May 04, 2004

3000 Prisoners Slaughtered in Afganastan

If you think that prisoner abuse in Iraq is bad - you haven't seen anything yet. I snagged this video off the Internet about a year ago and I think it's finally time I posted it.

Convoy of Death

There's only one war on our television screens now - that other war, the one from just a year ago, has been forgotten - but not by everyone. In Afghanistan, filmmaker Jamie Doran has uncovered evidence of a massacre: Taliban prisoners of war suffocated in containers, shot in the desert under the watch of American troops.

After screening the videotape last fall, the European Parliament called for an investigation. The United Nations has authorized an official investigation into the film's allegations, but only if the security of its members can be guaranteed. And security is hard to find in northern Afghanistan. Since this documentary was filmed, eyewitnesses have been tortured. Others have disappeared or been killed.

This video is about how the US slaughtered 3000 Afgan prisoners of war. The video is big - 55 megs download and it is shocking. It makes the Black Hole of Calcutta look like a picnic. These prisoners were left in sealed truck containers to suffocate and fry in the hot sun. The few that survived a week were taken out and shot an buried in mass graves.

The video is EXTREMELY disturbing and it will give you nightmares. If you are not ready to see this footage - DO NOT WATCH IT !!! This is NAZI level stuff.

Afgan POWs Killed - 55mb Quicktime Format

Read about the making of this video on Buzzflash:

BuzzFlash Article

Once you've seen this - call your congress critter and let them know about this. The only thing scarier that the fact that this happened is that fact that Bush is covering it up.

Posted by marc at May 4, 2004 04:01 PM | TrackBack

Brutal, inhumane, grotesque and animalistic. For those who don't think that American soldiers are capable of subscribing to this kind of blood-thirsty behavior have never served one day in the military during wartime. I was in Kuwait for the "liberation" and it was commonplace for soldiers to manhandle Iraqi prisoners of war, even shoot them on the spot. If a surrendering soldier didn't understand the intricately spoken order of "place your hands behind your head and interlace your fingers," then he was shot or beaten because to disobey an order is to resist capture. Believe me, the Geneva Convention means NOTHING during wartime. What you saw on CNN was the enemy surrendering and smiling and hugging the Americans. What I saw was Iraqi soldiers being abused mercilessly, yet I did nothing and reported nothing. I have to live with that for the rest of my life.

Posted by: Jan Van Heiner at May 5, 2004 10:05 AM

Well Mark, they tried to hold them as prisoners--and they revolted killing many of their US and Afgan captors before they themselves were killed. These people are religious fanatics with no fear of death, they want Jihad and their 72 virgins. How do you deal with people so dangerous you can't take them prisoner?

Marc I agree with you 95% of the time and belong to your reality church but I part ways on this one. These people do not operate from any one country (hence are essentially invisible), they don't fear death, they are suicide bomber fanatics that will detonate a nuke in infidel america as soon as they get one.

Posted by: Infidel at May 5, 2004 12:22 PM

Can you provide a source better than "...I think [it] was produced by a Canadian news crew."?

Posted by: RCS at May 5, 2004 12:27 PM

Much more info here -

Posted by: Freak at May 5, 2004 01:28 PM

Thank you. I'm sorry - my first post came out ruder than I had intended.

Posted by: RCS at May 5, 2004 04:49 PM

It's probably a good idea if we all come to grips with the fact that America isn't so damn beautiful after all. And we have a murderous, unelected, duty-dodging oil fanatic to thank for it.

Posted by: James P at May 6, 2004 07:26 AM

that hurst, i just watched the whole clip. i always believed the war was justified but this.... i'm no american and if i was i would be ashamed to say so.

Posted by: gerard van schip at May 6, 2004 09:31 AM

Marc, I agree with you once again on this: America is becoming Nazi-Germany all over again. Europe is getting bigger and dont think once all the facts come out theyll be the new America attacking us, like in a World War 3. Maybe its time for us to all immigrate to Canada. At least they respect and enforce human and civil rights there.

Posted by: Chris at May 7, 2004 07:50 PM

Marc, I agree with you once again on this: America is becoming Nazi-Germany all over again. Europe is getting bigger and dont think once all the facts come out theyll be the new America attacking us, like in a World War 3. Maybe its time for us to all immigrate to Canada. At least they respect and enforce human and civil rights there.

Posted by: Chris at May 7, 2004 07:50 PM

One day all of this crap is going to catch up with Bush and his cronies, but it will be the rest of us that will actually pay the price of his evil deeds

Posted by: Path to Redemption at May 16, 2004 03:03 PM

This is a Zionist/Bolshevik war executed by the neocon faction of the Republican party. Take a good look at the neocons running the show. They're ex-trotskyites - totalitarians to the core - and polar opposites of the Nazis!

Too bad someone didn't try to stop these despotic tyrants from their murderous rampage through the former U.S.S.R. as things would be much different today. Actually, one country did try...

Posted by: Le Trudeu at May 17, 2004 02:52 AM

LINK TV did a segment on this subject with film and witnesses

Posted by: NWO Slave at May 17, 2004 06:50 AM

Why did you wait a year to post it?

Posted by: Andy at May 17, 2004 10:18 AM

Hawaiians are suffering more now than ever before from occupations of the U.S. Military. From there 'Stryker Brigade' to the just approved 300 million dollar budget to increase military opporations in Hawaii, Unwanted and Unwelcomed. The voices of the people have once again fallen on deaf ears. violations of International law issues ongoing.

Posted by: Hawaiian at May 17, 2004 01:27 PM

Have you taken this information to the national/international press? With all of the exposure the Iraqi prisoner abuse is getting, I would think these allegations would be of interest to the masses.

Posted by: OneSmallPebble at May 17, 2004 06:52 PM

More closely resembles communist takeover of Russia than Nazi Germany.

Posted by: S.R.Hess at May 18, 2004 05:42 AM

Kucinich, on principal, is the best candidate. But in the big picture it probably doesn't matter because its just too late.

Posted by: Elijah Messenger at May 18, 2004 08:28 PM

Are you folks aware that the US has signed none of the four Geneva Conventions. The US is not a signatory. They aren't bound by it. They talk about it lots but are not legally required to uphold any of its articles.

Posted by: John Wilson at May 19, 2004 12:46 AM

is it worth dowloading?
And is it that bad? I thought nick berg execution was fairly bad, how does this compare?

Posted by: Rambo at May 19, 2004 07:21 AM

This is war folks. Things get ugly. Don't you think there is more to this than you or I know about? We're kind of on a need to know basis, and we don't need to know. Things are done for a reason. Whether it's cruel or not. We could sit back and say thank you when someone sticks a nuke up our ass, but I think I'll pass. If you don't like it, move to Canada. But please quit yer bitchin.

Posted by: Erich at May 19, 2004 02:24 PM

Just watched the video. Maybe You people watched a different video but I didn't see any American kill anyone, or put them in containers.

Posted by: Erich at May 19, 2004 02:50 PM

This doesn't surprise me. The shrub and his chickenhawks will do whatever necessary to get their oil.
Hey Erich, why don't you move to Iraq??

Posted by: Ranger at May 20, 2004 10:30 PM

I bet Erich also believes that the Holocaust was a staged event.
This made me cry. However, I have to say the worse thing is that would do the same thing to us in a heartbeat. So, what's the answer?
Is there one?

Posted by: daphne at May 22, 2004 10:32 PM

Why would I want to move to Iraq? I'm perfectly happy here. I'm not the one bitching, Ranger. No, Daphne, I do not believe the Holocaust was staged. Where the hell did you come up with that. Did I say the video was staged? No. I said that I saw no, zero, zilch, none Americans killing or abusing anyone in the video. Where do you people come up with these comments?

Posted by: Erich at May 22, 2004 11:36 PM

Looks OK to me. Anyone who resists our occupations must be lynched, buried and disposed of.
C'mon guys, stop being gay Hitler!

Posted by: Rahim at May 24, 2004 12:04 AM

the link appears to be broken

Posted by: truro at May 25, 2004 07:51 AM

Oh yeah, DAPHNE, notice the H at the end of my name? I've forgotten more about the Holocaust than you will ever know!

Posted by: Erich at May 25, 2004 09:13 AM

this is an atrocity-

and the human heart is forever degraded.

Posted by: peter at June 9, 2004 10:12 PM

i need to see the us actually abusing people to believe this hype. we are doing terrible stuff, but at least prove it!

Posted by: petewonder at June 23, 2004 12:55 AM

i need to see the us actually abusing people to believe this hype. we are doing terrible stuff, but at least prove it!

Posted by: petewonder at June 23, 2004 12:56 AM

As Americans, have we permanently become:

1. Too naive?
2. Not inquisitive? "Reading-impaired"? "Re-
search impaired"? Duty-impaired?

I hope not. Your two cents counts. Please spend it wisely.

Posted by: Foster Bridge at July 20, 2004 09:31 AM

I am a Jew. I know about the holocaust. This "informative" video had absolutely no affect upon me whatsoever. It is clear that the fans of Michael Moore were wholly responsible for its production.
I saw no "Extremely Disturbing, Nazi-Level, Black Hole of Calcutta" stuff here.
Now, on the other hand, if you would be interested in seeing some "real" horrifying carnage, I can direct you to some Taliban torture videos, involving the mutilations and dismemberment of women, children, innocents.
Or perhaps you may wish to see some people flying out of windows while engulfed in flames from ignited jet fuel.
Maybe some terrorist homocide bombing footage in Israel, or elsewhere in the world.
I have been in wars, you idiot. Terrible things happen. But it doesn't take a soldier to become an animal when attacked.
Statistically, the average American citizen would be most pleased to see those terrorists tortured. The "Humans" of the world have seen horrors before their eyes. Things they could never imagine. These terrorists are a scourge who have no rights. They gave up any human rights they may have once enjoyed when they discarded their own regard for human life.
You show me shit. If the United States is completely responsible for this alleged "Crime", then I say, excellent!" And I am backed up by the vast majority of humans who know better than to attempt to murder everyone else because of a false religion. You are a person who condones the deaths of thousands...millions. Tell me what makes you better than a terrorist if you are able to forget so easily the attrocities inflicted upon so many innocent lives, yet perfectly willing to whine and cry when your friendly Taliban suffer justice?
You my friend, have a great deal to experience in this life. Like truth and justice. Give it some time, as you must be very, very young. Shalom.

Posted by: Aaron at July 25, 2004 01:41 AM

well i am an afghan currently living in uk.
ihave many things to say but havent got time.
i would only say that americans and british do justice in there own countries but doing opposite in other countries i am asking u we afghans fought against russia for 14 years fully supported by america and europe and the question is,what we got after 14 years of fighting ?
we lost a million of our afghans we lost our army our polic force .we lost everything and america got everything it wanted .and what america gived us for that victory.america gived us bin laden . taliban , and these murdurous warlords .
our country has ruined . we lost everything . this film is a part of what s going on there in afghanistan these warlords have done and are doing more than this . they rape girls as young as 8 ,9 ....
before taliban when these warlords were in power,
they were capturing aboy and a girl and told them to have sex infront of them if they didnt they would cut their heads off . they were blowing people by rocket just for fun to see how they dies . i dont support taliban but atleast i would say they were better than these killers.

Posted by: qaseem at July 30, 2004 05:50 PM

well i am an afghan currently living in uk.
ihave many things to say but havent got time.
i would only say that americans and british do justice in there own countries but doing opposite in other countries i am asking u we afghans fought against russia for 14 years fully supported by america and europe and the question is,what we got after 14 years of fighting ?
we lost a million of our afghans we lost our army our polic force .we lost everything and america got everything it wanted .and what america gived us for that victory.america gived us bin laden . taliban , and these murdurous warlords .
our country has ruined . we lost everything . this film is a part of what s going on there in afghanistan these warlords have done and are doing more than this . they rape girls as young as 8 ,9 ....
before taliban when these warlords were in power,
they were capturing aboy and a girl and told them to have sex infront of them if they didnt they would cut their heads off . they were blowing people by rocket just for fun to see how they dies . i dont support taliban but atleast i would say they were better than these killers.

Posted by: qaseem at July 30, 2004 05:51 PM

i am now living in australia and wouldnt be anywhere else
but i beleive bush has been to soft,bush should have sent the terrorist world a clear message, a message that would shock, deverstate any potental terrorists or any country that tried to harbour or protect these scum
he should have nuked the bastards and any country that harbours them
i should send you a picture of my wife jumping from the world trade centre
This video is about how the US slaughtered 3000 Afgans
it should have been 3 million
im a little less forgivin Aaron

Posted by: GI JOE at August 13, 2004 12:27 AM

I think the 30 mercs I hired will do whats right.

Posted by: merc at August 13, 2004 03:05 PM

I think the CBC should be held responsible for the deaths of those murdered after the airing of the documentary. In the rest of the world's rush to hate the ONLY country on earth with a real desire to see people live free, they give hope to those who would destoy us. And if you think you are not on the list of things to be destroyed, think again. Your country will eventually have it's citizens murdered by these fanatics. Unfortunately, like some Americans, unless it was someone you were related to, or knew, it still won't matter to you.

Posted by: nitram at September 2, 2004 02:07 PM

Funny how this is blaimed on the US.
I didn't see ANY US soldier in this video.

To support such a claim you need evidence, like footage of a US soldier putting a gun to the head of a Taliban soldier and pulling the trigger.

There was none of that. Sure there was treathening by words, which proofs nothing, its just scaring them to get info.
I saw much more footage of the interrogation about a documentory about the prison uprising on Dutch TV, and it was just treathening, nothing more.
If you are angry at someone and say "I am going to kill you" or "you are a dead man", does that mean you are actually going too kill that person?

Like in all commy anti-US/pro-terrorist propaganda there is a lot of claims and no evidence.

This particular event is also very well documented. It was a prison uprising and the prisonars got into the armory. In the resulting fight many Taliban got killed.
The Northern alliance troops didn't appear to aim very well, sometimes they just put their weapon over the wall and shot, without even looking.
Russian weapons like AK-47s are also quite inaccurate. That would explain why some prisonars still had their hands tied.
Also when a crowd comes straight at you, you just shoot them, whether they have their hands tied or not.

About the containers, its very clear in the video that its a mistake made by the Northern alliance, having to few ventilation (miscalculation).
Like US spec ops had anything to say about that (if they even knew about it).
And like a US spec ops soldier could order an Afghan warlord around.

The Northern Alliance aren't very nice people, better then the Taliban but I wouldn't want to discribe them as goodguys. Same with the KLA in Kosovo.
Its the principle of 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend'.
Like in WW2 when the allies worked together with the Soviets (who were actually worse then the Nazis).
And don't even try accusing me that I don't beleive the holocaust. My grandfather had to work in a German work camp.
I also have lots of respect for jews and I support Israel, so there is no anti-semitism in me.

Speaking about not beleiving, when the mass killings of the USSR (62 million) and Chinese dicatator Mao (35 million) are mentioned, many commies like you simply deny that.

Any comparisson of the government of ANY western democracy with that of a dictatorial regime (like the Nazi's) is absurd. Anyone making comments like that should have himself checked for insanity.

I am not an American, I am European, and I am glad there are countries like the US and Israel that dare to stand up to the agression of muslim extremists.
Here in Europe most countries are cowardly, they are to afraid to resist or to fight for what we beleive in.
All these muslims in Europe are a trojan horse, becoming more in numbers to eventually overwealm us.

Just like in WW1, WW2 and the cold war its up to the USA to defend the free world against fascist ideologies like naziism, communism and islamism.

We had people like you here too, people who (like you) choose the side of the enemy. In my country were colaborating with the enemy too, just like you betray your country, these people in my country colaborated with the nazis in WW2.
Then in the cold war we had communists who did the same and openly betrayed their country and took side for the enemy, the Soviet Union.
Today there are still people like that in the west, who take side of Islamic terrorists like Bin Laden.
BTW interesting to know that there were 2 muslim Waffen SS divisions in WW2 and at that time Palestinian muslims supported the Nazis and wanted them to cleanse the middle east of jews as well.

You are just like the Dutch NSB in WW2, bunch of traitors.
If you hate the west, then go live in Iran, communist China, the Tora Bora mountains or North Korea.

Posted by: Marcel at September 4, 2004 12:49 PM

Folks, as a Canadian former peacekeeper (infantry) with active service and as an amateur historian, I know fully well that in most conflicts there are often abuses. I recall many news stories following the fall of the Taliban and of Saddam (Afghanistan in particular) that many videos were in existence and being sold in the marketplace in Pakistan and elsewhere that expressly displayed graphic evidence of torture and crimes against humanity perpretrated by the Taliban and also by Saddam's forces.

If this is so, where are they? I'm not trying to make a statement here, honestly. I would like to see the proof of these events. I believe that they did in fact occur and that some such videos actually exist, but I can't find them. Can someone tell me how to find these videos or explain what happened to them?

I hear a good many people complaining of U.S. atrocities and misdeeds in Afghanistan and Iraq, and I see complaints of things that are (if true) quite wrong, but cannot be compared to what the Taliban and Saddam are reputed to have done.

It seems quite fashionable in most countries to badmouth Bush (or any other U.S. President it seems) whether it is warranted or not. I am not one of these people. If these videos do in fact exist, why are they not shown as proof that the interventions were obviously warranted?

I honestly would prefer to see the U.S. invite the press to view some of these and then ask them if, in their opinion, U.S. intervention was justified.

I truly would like some illumination on this. Pointing me to where I can obtain these recordings would be greatly appreciated.



Posted by: Ian at December 16, 2005 10:09 AM

The U.S of facist A, does not need to protect anybody from facist regimes, while the usa pretend to be peace keepers, they kill innocent lives and have become facist themselves for decades now. The things done to the serbia is embarresing and should not be tolerated. The usa of fights "muslim terrorist", but helps the terrorists in albania by giving them ammo and weps. This country is a disgrace, and all the people in it should be disgraced, act now or you will be living under a fascist regime

Posted by: hi at October 22, 2006 07:15 PM
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