June 02, 2006

The Gospel of Reality

Sometimes it's easy to get discouraged in the face of illusion but there's one thing to always remember. Reality is here to stay. Reality isn't going away. Reality always was and always will be. Reality was there at the beginning of time and will be there till the end of time. And no matter how many people believe in things that aren't true reality stays the same.

It is always there and you can always turn to the real world, embrace the truth, and we as a society can make better choices. Reality can change your life today. You can embrace it, explore it, own it. Thinking about reality is the joy of being real in the sacred moment. You can become one with the real world. Let reality into your soul and experience the knowledge that everything in the world is real.

Reality gives us strength. it gives us courage. Reality gives us the true freedom to make the most out of who we are and what we will become. We owe our very existence to reality. If we reject reality, we have nothing left.

We are surrounded by all this wonderful knowledge. Knowledge that we can grow, that we can share, that we can build our future with. We can use reality to build a better tomorrow, a world that we can be proud of and we come together as one people, as one planet, to live in peace and let reality take humanity to its full potential. We have the power to choose our destiny. To decide what we will become. Let us therefore make the best choice possible and let reality guide our decisions in everything we do. We can become the dream.

This is the Gospel of Reality. Go forth and proclaim it!

Posted by marc at 10:18 PM | Comments (1)

It's not Bush's Fault!

Letter to the Editor

A lot of people are saying that the 24 civilians killed in the Haditha cover up is the worst scandal of the Bush presidency. People are saying this one is worse than Abu Ghraib. I don't agree. This scandal isn't really Bush's fault. In contrast Abu Ghraib was an operation that had it's roots at the top. Bush wanted people tortured, but not murdered. In fact, I think there are a number of scandals that are worse than Haditha.

For example, the secret offshore prison scandal is far worse because it's something that Bush was involved with. The same is true for other failures like the trade deficit, the failed Medicare drug program, the 9 trillion dollar debt, the high price of gas, 2500 dead soldiers, hurricane Karina, the failed wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, his failed
Social Security plan, the 2 stolen elections, immigration issues, troops on the border with Mexico, outsourcing jobs, high interest rates, insurgents, terrorism, the election of Hammas, bankruptcies, America's damaged reputation, NSA spying, CIA leaks, Halliburton, Stem Cells, drilling in Alaska, Mission Accomplished, no WMDs, Gitmo, 9-11, Osama bin Laden still free, tax cuts for the rich, FEMA, the high price of housing, Harriet Woods, all children left behind, record oil company profits, the nuclear crisis in Korean and Iran, and turning peace and prosperity into war and poverty.

Bush can't be blamed for everything. I say that global warming, bird flu, Cheney shooting, and Haditha are not his fault. Let's not blame Bush for the things he had nothing to do with.

Posted by marc at 10:16 PM | Comments (1)

June 01, 2006

Zogby Reinstates Realist as a Religious Choice

I just filled out one of the Zogby online surveys and they have Atheist/Realist/Humanist back in the list of choices. I just wanted you all to know that and give John Zogby some good energy for including us in his survey again. As you know there's a lot of pressure out the by evangelicals to exclude reality based religion from everything they can so it takes a little courage to stand up to that. Cheers to John Zogby.

Posted by marc at 07:09 PM | Comments (0)

Bush Cuts Anti-Terrorism Funds

Letter to the Editor

On 9-11 New York and Washington were attacked by terrorists. Now Bush has decided to cut anti-terrorism funding by 40% for those two cities. I guess that we need to make sacrifices in our homeland security budget to make sure we have enough money to give the rich more tax cuts. How bad does it need to get before America impeaches this moron?

Posted by marc at 07:07 PM | Comments (1)

May 29, 2006

Defending the Mexican Border

Letter to the Editor

It's and election year and there's two kinds of people, there's us - and there's them. And we need to keep them from crossing the border and becoming an us. So Bush want to deploy 6000 of the national guard to defend the border against the alien invaders, and the Republicans want to build a wall that will keep them out. What a brilliant idea! That's just what we need to solve the problem! But here's a better idea. Why don't we hire some Mexicans to build the wall and defend the border. After all, it's work no one else wants to do. If you have a plan that's not going to work then there's no need to worry about doing it right.

Posted by marc at 11:19 PM | Comments (1)