December 30, 2004

Marc Perkel on Mike Malloy's Show on Air America Radio

Dear Church of Reality Membership,

Last night's interview on the Mike Malloy Show on Air America went very well. It lasted about 16 minutes less commercials and music and my only regret was that it didn't last longer. I don't know how many people it reached but I'm sure it was a lot. For those of you who missed it - you can listen to it on the web at:

Mike Malloy Show

Additionally my radio guy, Dave Lewis, created 4 radio spots for the Church of Reality. I thing the first two are particularly good and hope to actually run them somewhere once I refigure a plan for radio. You can listen to them at:

  1. The Prince and Hives
  2. Wimp
  3. Father and Son
  4. Reverend Chuck D. Change

I'm pretty busy today but just wanted to let you share in these new Church of Reality audio treasures and let me know what you think. This is just the beginning. I want everyone on the planet to hear the name Church of Reality. Any thing you can do to make that happen is greatly appreciated.

Marc Perkel
First One
Church of Reality

Posted by marc at December 30, 2004 11:03 AM | TrackBack

I heard you Mike's show, just like Mike, I wrote down the phrase "I didn't make reality, reality made me." I'm going to put in in my e-mail signature!


Posted by: S the dark nerd at December 30, 2004 12:52 PM
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