March 08, 2005

How to beat the high price of gas

Rising gas prices cutting into your lifestyle? I have a way to beat the system. Here are my "secrets to success" that you will find only on Marc Perkel's blog. Here's how it works.

What you do is go out and borrow all the money you can and buy oil company stock. The oil company prices go up because they raise the price of gas and the profits go up and you can buy your gas with what you make in the stock market.

But - you might ask - what if prices go up faster than the stock profits? No problem - borrow more money and buy even more stock. The more people who follow this plan - the faster the stock price goes up. So tell all your friends and neighbors to follow this plan.

Some people might put down this idea and call it wreckless and risky. But this idea has the backing of some of the greatest economic minds in America. Because this is the same plan that Bush and the Republican Party have to "save" Social Security.

Posted by marc at March 8, 2005 07:35 PM | TrackBack
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