Letter to the Editor
The press has been saying that Democrats hate Bush - but I don't think that's true. I think it's more accurate to say that a lot of people are ANGRY with Bush, but they don't hate him. I'm sure that are some people who hate Bush - like if you lost a child in Iraq who died because Bush lied - then you might hate Bush. Or - if your retirement got wiped out because it was all in Enron stock - you might hate Bush,
But for things like taking away civil liberties with the Patriot Act, people losing their jobs, turning the biggest surplus in the history of the world into the biggest deficit in the history of the world, or the rape, torture, and killings at Abu Ghraib prison - I think people are just angry with Bush about that.
So I don't think it's accurate to portray Democrats as people who hate. You have to take into account issues and real reason people might be angry about personal losses and the direction America is heading. I think the media should look closer to see if people really do hate Bush - or if they are just angry with him.
Posted by marc at September 29, 2004 04:55 PM | TrackBackNo...I strongly dislike him (:
Posted by: Edd at September 29, 2004 07:29 PMHe would not be my first choice for President. But, he ranks higher than any of the choices that I'll have when I walk into the voting booth this year. I strongly dislike the Democrats, and think that they made a BIG mistake by taking advantage of the opportunity by providing me with a better choice. But hey, the republicans made the same mistake with Bob Dole. Sometimes I wonder if they make these stupid mistakes on purpose.
Posted by: tomocius at September 29, 2004 07:41 PMBush claims the high ground of being a good christian...was attacking Iraq the thing a good christian would initiate?
Posted by: Ray at September 29, 2004 07:51 PMI dont hate bush, i dislike him also...with a passion...
Posted by: BumontheRun at September 29, 2004 08:28 PMOh Okay! So I hate BUSH! So there! LOL. I can't stomach the miscreant! He disgusts me. When I see his monkey face my stomach churns and I yearn for a cold glass of vino to calm my poor self down!
Methinks it is all too mucho!
I don't hate the guy who failed to stop and rammed my car. I don't hate the spiders who are invading my house. I don't hate the snake in my backyard that bit my cat. And yet, I would gladly send all of them back to Crawford.
Posted by: Brenda Helveson at September 29, 2004 09:22 PMI wonder when people will wake up and realise that the issue is not GW himself. Sure he looks like a fool. Sure he sounds like a fool. Sure, he very well may be a fool. But please cease to be fooled and look at his running mate. Look at who is backing him. Look at who is really running the show and then decide who is really to blame for what is happening in the US and abroad with regards to the US. Like the old saying goes, 'don't shoot the messenger'. That's all that Bush is. A messenger. 'This is what we are going to do' I think really means 'this is what they said we're going to do'. Bush is the fall guy for Cheney and Rumsfield and all his other cronies. That's partially why Bush sounds like a blithering idiot half the time - his bosses keep changing the story. Please keep that in mind in November, if at least for the rest of this earth. Bush is not the enemy. It's his bosses that are determined to ruin anything and everything for their own pocketbooks.
Posted by: Jeffrey at September 29, 2004 10:50 PMBush, Cheney, Rumsfield, Ashcroft ad nauseum! Simply put, it is all about class warfare; nothing more, nothing less. To make it even more elementary, we can morph the aforementioned morons into one profligate being and call it the GOP.
Posted by: Hope Rambo at September 29, 2004 11:07 PMBush doesn't sound like an idiot half the time Jeffrey; he sounds like an idiot ALL OF THE TIME!
Jeff, you are on to something. And I love your train of thought. But, do not give credit to Cheney and Rumsfeld. Those guys are not smart enough to control Bush. In fact they are controlled with him. It is the owners of the shares of the Federal Reserve Bank that control the whole lot of them. And Kerry would be controlled, just like Bush, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan (after he was shot). The only President that they did not control since 1913 was Kennedy, and we all know what happened to him. That is what is sooo funny about the election process in this country. In order to get to the top of either ticket you have to be under control. If you are not under control you never make it that high. I like the way you think.
Posted by: tomocius at September 30, 2004 06:51 AMWhen I say that I hate Drinky McDumbAss (and I do say it, and I do hate the frelling moron besides) it is short for: I hate the bastards who are in control of things and are pulling the Torturer in Chief's strings. I have no confidence that the Texas Souffle is involved, let alone aware, of many of the decisions made in his name.
How can a pathologically lying drunken cokeheaded deserter in wartime, who has trashed the economy and most major social programs in order to line his junta's pockets (and that's just the tip of the iceberg of all the evil he has let loose since he stole office in 2000), be the highest ranking choice in the voting booth? Who would be a better choice? Putin, or Zhirinovsky? Or do you long for the good old days of Vlad the Impaler? I hear he got the trains to run on time, too...
Posted by: (: Tom :) at September 30, 2004 07:53 AMCome on Tom, The National Organization of Women endorsed a cokehead rapist deserter-in-wartime for eight years. If NOW can endorse a rapist, certainly a Ted Kennedy Democrat can endorse a drunk. Is this a case that your cokehead draft dodger is better than my cokehead draft dodger? Or, after supporting a cokehead draft dodger in 1992 and 1996, you have changed your ways.
As for the economy, it was thoroughly snuffed out prior to Bush being elected, let alone taking office.
Posted by: tomocius at September 30, 2004 08:20 AMStraight out of the Repugnicant playbook:
Come on Tom, The National Organization of Women endorsed a cokehead rapist deserter-in-wartime for eight years. If NOW can endorse a rapist, certainly a Ted Kennedy Democrat can endorse a drunk. Is this a case that your cokehead draft dodger is better than my cokehead draft dodger? Or, after supporting a cokehead draft dodger in 1992 and 1996, you have changed your ways.
As for the economy, it was thoroughly snuffed out prior to Bush being elected, let alone taking office.
Posted by tomocius at September 30, 2004 08:20 AM
wrong wrong wrong. Are there any eyewitnesses to Clinton's coke use? Some people have claimed to do some lines with Smirky McWarHardon, you know... and nobody is saying that about Clinton these days. Besides, I think somebody else is running for president this time. Maybe you can toss some of that slime his way - once you get through all of the leftovers from the Eight Years Hate Of All Things Clinton.
Or are you talking about the Scaife Cock Hunt and all of the lies paid for by that piece of human waste? Never proven, and no convictions came from it. Kinda makes your lame-ass pussy whining about someone who has been out of office for almost four years now fairly amusing...
Clinton never dodged the draft. Nor did he promise to serve in a cushy job here in the states instead of going to Vietnam like the boy whose ass you are sniffing right now. Nor did he shirk the duties he swore to uphold, refuse to take a medical required by the terms of his agreed-upon service, and then blow off the last two years of that service. Nor did he get all of his records swept under the rug (in violation of several laws) so that he could lie about what he did in the ANG.
Clinton has also never been convicted of rape. Calling an ex-president a rapist, besides being slander, could have some legal implications. I'm sure you'll find out all about that if it proves to be the case...
Also, in the interests of accuracy (something that I'm sure you've heard of, but I haven't seen any proof that you actually, you know, believe in it) - I said that the Torturer in Chief was a deserter, not a draft dodger. You don't have to dodge the draft when your daddy gets you a cushy job in the National Guard (when it was still a joke and a haven for snotty rich boys like pRezNit Never My Fault).
I never voted for Clinton, either - I voted for Frank Zappa in 92 and Pat Pauulsen in 96. So you can shove that lie back where the sun doesn't shine, too.
How can you sleep at night when you lie so pathologically and constantly? Or did you leave your conscience behind, like all the rest of the Repugnicants, when you signed that loyalty oath?
Unlike asshole Repugnicant trolls such as yourself, I have no problem seeing the flaws in all of the candidates.
Smarter ditto monkeys please...
Posted by: (: Tom :) at September 30, 2004 12:15 PMThis is an email sent from a Wall Street Journal Reporter in Bagdad. It was an open email to friends and collegues.
I know someone who personally saw my ex-President do coke. Yet, I have never been told that Bush did coke by someone who actually witnessed him doing lines. My ex-Pesident is also a felon. I believe that there is sufficiant evidence that he raped a woman. He says he didn't but he is proven liar, 45 million witnesses watching saw that.
If I say Clinton did coke, it is slander? But, you can say Bush did coke?
You voted for Frank Zappa in 1992. That is enough for me.
I am NEVER going to be able to bash Kerry's record as President, because he won't be President.
There is nothing that you can point to that I lied about. But there are things that we can point to that Kerry lied about.
I am an asshole Republican arguing with a fcuking brainiac who voted for Frank Zappa. WOW! That is why this country is on the slippery slope of the backside of the mountain.
Let me go watch Bush pounce on Kerry.
Posted by: Tomocius at September 30, 2004 06:01 PMI am one of them ultra-pacifist Tolstoy-worshiping Kucinich-nominating SOB's, and there are very few people whom I can claim to truly hate. Through the filter of history, I cannot even hate the likes of Hitler and Stalin as individuals, even though they've done great wrong to my extended family. If it wouldn't have been those individuals, others would have taken their place and done the same thing. I strongly disagree with their methods, but I do not hate the terrorists (or "Islamic Freedom Fighters", depending on who writes your history books), even though they threaten my family members in Israel on consistent basis - they just don't know any better.
In spite of that, over the past years and especially the past few months, in no uncertain terms, I'VE COME TO HATE GEORGE W BUSH and all his cronies. His administration has made my life measurably worse over the past four years, and is likely to make it even worse still in the term(s) to come. I have never hated anyone that much (except maybe the likes of Pat Robertson, but those dimwits have far less impact on my life and our future). I am not ashamed of that counter-constructive emotion, because I've reached the limits of what constructive approaches can accomplish with much pain left over.
I hate Bush for more than just his screw-ups with the budget and international policy. I hate him for more than just taking away our civil rights and liberties, and trying to impose his silly superstitions on us with full legal force. I hate him for more than being a political bully, a hypocrite, a thug, a liar, and a killer... I hate him for destroying within me the hope in the American Democracy, and, by extension, hope in humanity as a whole.
If, in spite of the world's best free press and free Internet, those in power can still convince the voting majority that 2 + 2 is 5 (except a puppet opposition, that argues that it's 3), what hope is there for dominance of sustained rational thought that is a required for a modern society to function in the interest of its people? If this country, in spite of all the advances of the recent past, can be reduced to this level of ignorance, fear, and greed -- how can we expect not to see tremendous world-wide instability within our lifetimes? If the best among us can propose a realistic alternative that is more humane, more efficient, more sustainable, more civilized, and better directed to serve the well-being of all people, how can we not hate the tyrants that stand in its way?
Posted by: Alex Libman at October 1, 2004 02:36 AMHey troll boy did you likewatching how bad Bush danced all over Kerry in the debate last night? Somehow it seems that reality might crash into your little fantasy world.
If you knew anythig at all about Mr. Zappa and his political views you would be aware that he had better ideas about a lot of things than either of the major political parties. Just because I didn't vote, zombie-like, for Tweedledum or Tweedledee, makes my opinions worthless? Cheney you, you little mind-fart.
I really believe that you've talked to someone who did coke with Clinton. Is that why you're not awash in Scaife cash and telling your little lie to every media whore out there?
Now you accuse Clinton of being a felon. What exactly was he convicted of again? Getting a blowjob from someone who was not his wife by the God Squad? Your petulant little boyking lies to America every day - but you have no problem with him lying. Maybe you can go search for your intellect, too - it's probably in the trash along with your conscience and your morals.
As to you saying that none of your vile spewage is lies:
"Come on Tom, The National Organization of Women endorsed a cokehead rapist deserter-in-wartime for eight years."
Clinton is not a cokehead, nor a rapist, nor a deserter-in-wartime. Give me some proof, not some kimchee that Scaife has been pushing for years.
"If NOW can endorse a rapist, certainly a Ted Kennedy Democrat can endorse a drunk."
NOW did NOT endorse a rapist. I am not a Ted Kennedy democrat, and you make the insinuation here that TK is a drunk. Got some proof of that? That he is a drunk now, today, and he goes on drunken rampages on a regular basis? Hard proof not some more Repugnicant lies.
"Is this a case that your cokehead draft dodger is better than my cokehead draft dodger?"
Once again for the intellectually challenged, I did not say that anyone was a draft dodger. I said that Bunnypants was a deserter.
Besides, isn't it 2004 now? And this Clinton guy isn't running for office anymore?
"Or, after supporting a cokehead draft dodger in 1992 and 1996, you have changed your ways."
Another wild-eyed lie shamelessly repeated. Just like the monkey in the WhiteWash House you are so fond of blowing...
"As for the economy, it was thoroughly snuffed out prior to Bush being elected, let alone taking office."
The recession started in MARCH 2001. Who was pResident then?
No matter how many times you lie, or how many lies you tell, the truth will come out. Now go back to sucking that Pencil Dick, trollboy...
Posted by: (: Tom :) at October 1, 2004 06:46 AMTom
Reality is going to crash into your little world on November 3 when you make up to another four years of George Bush. Winning a debate does not get you the White House, winning an election does.
Tweedledum and Tweedledee, isn't that what Frank Zappa named his kids? I really do not care what the political view of a stoner who named his kid Moon Unit is. I know Ted Nugents political view, Now there is a rocker I can vote for.
I do not talk to the media about my ex-Presidents cocaine usage for two reasons. 1) the only way to PROVE the cocaine use is with a photo. Knowing what someone did and proving what someone did is two different things. 2)DEATH. You have ZERO proof that Bush did coke. That fact that you say he did makes you a liar. I DO NOT care what you believe, simply because you have already proven to me that your beliefs are whacked.
Felon: 1)Someone who commits a felony. Bill Clinton lied under oath, that is a felony. That makes him a felon. If you think I am lying about that ask Mark Furhman, dumb shit. Unlike the cocaine usage there 45 million witnesses to his felony. He committed it a national TV, another dumb shit. No wonder you are both members of the Dummicrap Party.
Tom, maybe you should put some ice on that. On the rape thing you are an idiot. But, if ever your mother, sister, wife , or daughter tells you that she was raped, have a little more compassion than you do now.
TK is a drunk. I do not care if you tell me that he has not had a drink in 30 years. His liver is as hard as a quarry rock, and his blood is 60 proof. But a guy who is following Frank Zappa's "trip" through politics is obviously to fucked up himself to recognize a drunk.
You can split hairs if you wish, but a draft-dodger and a deserter are two peas in the same pod to me. At least our President was not shooting fleeing boys in diapers in the back to get a medal.
I know that Frank Zappa never taught you much about economics. And you have proven to have the knowledge of a pair of amebas. The NASDAQ was down 50% from its high on election day 2000. The economic engine is driven by corporate profits which did not exist in 2000. Just because you let Wall Street pull you along until March of 2001 does not mean much. The recession started in March of 2001, but a recession is not an overnight phenom. The fundamentals that bring on a recession start long before the recession starts. And those fundamentals were in firmly in place long before Bush was elected. If you remember Bush talked of the recession in the last campaign. Do you think he was going to cause one, or do you think he knows what you do not, and that is to recognize economic trends before your broker decides to tell you about them?
Tom, I have lied about nothing. If your only response is to call me liar, and other choice names while saying Bush did something that you have no proof of I am out of that dicussion. I do not want to call you a liar about everything you said. I would rather just continue to think that you are too stupid recognize, acknowledge, or know the truth. Which just means you are talking out of your ass.
Go vote on November 3, bad news Zappa did not make the ballot.
Tom-o-asshole says:
"Tom, I have lied about nothing. If your only response is to call me liar, and other choice names while saying Bush did something that you have no proof of I am out of that dicussion. I do not want to call you a liar about everything you said. I would rather just continue to think that you are too stupid recognize, acknowledge, or know the truth. Which just means you are talking out of your ass."
But then he also says,
"Tweedledum and Tweedledee, isn't that what Frank Zappa named his kids? I really do not care what the political view of a stoner who named his kid Moon Unit is. I know Ted Nugents political view, Now there is a rocker I can vote for."
FZ was NEVER a stoner. A wonrdefully slanderous lie coming out of our resident ditto monkey there...
"TK is a drunk. I do not care if you tell me that he has not had a drink in 30 years. His liver is as hard as a quarry rock, and his blood is 60 proof. But a guy who is following Frank Zappa's "trip" through politics is obviously to fucked up himself to recognize a drunk."
Refusing to look at facts (not caring about his current status - he is what I say he is seems to be the modus operandi here), slanderous insinuations again, and more lies. How do you know what 'trip' I am following through politics, homo-delicious?
"Tom, maybe you should put some ice on that. On the rape thing you are an idiot. But, if ever your mother, sister, wife , or daughter tells you that she was raped, have a little more compassion than you do now."
No idea what the brain dead ditto monkey is talking about with the ice. It is unbelievable to me that an asshole like this can presume to tell me how much compassion I have, and for who. Why don't you have some compassion for a sitting president who was hounded unmercifully by the Repugnicants, and then persecuted on false charges? And you can Cheney yourself on the compassion part. Repugnicants have shown they know nothing about compassion...
"You can split hairs if you wish, but a draft-dodger and a deserter are two peas in the same pod to me. At least our President was not shooting fleeing boys in diapers in the back to get a medal."
No, our current pResident was snorting cocaine off hookers bellies instead of fulfilling his cushy duties in the Champagne Unit of the Texas National Guard. It is interesting to know that you see an equivalkence between someone who stood up for their convictions against the war, and said they would not serve if called upon to do so, and someone who deserted a post in the armed forces during wartime. A sterling example of Repugnicant moral equivalence there.
Equally amazing is that a decorated war hero can be tarred with these lies, but a drunken cokeheaded fratboy who deserted in wartime gets a free pass. Nice ethics on that, Homo-boy...
Any time you think you have the stones to say any of that to my face, feel free to try, you little two faced ditto monkey mother Cheneyer.
Posted by: (: Tom :) at October 4, 2004 11:19 AMTom, are you of the belief that Bill Clinton did not committ perjury? Now, Faqnk Zappa never got high, Bill Clinton never got high, but George Bush did coke with hookers. Could you please bless us with all of the other people you have knowledge of, as far as their drug use. And while we are on the subject of drugs, you really should not skip your Ritalin. Dan Rathers referred to the WWII veterans as the Greatest Generation. I refer to your generation as the Lost Generation. All of that Ritalin did you no good, look how you are when they take you off of it. AGAIN, you have absolutely no proof that Bush did coke, you lying little punk.
As for me having the stones ... ANYTIME you want to COME ON DOWN. I'll give the ass kickin your old man obviously didn't, or I'll pick up where he left off. Pussboy!
Posted by: tomocius at October 5, 2004 07:29 AMBring it on, mother-Cheneyer. Assholes like you who spout off bullshit without looking into the facts nauseate me. Maybe that's why I have a problem with the Deserter in Chief these days.
Since you obviously are lacking in facts (as well as intelligence, ethics, morals, and any sense of decency), you can continue to believe your bullshit. Zappa never did any drugs at all - if you knew anything at all but trailer trash bullshit then maybe you might have a clue here.
I would suggest that whatever they are putting in that Republic kool-aid you're swilling, get some more of it. You're going to need it to stay in that fantasyland inside your pea-sized brain.
Which generation are you putting me into, Homo-boy? Nice of you to tell me how old I am. Just like your petulant cheerleader boy in the WhiteWash House, whenever the facts don't suit you you either ignore them or lie about them. what's it like to live without a conscience, ditto monkey?
Once again, any time you think you can handle it, bring it on. I love kicking the snot out of Republic pussies like you. Especially ones who like Ted Nugent - who dodged the draft by crapping in his pants for a week before showing up at the induction office. Typical behavior from asshole Republics like you, I might add.
Smarter ditto monkeys please...
Posted by: (: Tom :) at October 5, 2004 10:38 AMTom, this is too much fun. You know nothing more about Bush than you know about Zappa than you do about Bill Clinton. You are a phony. The number one thing on your mind judging by all of your post is this homo thing. Reading your posts make me believe that you 5 foot 3 and you suffer from "short guy syndrome". Probably never been in a fist fight in your life. You're probably pissed at your dad because he paid more attention to your sister, who even though was probably thinking about the same male organ that you have on your mind, in your dad's eye she was more masculine. All you do is rant, call names, and talk about thing that you know nothing about. Bye Bye!
Posted by: tomocius at October 5, 2004 05:55 PMThankyou, Tomocius. Bush is a good president and yall know it. You people hear only what you want to hear (or see what you want to see). If you hear something good about Bush (or bad about a Bush-opposer), you throw out the information and call it a "lie". If you hear something the other way around, you instantly go "yeah!, yeah! Bush lied! Kids died!" and rant and rant and rant.
Posted by: Richard at June 21, 2006 02:59 PMOh and by the way, I am a big fan of Frank Zappa. He didn't do any drugs at all. If you think republicans are such sissies, why is it that when our country is striked with lets say...SOME AIRPLANES INTO SOME BUILDINGS...or any of the other countless things that happen...only the republicans are willing to go to war. This is very close to fighting. Democrats don't hit back and run away crying.
Posted by: Richard at June 21, 2006 03:22 PM