December 21, 2003

Saddam's Capture Faked!

Letter to the Editor

As with so many other events in the Bush administration - it turns out that the capture of Saddam Hussein was in fact faked. Yes - Saddam is in custody - but it was the Kurds who had captured him - drugged him - and stuck him in the hole waiting for the Americans to show up in a made for television event. The revelation of this phony story as revealed by a Yahoo news story caused the Bush administration to raise the political threat level to Orange.

This phony capture is just the latest in a string of phony events to justify Bush's phony war - the hunt for phony weapons of mass destruction - and going all that way back to Bush's phony 2000 election. If you believe any of these phony stories then I have a story about a phony economic recovery for you to listen to.

Posted by marc at December 21, 2003 08:27 PM | TrackBack

I'm not even convinced that the man Dumbya claims to have "captured" is the real Saddam Hussein. Note the very prominent mole on the side of the eyebrow. Previous pictures showed no such feature. (Is this a case of "all ragheads look alike to Americans"?) Note also the very suspicious timing, and the fact that he is obviously drugged to the gills. Is this person now going to "admit" to WMDs after Rummy and his buddies at Halliburton have a chance to plant them?

And I don't care if they had captured Darth Vader himself, if I hear "we're at high terrorist alert, so you should all go holiday shopping" one more time, I will shoot my TV, even if it's during Smallville.

Posted by: The Die Hard at December 23, 2003 09:43 AM

"...even when each and every one has systematically been proven a lie. He just moves on to the next one, and the sheep follow along."

Uh, Kotsu, the Kurd story isn't true and the turkey wasn't plastic. You are the sheep. BAAAAHaHaaa

Posted by: Bopeep at January 4, 2004 05:18 AM

Lessee....didn't Mondale get "his ass kicked" by the most corrupt (until now) president in history? The one that had to resign in disgrace to avoid going to prison?

Posted by: kotsu at January 6, 2004 02:52 AM

You guys are a bunch of pot heads and have too much time for making up stories.....winer liberals

Posted by: cb at August 24, 2004 10:55 AM
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