I guess so? That's what Vice President Cheney said on the Senate floor. And - he refuses to apologize for it. So - I'm confused. I thought that the Republicans were the party of family values and that we had a Christian nation? What kind of example does it set for Christian children when Cheney says "Go Fuck Yourself" and doesn't even apologize for it?
On a side note - in the 1990s if Al Gore told a Republican to go fuck himself - do you think that the press would have given him a pass or do you think they would have carved it on his tombstone? You would think that the press would have covered Cheney saying Go Fuck Yourself as much as Deans screech - wouldn't you?
You would think that - if you still thought we had an impartial, non-partisan media.
But if you thought that you've probably had your head up your ass since the Usurper in Thief stole the White House in 2000.
Posted by: (: Tom :) at July 1, 2004 07:29 AMCOME ON! The media knew that the last president was a rapist and never mentioned it until Matt Drudge did.
Posted by: X-FREEPER at July 1, 2004 08:25 AMWhat does the president's sex habits have to do with "Fuck yourself"? How does that fit into the hypocricy of blasting Democrats for such actions but then turning a blind eye when a Republican does so??
Posted by: Shadow Hawk at July 1, 2004 08:51 AMThe last president was a rapist? Which one? Clinton? Bush? Regean? Kennedy? X-Freeper must be one of those 'pick and choose' christians. My apologies if you are not freeper. How can one labast the actions of one party and ignore the actions of another, who say they stand for family values? I am no christian, but i about flipped when my son said asshole the other because a kid called him a fuckin asshole and would not apologize for saying that to him. Now, i want someone to justify cheney not apologizing. in my opinion, it's ok to tell someone to go fuck themselves, free speech. but to not apologize afterward about it? now that's setting a bad example.
Posted by: charlie chingas at July 1, 2004 09:36 AMCheney's "F bomb" is getting a hell of a lot of coverage. Maybe not as much as Dean's scream, but maybe because telling someone to "go fuck yourself" isn't as unusual as shouting "yeaaaaarrrrrrgggh!". Seriously, I don't smell a conspiracy here.
Besides, go easy on the guy... he has a bad heart. ;)
Posted by: MadBlue at July 1, 2004 11:31 AMI hear Cheney has to eat the heart of an Iraqi child every night to live another 24 hours. But that could just be a rumour. I know, tonight lets all go to that haunted mansion atop Ol' capital hill and find out fer sure! Ill raise you a lemon jolly rancher Shadow Hawk.
Posted by: SuprShite at July 1, 2004 02:07 PMi heard differntly, i heard he had to implant a artifical heart that runs off oil, and he has to go to the gas station to fuel up everyonce in a while
Posted by: Joshua Gillogly at July 1, 2004 07:13 PMAh, thanks SuprShite and Joshua, pure hilarity. Someone should draw up some cartoons. Great mental images. I would, but I can't draw.
Posted by: curt at July 2, 2004 07:27 PMBy the way...
Posted by: MadBlue at July 9, 2004 01:53 AMHaha those cartoons were great. I am suprised that Slate would even bother, usually that guy has me so annoyed that I want to invest in Louisville Sluggers and go on a rampage.
Posted by: Willsmachine at July 9, 2004 06:36 AMBush and Cheney have made a mockery out of patriotism and Christianity. Watch how much damage they will cause to this country during their remaining time in office. All they ever cared about, besides tax cuts for millionaires, is keeping this stupid war going for as long as possible. They did not have the moral courage to get bin Laden. And don't tell me that Saddam was really responsible for 9/11. Even Bush finally admitted that we wasn't.
Posted by: RRC at May 12, 2007 03:36 AM