September 09, 2006

Path to 9/11 will cost ABC bigtime

Letter to the Editor

I don't think ABC News really appreciates how offensive their 9/11 "docudrama" is to many of its viewers. This is far more than just a "controversial" position. The movie "Path to 9/11" is really a fraud on the public. The movie was directed by the son of the founder of an evangelical cult and contains knowingly untrue facts that support the conclusion that 9/11 was President Clinton's fault. ABC is now hiding behind a disclaimer which uses weasel words describing the movie as "fiction".

There's a difference between a "fiction" and a "lie". Fiction is a movie meant to entertain. Thus if "The Path to 9/11" is fiction that means that ABC considers it "entertainment" to air a falsified account of 9/11 on its 5th anniversary. Makes me wonder if people who take 9/11 seriously are going to be amused. I don't think so.

So who will be offended? People who liked the job that President Clinton did find it extremely offensive. People who take 9/11 seriously and are sensitive to attempts to rewrite history will be offended. The only people who are going to like it are the hard core Clinton haters. But a lot of their thrill is gone because it has been widely publicized that ABC's movie is fake.

I'm no news expert but I would think that when you deeply offend a significant share of your audience that it would be bad for ratings. So ABC's fake story is going to have a price. When your viewers no longer respect you they change the channel. I'll be watching Loose Change 911 dot com on the Internet instead.

Posted by marc at 11:52 AM | Comments (0)

September 08, 2006

Bush / CIA behind ABC's Path to 9/11 Movie?

Is Bush and the CIA behind the controversial ABC News documentary "The Path to 9/11" which blames Clinton for the 9/11 attack? It looks like it might be.

ABC has all but admitted the movie is a lie but is calling it a "docudrama" with the emphasis on "drama" implying that the word means that it is really presented as a fictional piece and therefor is not a lie. However, since it is being played on 9/10 and 9/11 in prime time the fact that it is fiction is hidden from the average viewer.

The movie's director Davin L. Cunningham is an evangelical nutcase and the son of the guy who started the Christian cult Youth with a Mission. The movie producers had unusual access to CIA headquarters to nake this film. There seems to be a lot of people on the web connecting the dots but it looks like this is a CIA propaganda film that was produced by the Bush administration to change the outcome of the upcoming congressional elections. Besides, who came up with the $40 million bucks tp produce this lie? We may never know for sure but it's probably us taxpayers through one of those black budgets that funds projects like this and CIA torture camps.

Personally what pisses me off the most is that it will preemptd reruns of Desparate Housewives which is far more interesting fiction that Christian CIA Bush propaganda. A more likely docudrama of what happened is Loose Change 911 which raises the possibility that the noecons, not Islamic terrorists, were behins 9-11. I think that Loose Change is more accurate that the CIA funded Christian evangelical Clinton hater's movie that is trying to rewrite history.


Here's something I found on this post on Democratic Undeground. The message below:

I am not an expert on religious cults, but my interest in them began in the 70's when my family was thrown into chaos by one member's recruitment into a bizarre and ostensibly Christian cult.

That's why my interest was piqued when I searched "Path to 9-11" director David Cunningham's name and discovered that he is the son of Loren Cunningham, founder of the worldwide, evangelical missonary group Youth With a Mission (YWAM).

Started in 1960, YWAM is an "international, inter-denominational, non-profit Christian missionary organization whose motto is 'To know God and to make Him known.'" They claim to have more than 16,000 full-time workers in nearly 1,100 operation locations in 149 countries.

The Wikipedia entry limits YWAM criticism to theological sticking points brought up by Calvinists and fundamentalists regarding the doctrine of original sin and the extent of free will (yawn), but I was not surprised to find a link to Rick Ross Institute at the end of the article. is an invaluable resource for information about hundreds, if not thousands, of cults and other controversial groups. Some are relatively benign; some are very destructive.

The Rick Ross YWAM page is pretty lightweight, with far fewer entries than for groups like the Unification Church, Scientology or the FLDS. And even critics and unhappy former members of YWAM acknowledge its good works.

But as Ross notes, the ends do not justify the means. And any group that initiates/brainwashes members through a prolonged and painful "confessional," takes members' money (through training fees and "love offerings") and then controls all aspects of their lives is a cult. The best that can be said is that YWAM doesn't hold members captive or discourage their leaving the group - but if you're stationed in a tiny country halfway around the world where you're being paid $7.00 a week - which is what YWAM pays - you'd better have friends or family willing to pay your way home.

But wait, there's more.

Also disturbing is Loren Cunningham's association with other controversial religious groups and movements, among them Promise Keepers, Campus Crusaders and Benny Hinn. The first two endorse YWAM on its site, and Cunningham has appeared on Hinn broadcasts.

Rick Ross claims that, according to Gary North, Cunningham has been studing Christian Reconstructionism since 1988. (North is R.J. Rushdoony's son-in-law - a writer, publisher and regular contributor to Lew Rockwell's poisonous website).

Finally, there is Rod Parsley, named by American Prospect magazine as a key figure in the 2004 Ohio election results. According to a November 2005 article,

"...Parsley has deliberately reached out to young people. His purpose was plain when he announced the planned formation of a new nonprofit organization, Reformation Ohio, in August. Reformation Ohio’s goals include, among other things, registering 400,000 new voters through its member churches and preaching to 1 million Ohioans over the next four years in an effort to convert 100,000. Many of these sought-after converts will be teenagers, through a $10 million campaign by Youth With a Mission, a nonprofit group that aggressively evangelizes through extreme sports, Christian rock concerts, dance, and performance art."

(Read the whole article about Parsley - very informative)


What's all this got to do with David Cunningham?

Well, his familial association raises a few questions, like - why was he chosen to direct it? His only other big credit is a film entitled "To End All Wars," another "true-life" story about a WWII POW's Christian strength and forgiveness of his Japanese tormentors. You'll find it praised on a number of sites like this:

But even more, it raises these question: Who funded this movie? What is their agenda? Who is really responsible for this rightwing bilge?

Posted by marc at 02:13 AM | Comments (0)

September 06, 2006

Bush endorses torture and he must be stopped

Letter to the Editor

US President Bush today admitted today that the United States used secret prisons run by the CIA to torture prisoners, and Bush said that he was going to keep on doing it. Although Bush says the the United States does not torture, he also has his own definition of torture and claims that the Geneva conventions are vague.

Torturing people is just plain wrong. It's something that civilized people do not do. While Bush claims that America's use of torture has saved innocent lives, in reality the opposite is true. It has caused America to be the object of scorn in the international community by our friends an enemies alike. It has led to our people being kidnapped, tortured, and beheaded and it is used by terrorists to recruit new terrorists as they point to our president as an example of a leader gone mad.

The bottom line is that Bush is doing more hard than good and he has to be stopped in order to prevent further damage. He is leading America down an evil path that threatens the security of the civilized world. Americans are good people and we ask that the world not judge us by our insane leader. We ask that the people of the world join us to help remove Bush from power. Bush isn't just our problem. He is a danger to the planet and he must be stopped.

Posted by marc at 11:54 AM | Comments (0)

September 04, 2006

Gas prices ahead of Election

Letter to the Editor

Just a month ago British Petroleum announced that it was going to shut down the Prudhoe Bay oil fields because of leaks in its oil pipelines. Experts were predicting gas prices to rise to above $4.00 a gallon in western states. But with the election just 60 days away all of a sudden there's plenty of oil and prices are dropping. What an amazing coincidence. Do you think that the oil companies are helping Republicans get elected? Maybe we should have new elections every 6 months of we want to keep oil prices lower.

My advice to voters this election day is, fill your tank before the votes are counted because gas prices might not be as low the day after the election as the day before.

Posted by marc at 10:36 AM | Comments (0)