Letter to the Editor
The Bush administration is moving to steal the election again by postponing the election in case of an attack around election day. If this passes and Bush is behind in the polls - there will be an attack to delay the election.
A president who is crooked enough to go to war with Iraq based on lies is crooked enough to fake a terrorist attack to usurp the election process. Bush has already stolen one election when he got the Supreme Court to halt the vote count and appoint him president. This time the people should choose our own president.
Keeping us safe from terrorism is a test of the presidency and if Bush can't figure out how to keep America safe then he doesn't deserve to be president. The Constitution is clear on the subject and it doesn't provide an exception to move the election if Bush decides to create a fake attack. We need to resist tempering with the election process and prevent Bush from stealing the election again. Bush can not be trusted with any process to delay the election for any reason. And we sure don't need to give Bush a reason to blow up buildings if he's behind in the polls.
As much as Bush is corrupt, you and Michael Moore make Bush look like a reasonable person.
Posted by: Randy Charles Morin at July 11, 2004 08:28 PMIt's interesting how Mark automatically takes anything M. Moore puts out as "Church of Reality" gospel.
For a bit of truth about Moores work check out:
Posted by: yup at July 11, 2004 10:52 PM"if Bush can't figure out how to keep America safe then he doesn't deserve to be president". Here! Here! But there is one problem with this. If, according to information in the movie 'Bowling for Columbine', Americans are in a constant state of fear of each other due to crime and public propoganda (media in particular, which in turn is controlled by government or big companies with money), why would any president try to figure out how to keep America safe when in doing so they would lose the control they have over the citizens of the US through fear. Attempting to create an illusion of safeness in the US and then failing??....well that sounds like the current Bush administration.
Posted by: Trevor at July 12, 2004 01:07 AMLeave Michael Moore alone. Sure, there are some inaccuracies and a strong bias in his work, but the attempts to debunk him are even less accurate. And his editorial policies seem stricter than those of Fox News. Yes, he is selective and dumbs things down for his audience. That doesn't reduce his overall point. Moore only directly influences like the lower third of the would-be Democrats; the lower third of the Republicans are still running around yelling "Nuke Em". As the Indian proverb goes: "truth written in goat dung is better than lies written in gold" (or something like that).
I'm looking forward to this election season. I'll take some time off work, buy 10 large-screen TV’s so I could watch all C-SPAN's and all cable news networks at the same time, stack up on snacks, disconnect my phone, and clamp my eyes open. It's like 20 Wrestlemanias happening at the same time! Woo hoo! Anyone know how to make poisoned Kool Aid?
Ya know, I was a much happier person when I didn't care about politics. Republicans could nominate Hitler's skeleton and have him lead in the polls, and I'd be happily coding and watching Spongebob Squarepants. Ahhh, innocence lost.
Posted by: Alex Libman at July 12, 2004 01:24 AMI guees John Asskroft forgot to put a prvision in the Patriiot Act to Ridge to suspend elections. John must be slipping. Bush should fire him for his oversight.
Posted by: -David at July 12, 2004 06:05 AMThe last time i checked hitlers skeleton could have been a better leader then bush.., can i come over, i wanna watch!!!!
Posted by: Joshua Gillogly at July 12, 2004 06:06 AMOnly if you're a girl age 18 - 25 with HotOrNot rating of 7+.
Posted by: Alex Libman at July 12, 2004 08:55 AM"We must confront serious dangers before they fully materialize" G. W. Bush, WASHINGTON, July 12.
Using the same logic that this administration used to invade iraq and to try to stall the elections, i punished my 8 year old son for the crap he will put me through when he's a teenager... my 7 month old is next...
Posted by: charlie chingas at July 12, 2004 11:46 AMyes beat em' while there young, so they grow up to be drunk crack heads.. wait thats george w. bush, don't beat them dont beat them!!!
Posted by: Joshua Gillogly at July 12, 2004 01:18 PMSorry, kid. You must be at least THIS tall before you use the internet.
Posted by: MadBlue at July 12, 2004 06:09 PM... oh, and in case the posts directly above mine get deleted, that WASN'T directed at you, Joshua.
Posted by: MadBlue at July 12, 2004 06:13 PMdamn. he must have been an altar boy... hmmmm. who's handle starts with an 'M'? I know it's not Mance: He's too intelligent to put something like that. I may not agree with with at times, but he's above that. Mad Blue? Nah, too mature also... hey perkel, 'bout a ass'n'nine hall of fame, eh? your first entry!
Posted by: charlie chingas at July 12, 2004 08:17 PMWe need some moderation here. Maaarc!
Posted by: Alex Libman at July 12, 2004 11:18 PMThanks for the vote of confidence, charlie. :)
Yeah, I don't play that way.
Of course, "MARC PERKEL"'s IP address has been logged by Marc Perkel's server. I trust someone's ISP will be getting a nasty letter soon. ;)
Posted by: MadBlue at July 13, 2004 01:48 AMSee this is the kinda of hipocrits republicans are, they see something like that inmoral and wrong, but they do it anyways. SHAME ON THEM!
Posted by: Joshua gillogly at July 13, 2004 04:52 AMFagget stop using Marc name. You can write your dumb shit on other website just leave this one.
Posted by: Dmitri at July 13, 2004 06:44 AMI hope all of you who are afraid of the Bush Cabal are ready to mobilize against the idea of tampering with the election date should it become a reality. These guys are very dangerous. Please start talking with your Washington representatives...flood them with your distaste for this newest blatant attack on democracy. Make sure they know their re-election is in jeopardy should they have anything to do with postponing the election. Mary
p.s. the Marc imposter is a dope and or mentally ill. I suggest we ignore him and let Marc handle finding his butt and kicking it into court.
Agreed Mary, on both counts... I am already writing to everyone and anyone I can about these paperless voting machines as well as the current administration wanting to delay the election. And Libman as the right idea: moderation is needed.
Posted by: charlie chingas at July 13, 2004 10:38 AMTo the fake "MARC PERKEL"
Man you're such an immature loser. Say what you want... but it is clear that one big difference between you and the real Marc is that the real Marc actually has balls. He says what he wants to say and he doesn't hide behind aliases.
So who are you? Bush supporter? A crooked lawyer? A moonie? His ex? Some or all of the above?
Thanx Perkel for the sanitation...
Posted by: charlie chingas at July 13, 2004 12:08 PMWho ever he was he liked to fantasize about micheal moore and Marc doing things he could only think of, it goes to show that the "moral" republicans like gay sex and disturbing acts
Posted by: Josh Gillogly at July 14, 2004 10:31 AMdamn, another example of what child abuse does to kids when they grow up. so much hatred, so much anger. Fear leads to Anger. Anger leads to Hate. Hate leads to leaving angry posts...
Posted by: charlie chingas at July 14, 2004 11:38 AM"I hope that Michael Moore and ALL of his supporters are killed by the terrorists just before we mop the floor with them. At least they would have served a purpose!"
oh so you support terrorism? so you wanna go steriotypical,"tree- hugging, hippie, homos" OK! Your a fucking white boy, who likes priests dick shoved up your ass, and also enjoys to fuck goats.
You drive a FORD rusted truck, and you shove your shotgun up your ass everynight, you like to grease it up and just shove it in there, then in the early morning you go out spray deer piss in your face and hunt deer, which you are so stupid to see that it is raising car insurence because so many fucktards hit them everyday.
Then you go out back and make love to your sister, you then drive from you house to the nearest farm leaving behind small parts of your truck because you can't afford a truck newer then 1985. Then you whatch tv from some store, since you can't afford one, you then yell at the news on the tv and you say things like "nuke those iraqi's, YAY blow them son' of a gawkin' bitches up" while you yourself are too much of a coward to join this war you promote.
Then you find some junk computer your goat owns, you post hate messages, while you preach "black ppl are bad", "women need to stay in the kitchen" and so forth and so on, to liberal sites. Which then correct you and you don't understand because you, yourself are a fucking moron.
LMAO...LOLOLOLOL...Josh, right on the dot... I think we should start a website that stereotypes those folks... BTW Josh, you got me in trouble: was laughing my ass off here at work... Breaks up the coding.... thanks.. :-)
Posted by: charlie chingas at July 14, 2004 01:55 PMIs George H.W. Bush a pedophile?
''They're very naughty girls.'' -- George H.W. Bush on his twin granddaughters.
This is what Republicans do.
Hmm... preaching about not supporting the terrorists, but then saying that you would support them when it comes to targeting the liberals that you at the same time blast for "supporting" terrorists as the reason why you'd like to see them whacked.
Am I the only one that that sounds a little hypocritical to?
Posted by: Shadow Hawk at July 14, 2004 07:06 PMLike i said before, must have been abused as a child when he was young. all that anger...
Posted by: charlie chingas at July 14, 2004 07:14 PMDubmer having heard us speak... I don't recall hearing anyone. Josh? Hawk? Mad blue? You heard anyone speak here? All I heard was the humming of my PC... hmmm...
Posted by: charlie chingas at July 14, 2004 09:33 PMJason, I think Joshua was just pointing out how ludicrous extreme stereotypes of liberals are by following up with extreme stereotypes of conservatives that are just as ludicrous. Granted, he didn't say it in the most diplomatic way, but cut him a little slack - diplomacy's not exactly his strong point. ;)
I don't see Bush "rigging" a terrorist attack, or "letting" one slip through the defenses in order to steal the election. For one, as distrustful and as single-minded as he is, I don't think Bush is evil. And as stupid as he seems/is sometimes, I don't think he'd be that stupid.
If people feel Bush would be safer, it's because there haven't been successful terrorist attacks on American soil since 9/11. A successful attack right before the election would send the message that we're not safe with Bush. Kerry has already said that he'd be tough on terrorism but more diplomatic with other countries - and Americans are getting tired of war. Not to mention that if the elections were postponed due to terrorism, or if there were a successful attack before the elections, a team of independent investigators would be called in to investigate. It could seriously backfire on the Bush administration.
Posted by: MadBlue at July 15, 2004 01:49 AM"1. No I do not support terrorism, I do however hope that while the government is in the middle of bulls**t negotiations on how to KILL THESE PEOPLE who will stop at nothing to kill us (without offending anyone of course), that they somehow get a hold you f***ing idiots that want to protect them! So maybe in that brief moment before they jovially relieve you of your head that you realize these people don't need to be protected they need to be destroyed!"
The last time i checked no liberial supports terrorism? bush supports it, he promotes it(attacking iraq, which osama used as propoganda), he even funds it by having special interests in saudi oil wells( the company is called saudi's and the bin laden group, figure it outurself). I myself do not get the point of terrorism, it is mostly based around religion and money and neither one do i find resonable in this world.
As far as hunting goes, deer wernt in ohio 50 years ago, now they are, so dont give me the fucking run around on wether or no diseased animals will survive or not cause if deer wernt here 50 years ago, they have no reason to be here now, and yes the government DID put them here.
so i see you are the rich bitch that gets big out of bush's tax cuts, either that or you stole all those things, kia rio? im 16 and yet to have a job, and if i would get one its better then something the majority of your fellow ruplicans have. 4 tv's my god, wtf do you do with all of them, do you have like 6 kids? I own my own tv, and comp, anyone who needs more then 1 tv for themselves is a fucking greedy bastard. no mine is a 28' which suits me good, since i dont need anymore then that because i stay content.
Posted by: Joshua Gillogly at July 15, 2004 06:43 AMIt's been a while since I've said anything:
All this lude and immature conversation = BAD. It only makes you sound dumb, so no one will respect you in the future.
Tree hugging = GOOD. It lowers blood pressure.
The mentality of buying new American cars to "Support the Economy" = MEDIOCRE. First of all, you need to know where your cars are assembled, and where most shareholders are located. To that end, a Honda built in Ohio is better than a Chevy built in Mexico. Even when comparing a Cadillac built from scratch in US –vs- a BMW assembled in Germany, because of the tariffs, the sales process, and investor locale, the difference in regional profitability is miniscule. Besides, people who frequently waste money on new cars are being financially stupid. All self-made millionaires I know are still driving their five-year-old Accords and the like. They made their money saving and investing. Anyone can buy a new Corvette (on a high-enough interest loan). But, in the long run, people who waste money on luxuries hurt the economy, hurt US Internal Revenue, and increase their chance of bankruptcy.
Hunters for the Hungry = VERY GOOD. Hunting is a great sport, but it requires tremendous responsibility. Like driving a car is also a responsibility, because being in an accident sucks big time, and the government rightfully restricts that practice. You need to know how to drive and prove to be responsible before you get a driving license. You can't buy a car unless it meets certain safety standards. You can't modify a car to make it more dangerous. If you screw up big time, or even screw up trivially enough times, you can lose your drivers license. Etc. All us liberals want is to have similar reasonable restrictions on firearms. Because there are a heck of a lot of gun murders in this country. You don't need automatic weapons to hunt deer. You don't need twenty rifles. One day we will perfect and mass-produce non-lethal firearms, and we'll then outlaw regular projectile firearms. It won't affect your hunting much. In the meantime: safety switches will not reduce your deer shooting abilities. Going through the licensing paperwork and waiting period will not kill you. Etc. And study after study reveals that having a gun in the house makes you more at risk, not safer, unlike a Stun Gun. So us liberals want them rednecks to cut down on the senseless firepower. But we will not infringe on your right to hunt, within reasonable regulations, and we will not infringe on your right to protect your home with non-lethal weapons.
Posted by: Alex Libman at July 15, 2004 08:21 AMI wish the ppl who want the firepower and hunting would just go to zimbabwa, with there elephant gauge guns and the local ak47, my uncle owns like 20 guns, but he is also a officer at my local university, so i get why he has some of them, plus i live on a farm, were gun's are needed to keep pesky animals out. other then that stickter gun laws=better ppl crime rate, look at britian as an expample, not even the cops get guns
Posted by: Joshua Gillogly at July 15, 2004 09:36 AMI see how your baking things up and trying to look like the good guy... and for micheal moore hating this country, never once has he said he hated this country and never once has he done anything to show that he hates this country, and if he supported terrorism he would be supporting bush right now.
Also i love how you keep on stating that fact that "terrorist are evil" and all this shit about how they are dangerious, DUH! wtf do you think we think they are, huge cuddly bears, get real no liberial supports terrorism, there have been more case's of WHITE REPUBLICANS IN THE ARMY TRYING TO SEND AL-QUADA INFORMATION than any liberial.
And yes OH put deer there for the system to make money, it also increase's car insurence, so us the ppl get to maybe kill a deer, get money for the government, and then screw ourselves by truckers and ppl with late shifts or early morning shifts hitting a deer and eventually raising how much we pay.
Posted by: Joshua Gillogly at July 15, 2004 04:08 PMYes confronting the problem.. and i like your glorious speech about it but the fact is, saddam was never the problem, osama bin ladin was the problem, instead of increasing troops in afghan we decreased troops and moved them to iraq. If saddam was ever the problem bush senior would have taken him out with the first war. Nothing has changed between then and now. So don't tell me what running away from problems is, when the person you glorify runs away from all of the problems instead of facing them.
Posted by: Joshua Gillogly at July 16, 2004 02:13 PM