Letter to the Editor
It's interesting that even though Syria executed the president of Lebanon that the size of the protests against the United States today was far larger than the protests against Syria. I think it speaks to the fact that the rest of the world doesn't trust Bush. Nor should they. We have become the world's biggest threat. In spite of the fact that there are a lot of bad guys out there in the Arab world -the direction we are headed in is far scarier in the long run.
Syria does not benefit from the killing of Hariri, America and Israel do. You have automatically assumed that Syria is responsible as the American news companies (if you can call them that!) have bombarded us with "their guilt". If they haven't directly pointed the finger at Syria, the Whitehouse have chosen there words carefully to infer that it was Syria and let the "educated" American public presume that, yes it must have been Syria. Syria have now decided to leave Lebanon and will fulfill UNSCR 1559 which requires that all foreign forces leave Lebanon. Will Israel leave Shebaa area in the south or are they not "foreign".
Posted by: Maz at March 15, 2005 08:57 AM