Bush will bring back the draft. If you are skilled and between the ages of 18 and 34 you get to go to Iraq to die for Bush's war.
Print this out and post it whereever youth can be found!
Selective Service eyes women's draft
The proposal would also require registration of critical skills
WASHINGTON -- The chief of the Selective Service System has proposed registering women for the military draft and requiring that young Americans regularly inform the government about whether they have training in niche specialties needed in the armed services.
The proposal, which the agency's acting Director Lewis Brodsky presented to senior Pentagon officials just before the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq, also seeks to extend the age of draft registration to 34 years old, up from 25.
The Selective Service System plan, obtained under the Freedom of Information Act, highlights the extent to which agency officials have planned for an expanded military draft in case the administration and Congress would authorize one in the future.
"In line with today's needs, the Selective Service System's structure, programs and activities should be re-engineered toward maintaining a national inventory of American men and, for the first time, women, ages 18 through 34, with an added focus on identifying individuals with critical skills," the agency said in a Feb. 11, 2003, proposal presented to senior Pentagon officials.
Brodsky and Richard Flahavan, the agency's director of public and congressional affairs, reviewed the six-page proposal with Pentagon officials responsible for personnel issues. They included Charles Abell, principal deputy undersecretary for personnel and readiness, and William Carr, deputy undersecretary for military personnel policy.
The agency officials acknowledged that they would have "to market the concept" of a female draft to Congress, which ultimately would have to authorize such a step.
Dan Amon, a spokesman for the Selective Service System, based in Arlington, Va., said that the Pentagon has taken no action on the proposal to expand draft registration.
"These ideas were only being floated for Department of Defense consideration," Amon said. He described the proposal as "food for thought" for contingency planning.
Navy Lt. Cmdr. Jane Campbell, a spokeswoman for the Defense Department, said the Pentagon "has not agreed to, nor even suggested, a change to Selective Service's current missions."
Nonetheless, Flahavan said the agency has begun designing procedures for a targeted registration and draft of people with computer and language skills, in case military officials and Congress authorize it.
Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and Air Force Gen. Richard Myers, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, say they oppose a revival of the military draft, last used in 1973 as the American commitment in Vietnam waned, beginning the era of the all-volunteer force.
Mandatory registration for the draft was suspended in 1975 but was resumed in 1980 by President Carter after the Soviets invaded Afghanistan. About 13.5 million men, ages 18 to 25, currently are registered with the Selective Service.
"I don't know anyone in the executive branch of the government who believes that it would be appropriate or necessary to reinstitute the draft," Rumsfeld said last month.
At present, the Selective Service is authorized to register only young men and they are not required to inform the government about any professional skills. Separately, the agency has in place a special registration system to draft health care personnel in more than 60 specialties into the military if necessary in a crisis.
Some of the skill areas where the armed forces are facing "critical shortages" include linguists and computer specialists, the agency said. Americans would then be required to regularly update the agency on their skills until they reach age 35.
Individuals proficient in more than one critical skill would list the skill in which they have the greatest degree of competency.
Posted by marc at September 16, 2004 04:31 PM | TrackBackThank you for this Marc. I'll start letting everyone know about this immediately.
Posted by: URockMarc at September 16, 2004 09:23 PMThis has been around since at least 2003. They didn't want too much public attention because it would make Iraq look a heck of a lot more like Vietnam. I think there is something that will prevent draftees from being dodgers too - I can't really remember right now. Up here in Canada, there were cases a while back of US soldiers asking for asylum before the Iraq war on the grounds "they knew the war was illegal and objected because their conscience demanded it and it was not like the case for war in Afghanistan". I don't know how those cases turned out.
Posted by: KainNero at September 16, 2004 10:20 PMThank you Marc for this very pertinent information regarding the draft. I've for quite some time had a sneaking suspicion that the draft would be reinstated once the Bushies made a complete wreck out of Iraq. I'm going to make as many copies as I can of your "Draft Alert" and hand them out around town, particularly paying close attention to the colleges and high schools. What a freaking disgrace this entire Iraq war!! I refuse to believe that if Bush (God forbid) also steals this election (again!) and does reinstate the draft that there will not be an uprising replete with civil disobedience that could make the VN War protests look like child's play.
A question: Just who are these "security moms" that the mainstream news whores keep referring to every hour upon the hour? Does anyone know if this group truly exists or is this just another round of false statistics catapulted at us by the Bushies?? Anyone know or have any ideas on this? Could this be another "Lucy Ramirez" hiding in the imaginary closet??
Posted by: Hope Rambo at September 23, 2004 02:46 AMIt was Democratic congressman Charles Rangle of NY who was pushing for the re-enstatement of the draft
Posted by: Don at September 28, 2004 11:25 AM