September 15, 2004

PayPal to start fining their customers

If you buy a Playboy with your paypal debit card - PayPal might steal $500 from you.

PayPal to Levy Fines for Gambling, Porn

By Lisa Baertlein

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - PayPal, the online payments arm of eBay Inc. on Friday said it will soon fine people up to $500 for uses related to gambling, adult content or services, and buying or selling prescription drugs from noncertified sellers.

The new policy, which takes effect Sept. 24 and applies to both buyers and sellers, marks the first time PayPal has imposed fines for violations of its use policy, spokeswoman Amanda Pires said.

In addition to fines that could be applied to each violation, PayPal may take legal action to recover losses in excess of the fines, Pires said in an interview.

Posted by marc at September 15, 2004 03:56 PM | TrackBack

Tell me why anyone would use paypal.

Posted by: tomocius at September 15, 2004 06:03 PM

Interesting articule. Sorry to get off blog topic.

Posted by: M. Wills at September 16, 2004 12:33 PM

Given your background as a pro se attorney, perhaps you should attempt to find litigants for a class action lawsuit.

Paypal's practices that you've detailed recently appear to be rude and confrontational at best, grossly negligent of privacy and fiscally predatory at worst.

Posted by: Gershwin at September 19, 2004 02:00 AM

Does that include donations? If someone donates money just to be donating. Is that included in the policy?

Posted by: kirk at September 23, 2004 03:54 PM
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