December 31, 2004

America the Stingy

Letter to the Editor

The Bush administration looks stingy and selfish by only offering 35 million dollars in aid to the tsunami victims where over 100,000 were killed and millions left homeless. When 9-11 happened we spent 15 billion dollars to support corporate airlines - 500 times as much as we re offering in aid to the affected countries. America already has serious problems in the world with it's image over the Iraq war. And although some Americans don't care what other countries think - when we come asking the world for help - they will remember how little we offered when it was our turn to give.

Posted by marc at December 31, 2004 06:22 AM | TrackBack


America CAN'T spend any more cash. It's already in too great a debt.

I guess I don't have to tell you to who the world owes this situation.


Posted by: Jay at January 1, 2005 01:56 PM

I guess Marc might know what you are talking about Jay, but could you explain "to who the world owes this situation"? I assume you mean the American people, and that dumb-ass President whom they democratically elected?

Posted by: bbm at January 3, 2005 01:49 PM

I had Bush in mind while typing that.

There's a nice graph somewhere on the web that shows the national debt always goes up when the sitting president is a republican, and it always goes down then the sitting president is a democrat.

I'm telling ya man... I'd sure like to know what the difference is in the brains of republicans and democrats...

Posted by: Jay at January 5, 2005 01:08 PM
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