that is built into the voice recorder. It doesn't sound to bad - the audio levels are lower - but that's not a surprise. Not as good as the external mic - but it is usable. But - I used the Goldwave software on the file and created this Enhanced Version that sounds every bit as good as my $9.95 external mic. I just brought the audio levels up about 12 db and added a little bass and treble.

I've done yet another experiment I just did another rant this time using the clip on mic that came with the recorder. Additionally I spent some time editing it with the Goldwave software where I removed about 30 seconds of a bad joke and a few "ya knows". I did mess with the audio a little too much so there is a little clipping - but I'm getting better at that.

So - I called up my friend Bartcop to tell him about it and tried it out recording the phone conversation. I had to do a little digital compression and expansion to get our voices to the same level - but I think it sounds pretty good considering I'm on a $20 900mhz cordless phone.

Feel free to hit the comment link and leave me a message letting me know what you think of this.

Posted by marc at 08:58 PM | Comments (4) | TrackBack