June 28, 2005

People no longer trust the Mainstream Corporate Media

People no longer trust the Republican controlled corporate mainstrean media and are turning to the internet to get their information. That is because corporate media giants fail to cover stories so as not to upset the Bush Administration. For example, ABC News and CBS news have yet to run a single story about the Downing Street Memos, which prove that George W. Bush deliberately and systematically lied about his reasons for invading Iraq.

The more the media covers up the more people distrust them and are turning to alternative media outlets that aren't controlled by money interests. As it turns out readers can get better information from independent sources than the can from the well funded but tightly controlled TV networks.

Posted by marc at June 28, 2005 01:24 PM

This is great beleive me the media only feeds you what the feds or the lawyer and police want you to know leaving out very significant details.

Posted by: k9walker at July 12, 2005 05:14 PM

OMG! So fucking true! I'm doing a paper on this right now in class. Finished watching "Wag, the Dog" for a Sales Promo class. We've been discussing how influenced by politics and the media we are and how not to be blinded by what they "WANT" you to see but what's actually real.

Posted by: Cherie at January 24, 2006 02:47 PM
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