In yet another example of why the separation of Church and State is a good thing - Bush is making a blantant attempt at controlling the politics of churches. And - like he does with corporation that support him I'm sure he will dole out his faith based rewards based on the support the church provided during his election.
If this were legal - can you imagine the implications? Suppose Kerry were elected. Then he could pass out faith based initiative money to churches who support democrats and help them spread the word of God as seen by Christian Democrats as opposed to Christian Republicans.
Here are some of the things Bush wants churches to do for him.
Exactly how would one deal with the recent church outreach program intiated by the Bush-Cheney campaign?
Just consider channeling Martin Luther.
Print out the image found at
and tack it on the doors of your local place of worship for the whole congregation to see.
Posted by: One Citizen at July 3, 2004 12:09 PMTwo Things of Interest:
Florida Releases Voter Purge List
Most of whom made the list were Democrats.
Where are the Saddam look alikes? Or did he never have any to begin with?
NOTE: The article is over a year old but it brings about a forgotten issue that still hasnt been dealth with.
Posted by: Chris at July 3, 2004 12:58 PMHas anyone ever approached a church for help? I have...they want your immortal soul in exchange for top ramen...and every denomination that i have ever approached had the same idea...churches want bodies, souls to claim etc...this is just too too much
Posted by: minervajones at July 5, 2004 07:12 PMIt is against the law for churches to publically endorse any candidate, however why is it that you see African-American churches actively endorsing Democratic candidates? The "Rev" Jesse Jackson is one of the national leaders that promotes this during regularly scheduled church services. Where is his scrutiny? Where is: CNN,CNBC,MSNBC,NBC,CBS,ABC,FOX,New York Times, Washington Post & the L.A.Times to take issue with the laws?
Why is an African-American labled an "Uncle Tom" if he chooses to be a Republican? How many trillions of dollars have been spent on "Programs" over the years and yet we continue to see welfare rolls as they are? There is not one single American today who cannot receive the financial assistance to aquire the education needed to get off the welfare rolls. You must first, have the desire to improve yourself and then YOU can make it happen, not the goverment!